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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by Pepperminx

  1. Breaking radio silence to say..: Spring is in the air, doob doob doob doob doob doob, spring is in the air..That is all.

  2. Carla is ambitious. She is playing New Super Mario Wii with 3 remotes at once.

  3. Come on peeps! If you have an iPhone get Hipstamatic Disposable in the app shop and lets fucking do this thing!! Just get the app and I've got a ton of cameras.. Yeah?

  4. Dante cries when we drop him off at daycare. Does it get any worse?

  5. Didn't watch Eurovision, didn't watch ice-hockey.. Can't even remember when our digi-box broke, but if it weren't for web news I wouldn't know I'd missed something.

  6. Fall weather is Roky Erickson weather! Welcome Halloween in style with Creature With the Atom Brain, I Walked With a Zombie, Two Headed Dog..

  7. FCUK! Romanti.Goth is puuuuuure sex on me. WHY ME!?

  8. Fcuk. I need to get a new ID and I don't want to go have my picture taken. I also don't want to bother with the damn passport... Anyone know if I have to actually visit the embassy in Helsinki to get a new Danish passport?

  9. Felt like painting my nails tonight, all I could find was black nail polish, lol!

  10. Finally fall weather. Time to bust out the pumpkins, musks and spices.

  11. Fuuuuck. Can someone please come and take my uterus on vacation?

  12. Gah, am still hacking up the gunk. Summer colds are the worst.

  13. Going to a doctor's visit in one and a half hours and just ate a ton of garlic. Maybe not the best decision I've made today.

  14. Good night! It's been a long day and my eyes are starting to look like two little clams.

  15. Had a happy, happy day today! Feel much loved and love. *HUGS* to all you wonderful moms out there.. <3Tonight J is going to henna my hair and I'll make him watch Dirty Dancing & Grease while we eat our Chinese takeout (YUM!), and he'll LOVE IT!

  16. Happy.. Europe day? I guess?

  17. Have been searching for some old classmates here, but it's difficult cause I can't remember their names (dude, I was 10, cut me some slack!) The ones I find bring back memories, hah.Also, peeps, if I ask you if you remember me and you don't, don't feel bad. I never stuck around for long..

  18. Have you ever wished for something so much, been so certain that you wanted it, known that it would make your life so much better.. Just to realize, when you got it, that you weren't ready in the least.That is how I feel about fall. Damn.

  19. HOO-FUCKING-RAY!The bday gift made it :) All is well with our world, for now.

  20. I can smell again! How I've missed my nose...

  21. I finally have a backup hard drive. I like to live on the edge, but this was getting downright stupid.

  22. I have a wheezy lung so am staying up, bored, so as not to wake the baby or J with my wheezing.

  23. I have atleast 2 packages en route. Today better be a good mail day!

  24. I know I'm so late, but thank you for your happy birthday wishes!

  25. I look positively unhinged in my new ID photo.
