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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by Pepperminx

  1. I have atleast 2 packages en route. Today better be a good mail day!

  2. Finally fall weather. Time to bust out the pumpkins, musks and spices.

  3. Only Black Lace can cut through this ungodly cold.

  4. I can smell again! How I've missed my nose...

  5. J is having a polyp removed this very minute. Am more than slightly nervous, but it's just a polyp, polyps are cute little things, right? And surgery is not that bad, RIGHT?

  6. Why is Underpants so hard to find? WHY?

  7. Making goulash at 10:30pm. What is wrong with me?

  8. Am so absolutely shattered.. All these months of J being in bad health has really gotten to the whole family. Need resting time, just an itty bitty break. And good health, damnit.

  9. Sending out a BEACON! Does anyone have a full or near full package of iconbuffet's icons somewhere for download? ISO: iconbuffet icons!

  10. Am trying to enjoy the day - both kids are getting vaccinated tomorrow and I think we're looking at a weekend of little to no sleep, so yay? At least the weather is nice today!Also noteworthy: tonsil stones. No good, and good for nothing, FYI. Nasty.

  11. YAY! My two BPTP orders came today, just giving me enough time to decide about whether or not I need more Spanked and/or Glowing Vulva..

  12. J is helping me with henna while we're watching xXx. 2+ hours of action that makes little sense. Wooh!

  13. FCUK! Romanti.Goth is puuuuuure sex on me. WHY ME!?

  14. Fcuk. I need to get a new ID and I don't want to go have my picture taken. I also don't want to bother with the damn passport... Anyone know if I have to actually visit the embassy in Helsinki to get a new Danish passport?

  15. The picture of Kate Winslet with her arm around Roman Polanski BROKE MY HEART. He is a child rapist, Kate, WHAT ARE YOU THINKING???

  16. Carla is ambitious. She is playing New Super Mario Wii with 3 remotes at once.

  17. I have a wheezy lung so am staying up, bored, so as not to wake the baby or J with my wheezing.

  18. Woah, not a good night last night. It's that effing full moon keeping Dante up. Little werewolf.

  19. Yay! I woke up and thought it was Tuesday, am very pleasantly surprised.

  20. Wow, what a shitty fucking day. As we're standing in the long ass checkout line with our bountiful cart stocked for the weekend ahead, they announce over the speakers that there are "issues" with the credit/bank cards - better have cash or too bad, so sad, see ya later!

  21. It's 20:00 and the sun hasn't set proper yet. Guess who isn't falling asleep! Yay! This could last all summer.

  22. All the fem-power in the world can't make me stop waxing my brow & stache.Also, no power in the world can seem to make me learn how to do it right.Suxor.

  23. I refuse. This year I am celebrating YEASTER. So THERE.

  24. The only redeeming thing I can think of in regards to *me* playing Bingo is that it's ONLINE. It matters, right? I'm tech savvy, so I'm not REALLY old, RIGHT?

  25. Is there a good way to connect your flickr account to facebook? I REALLY don't feel like having to upload pictures to TWO different locations, one of which is far inferior to the other (ahem, cough..)
