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BPAL Madness!


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Blog Comments posted by Astburygrrl

  1. The problem I have is finding good oranges..our market carries the kind that tend to be on the dry side & have no flavor whatsoever! :) A few months outta the year they do carry the tangelos & every once in awhile we get a small crate that is so succulent & sweet that we cherish each one as if it were mana from heaven.

    Apples..they make me hungry too..they sate me for about 20 mins and then you'll find me poking my head into the pantry/fridge once again. hehe I made a quick cake (Jiffy yellow cake) 2nite w/ chunks of apples & cinnamon/sugar on top and it was SO delish..not too sweet or heavy. :)


    About Che..I agree (ha) that he was quite handsome,which no doubt was half of his appeal to some. I have a really huge 'coffee table' book about his life w/ tons of pics & I have to disagree w/ your friend on him being 'still cute' after being shot to hell. At least from the pics I have seen..it aint pretty..and it actually made me cry. I dont think I could ever look at 'em again, truthfully.

    Your friend sounds like she was a wonderful person..and shes the same age as my Mum. Way too young to die, for sure. *hugz*

  2. Hello Grace! :) Such a gorgeous name and always reminds me of U2's song 'Grace' ..which is such a pleasure to hear. My birth name is Ann which means 'grace' but I've always hated it for some reason. heh

    Anyhoo, congrats on your name change, its truly inspiring! :P



    She takes the blame

    She covers the shame

    Removes the stain

    It could be her name



    It's a name for a girl

    It's also a thought that changed the world

    And when she walks on the street

    You can hear the strings

    Grace finds goodness in everything


    Grace, she's got the walk

    Not on a ramp or on chalk

    She's got the time to talk

    She travels outside of karma

    She travels outside of karma

    When she goes to work

    You can hear her strings

    Grace finds beauty in everything


    Grace, she carries a world on her hips

    No champagne flute for her lips

    No twirls or skips between her fingertips

    She carries a pearl in perfect condition


    What once was hurt

    What once was friction

    What left a mark

    No longer stings

    Because grace makes beauty

    Out of ugly things

  3. OMG. :P Your version kicks booty! I know exactly what I'm making for the 4th now!! :P (omg that smilie! hehe) I did see a great recipe from Curtis Stone on tlc.com..i hope you dont mind me posting another version? :ack: I'm determined to try every version of Sangria now, wheee!


    Serves 6 to 8



    Two 750-ml bottles light and fruity Rioja wine or Beaujolais wine

    2/3 cup/145 ml fresh orange juice

    1/2 cup/100 ml Cointreau

    1/4 cup/45 ml brandy

    2 Fuji apples, quartered, cored and thinly sliced

    1 ruby-red grapefruit, quartered and thinly sliced

    1 Valencia orange, quartered and thinly sliced

    1 lemon, quartered and thinly sliced

    1 lime, quartered and thinly sliced

    Ice cubes




    Stir all the ingredients except the ice cubes in a large jug or pitcher. Cover and refrigerate until cold. Add the ice cubes to the sangria and stir with a wooden spoon. Drink and be merry!

  4. Dude! I found out that Bob is gonna be in Milwaukee July 8th for Summerfest! :P

    I have bought copies of the cds you burned for me cuz i passed those on to a friend of mine who is now obsessed as we are! ;) See what you've started?! heh

    Sangria..? omg yum ;) Thats next on my list of "Summer Drinks to Binge Upon"

    I can see it now..a pitcher of sangria, candles lit, a bag of hot kettle corn & watching "Chocolat"..mmmm

  5. Oh great..another cutie? Is that necessary!? LOL

    David Foster Wallace..hrmm. that sounds like an awfully fascinating story *looks it up*

    Anyhoo..just wanted to say The Doors RULE! I would be utterly happy if the 21st Century Doors would bother to come to my state SOON..dammit. ;) Not holding my breath though. If I were a Doors song I would be "Love Street"..<happy sigh>
