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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by Pepperminx

  1. Wide angle or macro?

  2. Will probably take a while longer to get my internet mojo back.

  3. With food shortages, job shortages, E.coli, volcanoes and other natural disasters and hot weather, I worry how this summer will shape up around the globe..

  4. Woah, not a good night last night. It's that effing full moon keeping Dante up. Little werewolf.

  5. Wow, what a shitty fucking day. As we're standing in the long ass checkout line with our bountiful cart stocked for the weekend ahead, they announce over the speakers that there are "issues" with the credit/bank cards - better have cash or too bad, so sad, see ya later!

  6. YAWN! So, what did I miss? =o.

  7. Yay! I woke up and thought it was Tuesday, am very pleasantly surprised.

  8. YAY! My two BPTP orders came today, just giving me enough time to decide about whether or not I need more Spanked and/or Glowing Vulva..

  9. You know what, you guys? Screw politics. I just got my iPhone and am having none of it.Cue Cartman; Screw you guys, I'm going home.

  10. You know, I'm a fairly reasonable human being with fairly reasonable deduction skills. I still can't shake the feeling that the lottery jackpot was meant for me. MEEEE!(I'll settle for a new camera! You hear that Universe?)

  11. You know, laughing is so much better than crying, but fuck if you can help it sometimes...

  12. Your icon makes me seriously LOL - it's an old Danish comedy film actor, and I haven't seen him in years and years (in a movie I mean, in real life he has been dead for a long time.) So out of whack to suddenly see him on an avatar.
