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Everything posted by Pepperminx

  1. Pepperminx

    Upa Upa

    It's amazing to see the different scents that people compare this to. To me it's Sugar Skull and fruit punch, and that is a little different than I had expected. But I am liking it enough to keep the bottle! * * * Edited to add that testing this again today I get Egg Nog with a splash of pineapple and a tiny dash of coconut. Freshly applied there is a slightly fakey note to it, but it fades rather quickly. All in all, love it, still!
  2. Pepperminx


    Finally a Yule scent I'm not crazy about! I thought this might be a 2 bottle purchase, but it is just so very nondescript on me (thank goodness, because I've got plenty already). When I applied it to my wrists I thought I could smell skin musk, but that note isn't listed, so I don't know what is up with that. I recognize the coconut, and something slightly fruity, but it's very bland and watered down on me, my skin must drink it right up. I agree with the above poster that it's well blended, for the same reason as they stated - I just wish it jumped out at me more! It's been nary an hour and I can hardly smell it anymore. I'm keeping the bottle though, I might just try it again in a few months! - - - I pulled this out again, and Oh My GOD! I don't know what has changed, me or the oil, but it smells divine now! I get mostly fruity notes from this, and it sticks around for much longer than before. I'm glad I decided to keep my bottle!
  3. Pepperminx

    The Fruit of Paradise

    Another Yule that I absolutely adore! I seem to amp pomegranate like mad, which is sad because I wanted to love Swank so bad that I bought a 5ml bottle, but I had to sell it off again because it gave me headaches. But The Fruit of Paradise has enough of something else to take the edge off the pomegranate, yet all I get is sweet juicy pomegranate - if that makes any sense. It also lasts and lasts and lasts, and the throw is awesome! The smell still lingers in a shirt of mine, even though it was two days ago that I wore it and the scent. I had some reservations about buying this as a bottle considering my issue with pomegranate, but I set out to buy all the Yules this year (I missed last year's, sniff!) so it made the cut, and I'm so glad it did. I might even get another bottle!
  4. Pepperminx

    Midwinter's Eve

    Yummy! This is what it would smell like if All Souls and Purple Phoenix got together over some girlie drinks (think umbrella and cherry on a toothpick) in a smoke filled bar. There is a ton of berry in this, and it's smells purple to me. Along side the berry there is a sweetness to it that is more cake than fruit (maybe a tiny bit vanilla-ish?), and also lots of incense. It softens as it dries, but there isn't a whole lot of morphing going on. It has medium to good throw on me - we shall see how long it lasts. This is such a winner. I've now officially got too many favorites among this year's Yule scents.
  5. Pepperminx

    Egg Nog

    Oh, this one is delightful, but sadly very very faint, and it only lasts so long. In any case I'm glad I've got a bottle. Might even get another one to see how it ages. I haven't ever had egg nog, but this smells just like I would imagine weak egg nog would smell like. Creamy, a little boozy and a tiny bit spicy! Lovely!
  6. Pepperminx

    Rose Red

    2007 This is probably going to sound weird, especially considering that I'm not usually into roses, but this is the first ever BPAL that has made me feel uber sexy - and I honestly don't know what to think about that. isn't it supposed to be all innocent and stuff? In the bottle the first waft is almost disgusting, I have no idea what it is, but it's an incredibly sharp, almost green note, and then it's gone *poof* like that, and there is the rose. Same thing when I apply, except the yucky sharp notes linger a little longer. As it dries it goes very powdery on me, but in a good way. TOTALLY GOOD WAY! It goes sweet and lush, wild but soft at the same time and it almost gives me a head rush. Wow. This is a rose that I like, that I can wear. Amazing. And it has good throw and lasts for a good amount of time. Will definitely get more of this!
  7. Pepperminx

    All Souls

    2007 All Souls is one of my favorite of the Halloweenies! I've already gotten a backup bottle, that's how much I like it. On me this is mostly incense. Very very sweet, tingle-in-your-nose incense. I do get a bit of sugary white cake, but again, it's still mostly incense, and I love it. The only drawback is that it lasts, at most, around an hour on my skin before I have to reapply. But I can live with that!
  8. Pepperminx

    Sugar Skull

    2007 I get brown sugar from this. I haven't tried any other version, so I can't compare, but this one I know for sure is lovely on me. It took a while to get used to though, I had to test it a couple of times before I decided I liked it. It reminds me a lot of Pink Moon 2007, which I initially hated, but later warmed up to (I wish I'd kept the bottle!), I think it's the same brown sugar note in both. I don't get much, if any fruit, but I don't mind. I already have enough backup bottles of this to last me for years.
  9. Pepperminx

    Gingerbread Poppet

    2007 Oh dear lord - this is absolutely delicious! It's gingerbread cookies, straight from the oven. It's warm, it's cozy, it's Christmas in a bottle! Got to order more!
  10. Pepperminx

    Snow White

    2007 Oh, I like this! It's such an unique scent that I had to ponder and sniff for a while before coming to that conclusion. It starts out kind of funky wet, a bit plastic if you will, but that slowly fades as it dries down. Then it's both coconut and almond on me (or is that cherry?). I don't quite get the florals, but then I'm not very good at picking out those notes. I do get a bit of "chill" from this, but when I asked my spouse He said it was a very warm scent, and I get that TOO, so I guess it's quite complex.. It has an odd synthetic smell in the background the whole time, but it doesn't bother me. Another bottle is already en route!
  11. Pepperminx

    The Perilous Parlor

    I thought I would like this, so I ordered two bottles immediately. Unfortunately it doesn't really work on me. It's pear and vanilla alright, and I can imagine this being really good on the right person, but it turns play-doh on me. The pear turns funky and plastic while the vanilla just kinda sits there, doing neither this nor that to help the scent work on my skin. I'm glad I got two bottles though because I'm keeping one for myself just in case it gets better with some aging, but I also have one to give away as a Christmas present! Yay for enabling! - - - It's been a handful of months now, and I decided to try this out again. I've been wearing it for a couple of days straight and not the slightest hint of funk or play-doh to be had anywhere! The pear is soft and subtle, the vanilla warm and cuddly. Love it!
  12. Pepperminx

    La Befana

    I love this! There is something in this blend that reminds me of both The Atrocious Attic and The Emathides, something sweet and slightly salty, with a splash of violet in the background. Do these three really have anything in common, or is it just me? Mostly I smell buttery caramel and powder, but there is a hint of something floral too. This is pretty much how it stays while drying down on my wrists. I like this a lot and I'm glad I got a bottle. I might even get a backup!
  13. Pepperminx

    Scorpio 2007

    In the bottle it smells almost minty, I’m kinda guessing it’s the wormwood. It’s a dark herbal smell, with a little freshness to it, which I guess might be the basil. When I put it on it immediately turns quite sweet and VERY resinous. I can clearly smell the dragon’s blood resin, even though I don’t own that many oils with dragon’s blood, it stands out a lot at first. The opoponax is sweetening it up a whole lot - or it’s the dark musk which tends to go very sweet on me, or more likely, it’s a combination of the two. Reading up on Wikipedia, galangal is supposed to give a faint hint of citrus - that explains the freshness. No real hint of basil, but I’m sure it’s adding to the herbalness of the blend. This is a nice resinous/herbal blend that I’d probably wear a lot if I were into resins more. I can imagine this being a fantastic room fragrance! I'm no longer selling or trading my stash, but if I were I'd still keep this, and not just because it's my sign.
  14. Hmmm... I think I know which chocolate you are referring to, but I'm not sure as I've never tasted it (I'm an immigrant, heh!) - but you've caught my attention. I'll see if I can get myself a bar of this and then see if I can compare the taste to a scent.
  15. Pepperminx


    I don't know if the bottle I swapped for might've contained something else, because on me Ostara turned to pure lemon all purpose cleaning liquid. Nothing else stood out and after a half hour I just had to wash it off. Thankfully someone else wanted to give it a go too, and hopefully it will get more appreciation a third time around.
  16. Pepperminx

    Monster Bait: Bloody Mary

    Wow, I'm glad I got two bottles of this, and an accidental third from the lab, so I've got enough to last me for a long time. On me Bloody Mary turns mostly strawberries. They're sweet, yes, but they're also very fresh smelling, ripe but not overly so. There is a vanilla-esque note in there too that is absolutely yummy! It's got a nice throw for a couple of hours, after that I need to reapply. This is a definite favorite of mine.
  17. Pepperminx

    Pink Moon 2007

    I was so hoping I'd love this scent - nay, so SURE I'd love this scent, but alas, it is probably the one BPAL scent I've tested so far that made me ill. It just smells of bitter, burnt sugar on me. The carnations are there but I've no clue what phlox smells like, and even if I did it would do me no good - Pink Moon just doesn't work on me. Even so, I'm keeping the bottle. Maybe half a year/a year will do it some good! ETA: It's been two months now and Pink moon is not at all as offensive to my nose as it was when I first tried it. I came down with a bad cold on the evening of trying it the first time, so that is probably why I had such a bad reaction to it. It's not one of my favorites, but it's not bad either.
  18. Pepperminx


    Pele smells like "clean" to me. Whatever clean smells like, it smells like Pele. Most people seem to associate Pele with white, but on me it smells rather yellow, and like on most people it fades quickly. This is definitely one of my favorites!
  19. Pepperminx

    Enraged Bunny Musk

    This turned out to be nothing like I thought it would be, but I've worn it every day for the past week'ish, so it's all good! The citrus smell (clover?!) is overwhelming the first minute or so when I put this on, but it quickly fades and the white musk comes out. It's faintly sweet on me, and it lasts for a couple of hours or three. I definitely love this, even though I don't get a spring feeling from it like I thought I would - this scent seem to be an all year round'er and I'm very happy I bought it unsniffed!