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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by Pepperminx

  1. I mean, if he can pee in the cooler box, why the fuck can't he pee in a potty? THAT'S WHAT I WANT TO KNOW.

  2. I refuse. This year I am celebrating YEASTER. So THERE.

  3. I uploaded a picture of Carla to instagram, named it Pearly Girly, but Gidget (the iPhone) auto corrected me.. Now her picture says Pearly Gorkin. LULZ

  4. Ick, we got our first flies of the year buzzing about in the house.Why do I always do this to myself? Thinking summer is going to be so much better than winter, conveniently forgetting about all the shit you have to deal with in the summer. I got my first mosquito bite today! FFS!

  5. Is there a good way to connect your flickr account to facebook? I REALLY don't feel like having to upload pictures to TWO different locations, one of which is far inferior to the other (ahem, cough..)

  6. It never occurred to me how useless my computer is without Internet. Turns out it's VERY useless.

  7. It's 20:00 and the sun hasn't set proper yet. Guess who isn't falling asleep! Yay! This could last all summer.

  8. It's our 3rd anniversary today. Happy us!

  9. J is having a polyp removed this very minute. Am more than slightly nervous, but it's just a polyp, polyps are cute little things, right? And surgery is not that bad, RIGHT?

  10. J is helping me with henna while we're watching xXx. 2+ hours of action that makes little sense. Wooh!

  11. Keeping track of the price of the Canon 5D MarkII body on Amazon using The Camelizer and daydreaming.

  12. Kitty is AWESOME. That is all.

  13. Making goulash at 10:30pm. What is wrong with me?

  14. My god, you people are not good for my wallet. iPhone ordered. Fcuk.

  15. My iPhone, I named it Gidget.

  16. note to self; do not put BPAL's Pumpkin Latte on neck. Ow.But also; BPAL WEENIE SEASON IS APPROACHING!

  17. Of course a nurse called to reschedule the appointment and I had to be there an hour earlier.Fortunately I had gum and the doctor, handsome he may be, had a touch of halitosis so we were on equal footing. win/win.

  18. Oh god, I'm going to spend too much time reading tiny text when I could just read it on the laptop...

  19. Oh noes, here comes the chopper =/

  20. Oh yay, can now breathe easy knowing my mom has been picked up from her bus trip. In time for Dante's birthday tomorrow :)

  21. Oh yay! The stomach bug reached me in the end. And by "yay!" I obviously mean BOOOO!!

  22. OK, so my doctor is on facebook and now I thoroughly regret that last status. YOU ARE PERFECT IN EVERY WAY DR, NO SHADE!(just in case..)

  23. OK, so when you get down to it, an iPhone is basically a laptop-lite, isn't it?

  24. Only Black Lace can cut through this ungodly cold.
