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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by sirensongsouth

  1. Oh my god! This is so awesome and so treacherous! I am so excited about the new scents, I picked out 24 that I must have. I hope you are truly feeling better, I will try to restrain myself from ordering immediately so that you aren't totally overwhelmed with orders. I haven't even made it all the way through the imps ears of my last order yet and now I need to place a new order. Elizabeth you are amazing! By the way, your scents are the only reason my husband now "gets" my scent obsession, in fact now its a game to him. He makes a point of sniffing my neck every evening, which is o.k. by me. :P

  2. Devilishly playful: white peach, amber, golden musk and patchouli.

    Wet: This is the scent of peaches in the height of summer, when you bite into a peach and juice dribbles down your chin.

    Dry: Still sweet, but now the amber, patchouli and musk are coming through. Its a very nice dry-down in my opinion.

    Thoughts: This was too sweet for my tastes, although if you like fruit and sweet scents this is very nicely done. I will continue to wear my imp's ear when I am in the mood for something sweet and summery, but I doubt I will by a bottle.

  3. This is a very nice floral with a musk base. Wet on me it smelled like, guess what? Roses! Dry it was an interesting deep rose scent that was very nice. I am not a big floral gal, but florals with musk are pretty great in my opinion. This was very nicely done, and I expect I will be using the entire imp's ear of this.

  4. This is lovely, I will be ordering a big bottle of this. On me, its a really interesting light floral with a musk base that just sort of fuses with my skin and makes me smell the way I would love to smell all the time naturally. I agree that out of the bottle its a bit much and kind of an intense floral, but on the skin the musk comes out and keeps it from being too-too girly. Its really a quietly sexy scent.

  5. This was way too masculine for me, wet it smells like an amped up Bay Rum. I immediately passed it on to Mr. SirenSong, and wouldn't you know it, it was just delightful on him. He does favor bay-rum so this was not a huge step for him, but it was very nice nonetheless.

  6. This was exactly the scent of hot buttered rum when I first applied it. After drydown, I smell more of a Frangelico nutty alcohol scent. Its yummy enough to make me salivate. That said, I just don't particularly enjoy smelling like something you eat or drink. Nonetheless, if foodie scents are your thing, this is a very adult foodie scent.

  7. On me this is a really tangy, juicy pomegranite with just a touch of rose after the long dry-down. Wet, its nothing but ripe tart pomegranite. In fact, its so tart and tangy on me I can feel it in the back of my throat when I sniff it, sort of like when I taste a fresh lemon. Its lovely but I just don't psychologically enjoy smelling like food. Although, I can see how in the heat and humidity of summer this would be a refreshing scent.


    The essence of the most debauched hunger encapsulated into a perfume. Desire beyond love, anguish beyond sanity. Nutmeg, sassafras, black poppy and myrrh.


    Wet- this smelled vaguely medicinal, sort of a herby-sweet medicinal smell, not offensive, but not terribly enticing. O.k., it smells like you would expect something named laudanum to smell like. :P


    Dry 1 hr later- I think I smell somewhat like a spice cookie. Not a bad thing as I love spice cookies, but I'm not a big foody scent fan.


    Dry 3 hrs later- This I like, the scent has morphed yet again, now I smell yummy spices, warmth, sweetness and floral. Its intoxicatingly good! Its really hard to pick apart the scent as it now seems to be a part of me.


    This is really an interesting scent. I can see where the name came from. Its medicinal, good for you, luring you in with an innocent sweetness. What could possibly be bad about something that smells like cookies? Then the scent turns into something else entirely and drugs you with a delicious, beautiful scent entirely unlike what you thought you were going to get. The drydown is, to my nose, addictive.

  9. I was surprised I liked this, I am not really a floral gal, however the musk and amber tempered the floralness just enough to give it some depth and make it more interesting to my nose. This is a lovely rose scent. I will be wearing more of it in the spring because it is a sunny floral-- or as sunny a floral as I am willing to wear :P

  10. Category: Sin & Salvation


    Thoroughly corrupted: amber, sandalwood, black patchouli and cinnamon.


    Wet and from the bottle: This is definately a dry sandalwood scent!


    On skin 1 hour later: The strong sandalwood has softened around the edges to a spicy warm sandalwood scent with just a hint of powder (possibly the amber?)


    On skin 3 hours later: Love it love it love it, the entire scent has morphed into a beautiful warm but dry scent where I can't entirely pick out the notes individually.


    On skin 5 hours later: just a trace of a delicious aroma is left, I need to reapply.


    This is a beautiful sexy adult scent. It is very very dry, not a trace of sweetness to it, and I like it like that! It could be unisex, but it is definitely feminine enough for me (although I am not a floral girl). It is a sophisticated scent that demands that you wear your makeup and heels. For some reason, browsing the reviews, I got it into my head that BPAL only did sweet scents, but I was wrong. This is as dry a sandalwood based scent as I have ever smelled and it is just beautifully done. If you like sandalwood, I highly recommend this scent.

  11. This is a great day-to-day scent. I love musks because they give such good clean skin scents, and the amber in this one combines with the musk for a clean, gentle powdery scent. This one stays very close to my body and feels like wrapping yourself in a nice warm soft blanket, cuddly and comfortable. I do want to clarify by saying this is a powdery scent, I do not mean the types of scents where the first thing you think of is powder, merely that this is a great skin scent with a touch of powder. Almost the effect you would have if you dusted yourself with really nice powder after a shower but didn't bother to sniff until half a day had gone by.

  12. I have to agree the difference between the scent in the bottle and on is pretty astounding. In the bottle it was a sharp scent, and I wasn't sure I would like it. However, I took a chance and wore it for date-night with my DH. It was perfect, a scent to make me feel hot and to remind my husband that his good little wife was once a flirtatious vixen! This is a very sexy scent with the orange blossom mixing with the spicy patchouli and ginger to a warm spicy floral mix that just exudes not necessarily sex but more like serious flirtation. This is a wonderful scent!

  13. Snake oil is verry nice. On me its a warm, spicy vanilla scent. It lasts quite well, the next day I have just a hint of it left. This is probably close to a universally pretty scent, not too sweet, not too spicy, not too vanilla. Even those among us who are just average suburban soccer moms can appreciate this as a beautiful scent to wear! I will be enjoying my imps ear and very likely following up with a large bottle.
