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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by Pepperminx

  1. I mean, if he can pee in the cooler box, why the fuck can't he pee in a potty? THAT'S WHAT I WANT TO KNOW.

  2. Dante cries when we drop him off at daycare. Does it get any worse?

  3. So, I have hyperthyroidism. Obviously it sucks balls.

  4. I finally have a backup hard drive. I like to live on the edge, but this was getting downright stupid.

  5. It never occurred to me how useless my computer is without Internet. Turns out it's VERY useless.

  6. Heh, sorry about the paypal fee mess! I just wanted to make sure you were covered :)

    ~ Gry (invading_space)

  7. Toodles! :) How are you? Nothing interesting going on?

  8. Thanks, I am totally humbled! Good karma is already on its way to someone else, but in a slightly different manner.. :)

  9. I know I'm so late, but thank you for your happy birthday wishes!

  10. Your icon makes me seriously LOL - it's an old Danish comedy film actor, and I haven't seen him in years and years (in a movie I mean, in real life he has been dead for a long time.) So out of whack to suddenly see him on an avatar.
