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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by Pepperminx

  1. It never occurred to me how useless my computer is without Internet. Turns out it's VERY useless.

  2. I finally have a backup hard drive. I like to live on the edge, but this was getting downright stupid.

  3. So, I have hyperthyroidism. Obviously it sucks balls.

  4. Dante cries when we drop him off at daycare. Does it get any worse?

  5. I mean, if he can pee in the cooler box, why the fuck can't he pee in a potty? THAT'S WHAT I WANT TO KNOW.

  6. "Uumm" she says."Can you please leave, I am naked right now" I say.What. The. Fuck.

  7. OK, so my doctor is on facebook and now I thoroughly regret that last status. YOU ARE PERFECT IN EVERY WAY DR, NO SHADE!(just in case..)

  8. Of course a nurse called to reschedule the appointment and I had to be there an hour earlier.Fortunately I had gum and the doctor, handsome he may be, had a touch of halitosis so we were on equal footing. win/win.

  9. Going to a doctor's visit in one and a half hours and just ate a ton of garlic. Maybe not the best decision I've made today.

  10. Both kids are now in daycare/preschool. All this free time is making me dizzy.

  11. Right now Dante is yelling while slapping the apple tree. Is he a little old drunk man or what?

  12. note to self; do not put BPAL's Pumpkin Latte on neck. Ow.But also; BPAL WEENIE SEASON IS APPROACHING!

  13. A fart is a wish your butt makes.

  14. we started watching season two of Twin Peaks last night.. THE OWLS ARE NOT WHAT THEY SEEM!can't think of a better way to go broke than to spend it all on 80's & 90's movies..

  15. Am tempted to build an arena for these two beasts and see which one comes out alive.

  16. Breaking radio silence to say..: Spring is in the air, doob doob doob doob doob doob, spring is in the air..That is all.

  17. Come on peeps! If you have an iPhone get Hipstamatic Disposable in the app shop and lets fucking do this thing!! Just get the app and I've got a ton of cameras.. Yeah?

  18. Also, Zooey Deschanel singing Winnie The Pooh score? Nice.. She is sufficiently breathy.

  19. Thanks to shady airline ticket booking we will have the pleasure of my mom's company until at least Sunday. Too bad she went all the way to Helsinki before she noticed.

  20. HOO-FUCKING-RAY!The bday gift made it :) All is well with our world, for now.

  21. Oh yay, can now breathe easy knowing my mom has been picked up from her bus trip. In time for Dante's birthday tomorrow :)

  22. Who of you have hipstamatic? Lets create an album together!

  23. Am really surprised we managed to get Carla off to daycare every day this week. She is always pert when everyone else is sick.

  24. Poor husband got a bust ear drum from the infection. Shitsticks.
