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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by Pepperminx

  1. Poor husband got a bust ear drum from the infection. Shitsticks.

  2. Right now Dante is yelling while slapping the apple tree. Is he a little old drunk man or what?

  3. Sending out a BEACON! Does anyone have a full or near full package of iconbuffet's icons somewhere for download? ISO: iconbuffet icons!

  4. Show me your hidden treasures of the internet, people. Come on, what are they?

  5. Snotting all over the car when dropping Carla off at daycare. I hope this isn't going to be 'a thing.'

  6. Snotting all over the car while picking up Carla from daycare. Head is twice it's normal size. Urgh.

  7. So, I have hyperthyroidism. Obviously it sucks balls.

  8. So.. Legion or The Terminator?

  9. Thanks to K I have G+. Now starts the fretting about how to organize, whether to use an alias or not.. Any tips out there?

  10. Thanks to shady airline ticket booking we will have the pleasure of my mom's company until at least Sunday. Too bad she went all the way to Helsinki before she noticed.

  11. Thanks, I am totally humbled! Good karma is already on its way to someone else, but in a slightly different manner.. :)

  12. The only redeeming thing I can think of in regards to *me* playing Bingo is that it's ONLINE. It matters, right? I'm tech savvy, so I'm not REALLY old, RIGHT?

  13. The picture of Kate Winslet with her arm around Roman Polanski BROKE MY HEART. He is a child rapist, Kate, WHAT ARE YOU THINKING???

  14. To iPhone or not to iPhone, that's a tough call.

  15. Toodles! :) How are you? Nothing interesting going on?

  16. Uh-oh. I think J and Carla have a stomach bug. =/

  17. Urg, my mom was not on her designated bus, now I'm getting worried sick..

  18. Watching Buffy: School Hard, season 2 and eating oven pizza. Could be worse!

  19. Watching Cry Baby tonight! Woohoo!

  20. we started watching season two of Twin Peaks last night.. THE OWLS ARE NOT WHAT THEY SEEM!can't think of a better way to go broke than to spend it all on 80's & 90's movies..

  21. Well. TGIF. Have a good one peeps!

  22. What happened? I'll tell you what happened. I went to bed at 22.45 last night, that's what fucking happened. Man, I feel old.Blerp.

  23. Who of you have hipstamatic? Lets create an album together!

  24. Why is Underpants so hard to find? WHY?
