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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by Pepperminx

  1. Heh, sorry about the paypal fee mess! I just wanted to make sure you were covered :)

    ~ Gry (invading_space)

  2. "Something came out of my butt, and it made a sound. And it smelled funny." - StimpyHoly hell, this shit is kinda traumatic.

  3. "Uumm" she says."Can you please leave, I am naked right now" I say.What. The. Fuck.

  4. 1000 thanks to my mom for letting us go see Hanna - it's the first time we've ever left Dante and he didn't even notice we were gone (although we didn't sneak out.)The movie was fucking kick ass.

  5. A fart is a wish your butt makes.

  6. Aaawww.. Dante says isä (dad)

  7. Ah, my knight in t-shirt and hoodie is here. Maybe I can go lie down for a spell.

  8. Ah, the cull wasn't so bad. I doubt anyone will notice :)

  9. All the fem-power in the world can't make me stop waxing my brow & stache.Also, no power in the world can seem to make me learn how to do it right.Suxor.

  10. Alright, operation Clean Up is commencing. Mom will arrive on Friday! Everyone is excited, Carla especially!

  11. Also, Zooey Deschanel singing Winnie The Pooh score? Nice.. She is sufficiently breathy.

  12. Am falling down the rabbit hole of SUMMER HEAD COLDS, oh yay me! I have a headache and my sinuses are aching and dry as a bone. Count me out for today, eh? No wait, make that the rest of the week. Possibly the rest of the month..

  13. Am probably going to do a facebook cull soon, so um, yeah. Toodles :)

  14. Am really surprised we managed to get Carla off to daycare every day this week. She is always pert when everyone else is sick.

  15. Am so absolutely shattered.. All these months of J being in bad health has really gotten to the whole family. Need resting time, just an itty bitty break. And good health, damnit.

  16. Am tempted to build an arena for these two beasts and see which one comes out alive.

  17. Am trying to enjoy the day - both kids are getting vaccinated tomorrow and I think we're looking at a weekend of little to no sleep, so yay? At least the weather is nice today!Also noteworthy: tonsil stones. No good, and good for nothing, FYI. Nasty.

  18. Anyone else using G+? We should meet over there! :)

  19. Anyone else using instagram?

  20. At least J gets to test out his "new sinuses", so there's that. Yeah, I know it's a stretch, but what the hell. In other words: this sucks.

  21. Blarg. Spent the morning at the health central with a sick toddler and husband. It's practically our second home these days.

  22. Blargh. So sick..

  23. Both chilluns got their shots, won't have to see any doctors, nurses or midwives for at least 5 months *knock on wood x10000*Now lets see if we get any rest tonight.

  24. Both kids are now in daycare/preschool. All this free time is making me dizzy.
