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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by Pepperminx

  1. Ah, my knight in t-shirt and hoodie is here. Maybe I can go lie down for a spell.

  2. Fuuuuck. Can someone please come and take my uterus on vacation?

  3. Didn't watch Eurovision, didn't watch ice-hockey.. Can't even remember when our digi-box broke, but if it weren't for web news I wouldn't know I'd missed something.

  4. What happened? I'll tell you what happened. I went to bed at 22.45 last night, that's what fucking happened. Man, I feel old.Blerp.

  5. I look positively unhinged in my new ID photo.

  6. Oh yay! The stomach bug reached me in the end. And by "yay!" I obviously mean BOOOO!!

  7. Uh-oh. I think J and Carla have a stomach bug. =/

  8. Ah, the cull wasn't so bad. I doubt anyone will notice :)

  9. My iPhone, I named it Gidget.

  10. Am probably going to do a facebook cull soon, so um, yeah. Toodles :)

  11. Watching Cry Baby tonight! Woohoo!

  12. Happy.. Europe day? I guess?

  13. Had a happy, happy day today! Feel much loved and love. *HUGS* to all you wonderful moms out there.. <3Tonight J is going to henna my hair and I'll make him watch Dirty Dancing & Grease while we eat our Chinese takeout (YUM!), and he'll LOVE IT!

  14. Oh noes, here comes the chopper =/

  15. OK, so when you get down to it, an iPhone is basically a laptop-lite, isn't it?

  16. Oh god, I'm going to spend too much time reading tiny text when I could just read it on the laptop...

  17. You know what, you guys? Screw politics. I just got my iPhone and am having none of it.Cue Cartman; Screw you guys, I'm going home.

  18. So.. Legion or The Terminator?

  19. Felt like painting my nails tonight, all I could find was black nail polish, lol!

  20. Wide angle or macro?

  21. Kitty is AWESOME. That is all.

  22. Good night! It's been a long day and my eyes are starting to look like two little clams.

  23. My god, you people are not good for my wallet. iPhone ordered. Fcuk.

  24. Well. TGIF. Have a good one peeps!

  25. To iPhone or not to iPhone, that's a tough call.
