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Posts posted by cameroncrazed

  1. In the imp: ozone and jasmine.


    Wet on skin: Slightly sharp floral. I'm assuming the sharpness is from the ozone.


    Dry on skin: Strongest note is the jasmine, followed by the ozone, and then soft florals. I occasionally get a slight hint of the musk, but it's rare.


    Overall: 9/10 for capturing the cold star-iness. However, for my use, 5/10. Very "traditional" flowery perfume to my nose. Reminds me a lot of a perfume my mother used to wear. It's a bit out of my comfort range of scents, but I can see how someone who loves florals would adore this one. I definitely get the "cold" feeling from it. It's been on for more than two hours and is just as strong as it was when I put it on.

  2. My apple picks are... The Hesperides (caramel apple and misty orchard), Ladon (evil sexy apple), Punkie Night (crisp apples with cranberries), Mock Turtle's Lessons (green apple with a light splash of lime and mint), Verdandi (sweet cider-y apples) and Creepy (butterscotch apple). Also, Aunt Caroline's Joy Mojo has a candy apple-like scent to me, at times.

  3. In the imp: mmm, apple blossom


    Wet on skin: Biting into a ripe Red Delicious and letting the sweet juice run down your arm.


    Dry on skin: Invitingly seductive deep apple. I think it's the hyacinth giving it that sweet scent and the dragon's blood making it take on that darkness.


    Overall: 9/10. I can't stop sniffing my arm. Reminds me a lot of The Hesperides and Punkie Night. The dragon's blood alternates between smelling so good with the apple vs. making it smell like I've rolled around in apple-scented plastic. I would not refer to this as a "foody" apple, unlike the Hesperides (caramel apples) or Punkie Night (cranberry apple). This is going on my list for a bottle. :D



    Additional Thoughts: If The Hesperides is the sweet childhood romance apple saying "stay with me, be my love!" and Punkie Night is the playful crisp apple saying "let's go out and play, I love autumn!", then Ladon is a cross between the seductive Mrs. Robinson apple saying "why don't you come up and see me sometime? :P " and the tough punk saying "who are you calling an apple?" Seductive and sexy and evil all rolled into one. Definitely agree with the above review that refered to Ladon as "Sexy Evil Apples".

  4. In the imp: mmm, vanilla.


    Wet on skin: Even split between the orris and the vanilla. Gorgeous.


    Dry on skin: Sexy deep vanilla creme with orris and lily. Even better than the wet stage, and that's saying a lot.


    Overall: 12/10. This is the vanilla I've been looking for. Sweet without going totally foody. Sexy without being slutty. The sandalwood and amber ground the vanilla and florals so that it's not too overwhelming. I can't stop sniffing my wrists. I've got to get big bottles of this one. I think I've finally found my signature scent, the one I wear all the time. :P

  5. I've got to give an hour long talk tomorrow - eep! :P I have problems with public speaking - I get shaky, trembly, and feel like passing out. To make it worse, this is a talk about my research, and I have to give it to people that are somewhat knowledgeable about it. I've always gotten the impression that most of them think that I'm an idiot - and the rest just think I'm, well, 'dizzy' and too young.


    Is there an oil that not only will calm me, but will also either (1) give me a much-needed boost of self-esteem or (2) bewitch the audience into not laughing at me? I've got a fairly large size collection, so feel free to start naming perfumes.

  6. Imp: JASMINE! Jasmine, jasmine, jasmine, jasmine. And just a tinsy bit of amber.


    Wet: Whoa, sweet powdery ambery musky rose. Roses dipped in sugar, almost.


    Dry: Sweet rose with the faintest hint of amber and jasmine. I'm getting no citrus at all.


    Overall: 9/10 overall, 10/10 for the rose scents. This is the best rose I've ever tried. I'm not even a fan of rose, and I adore this scent. It's not a fresh-cut rose but neither is it one of those rose scents you'd expect an 90 year old woman with blue hair to wear. Whenever I need something for a formal event, fancy-shmancy dinner, or a seduction, this will be the imp I reach for. Great throw (but not too much). I ordered it for the citrus, but I can't get even the slightly whisp of an orange/lemon/grapefruit/whatever - but that's fine. It's still an absolutely amazingly lovely scent. :P

  7. In the imp: pumpkin butter


    Wet on skin: fruity pumpkin butter, with a hint of something bubblegummy lurking in the background


    Dry on skin: Ack! Gah! Wash it off! :P This is just like that fake bubble gum medicine they tried to force me to take as a kid - amoxicillin, I believe.


    Overall: 1/10. If I could keep that initial wet note, it would be ranked much much higher. Maybe it'll be usable as a room scent in my oil burner, it might just be my skin chemistry. Whatever that icky medicine was, I always reacted really badly to it - allergic reactions, hives, etc. Maybe it's just negative reinforcement, but I can't stand the smell of it now. Doh.


    Note: I should mention that this was aged PP#3 from last year. Maybe it had something to do with the aging that caused it to turn into the amoxicillin pumpkin of doom?

  8. To start off, let me say that I'm ignorant - very ignorant - because I don't know what pomegranates smell like. With that being said...


    In the imp: Those red starbursts melted into cleaning fluid. Do I really want to wear this?


    Wet on skin: Ooooh, much better! Fruity! Almost like Hawaiian punch, but not. I like!


    Dry on skin: Still STRONG fruit scent, with a twist of lemon.


    Overall: 8/10. Never did really smell the alcohol portion of the martini. I guess the bartender thought that my ID was a fake and made a virgin pomegranate martini. It's almost like a fruit punch or a fruit punch-like candy, but not quite. Will be great in the spring or on one of those dark dank winter days where I want a hint of a promise that spring and summer will be back soon. Mmm, deep wet red fruit.

  9. In the imp: VANILLA with a tiny bit of currant.


    Wet on skin: Oh wow. Are we 100% positive that this isn't edible? The most complex layering of vanilla cake with currant. Amazing.


    Dry on skin: I'm getting mostly the currant. Very very lovely. The vanilla's in the background, and for once isn't the dominating note.


    Overall: 9.5/10. A great foody scent. Very hungry now. Very reminiscent of the feel that I get from Bordello. This is the bordello the next morning when everyone's in the kitchen, snacking on cake with layers of currant jam filling while gossiping about what happened the previous night. I love it! :P

  10. In the imp: mmmm, mint julep. Reminds me of the time that we mixed them up in gallon jugs for a company lunch - ahh, good times. How I've missed you, minty bourbon. My Southern accent is already getting stronger just smelling this concoction of the Gods. :P


    Wet and dry on skin: Sweet mint. Mint with sugar. Minted sugar. No matter how I phrase it, it's still the same - somehow the bourbon has disappeared totally.


    Overall: 9.5/10. I don't care (all that much) that the bourbon's gone bye-bye, I do so adore a good sugary mint. I think this will probably be my signature scent of the summer.

  11. In the imp: light mint.


    Wet on skin: APPLE with hints of mint and lime.


    Dry on skin: um... a very light aquatic with an apple top note. The mint is very faint, only asserts itself briefly once every 10 minutes or so.


    Overall: 9/10. Very "green" and fem on me. Will be a great fresh scent for summer. Last several hours on me, but not that much through.

  12. In the imp: spicy cranberries


    Wet on skin: mostly sweet-spicy cranberry


    Dry on skin: the longer I have it on, the less obvious the cranberry is - the lilies really kick in (I've noticed that lily is one of the scents that my skin really amps, so it'll probably stay berryish longer on other people or in a scent locket)


    Overall: 8/10. If I had to pick one word for this blend, it would be "dark". Lampades will either be an autumn scent for me or a clubbing scent (seductive dark berry/floral). Either way, it's great :P

  13. In the imp: White wine. Huh, that's.. not expected. Good white wine, as opposed to really crappy horse piss-style white wine, but I hope it doesn't always smell like wine.


    Wet on skin: Welch's grape juice with a chaser of Dimetapp.


    Dry on skin: It's settled into a sweet - very sweet - and somewhat creamy Dimetapp.


    Overall: 7/10. I'm sure there's days I'll want to smell like sweet grapes, but it's not today. Maybe later on in the summer when I desire a fruity scent. Can't say anything about effectiveness due to foul mood I was in before I put scent on. I feel somewhat more confident and courageous, but not sure if it's due to High John or not.

  14. In the imp: was the imp accidentally filled with baby oil?


    Wet on skin: creamy, silky, slightly-soapy baby oil


    Dry on skin: Creamy, slightly vanilla-y, clean scent. Vaguely herbal. Soap-like, in the "clean" sense.


    Overall: 6/10 for scent - herbally vanilla soap's nice, but not an everyday scent for me.

    Effect: 9/10. The interns were following me like they were ducklings and I was the extremely good smelling mama duck, and were following way too closely. Granted, it wasn't a "I want to follow you home and take you in a manly way" sort of following, but still. Other guys on our floor also responded. And I got a free lunch! That's almost financially prosperous :P

  15. Won't try to dissect what I smelled in the imp, wet, and dry, because really, I don't know what the notes are. I'm getting a very clean creamy aquatic vaguely reminiscent of fabric softener. It's a gorgeous light scent, very aquatic. Really lovely, and now I'm kicking myself for not buying a bottle when it was re-available a few weeks ago. Doh! Definitely a 10/10 for me.

  16. In the imp: wintermint


    Wet on skin: MINT! And more mint! I think the top notes are wintermint and spearmint. Can't detect any peppermint.


    Dry on skin: Settles into a more aquatic mint. Like someone's made a mint-flavored/scented snow cream and let it melt. Springs of mint floating in pools of what used to be snow and ice. Something vaguely herbal underneath all the wonderful mintalicious aquatics.


    Overall: 10/10. I feel 20 degrees cooler wearing this, will be great for those scorching Southern summer days where I don't want to do anything except for lounge in the AC (or any day I want to regain my high school title of Ice Princess). Wish it had a bit more throw, but still really nice. Honestly, once dry, not nearly as minty as I thought it would be. I can see this being nice on anyone, definitely falls in the unisex category for me. Wish I'd been around to order a bottle when they were available. :P

  17. In the imp: Did I accidentally pick up Black Pearl?


    Wet on skin: Still similar to Black Pearl; predominant scent is coconut.


    Dry on skin: A deeper, somewhat spicier, less floral version of Black Pearl. Deep coconut.


    Overall: 8/10. As much as I adore Black Pearl, the floral note in it is very strong and can be very heady. Blood Pearl is a deeper less floral version. Black Pearl feels more sexy while Blood Pearl is a more comforting scent. Not as long lasting as Black Pearl, but still is good for hours (I'm at 5 hours now, it's starting to die on me). I like.

  18. I have no clue what dragon's blood smells like, so I went into this a bit baffled.


    In the imp: salty spicy


    Wet on skin and dry on skin: wet and dry were exactly the same. I mostly get the aquatic notes. It's a very "clean" smell on me. More floral than I expected - is that lily?

    Slightly salty, almost sweet at times.


    Overall: 9/10. Love this scent. I'm having serious trouble picking out individual notes, but I adore the blend. I think this will be great for summer. :P

  19. In the imp: Yum, tropical drink.


    Wet on skin: Noticed mint first, then coconut, then orange/pineapple. Really, at this stage, mint was predominant.


    Dry on skin: Mint's faded some. Coconut/orange/pineapple still going strong, only sweeter now with the addition reminiscent of lemon drops. Around 30 minutes on, loses some of the sweetness and gains bitterness with the addition of lime. Too bitter to take a big whiff of my arm. Around the hour mark, the bitterness dies away and vanilla kicks in. Ends up with a vanilla/coconut base with lighter hints of citrus (orange/lemon/lime). Mint occasionally reasserts itself.


    Overall: 9/10. Will definitely agree with the comparisons with Spooky - that was one of my first thoughts when I put it on. Also agree with the idea of the aura of this scent. Could live without that half hour of bitterness, but oh well. Very tempted to try layering this one with a vanilla or coconut based body wash and lotion - might add the sweetness necessary to carry me through the bitter time without drowning out the notes I love. Makes me want to grab some fruit, a can of coconut milk, and a blender. :P

  20. In the imp: Is that patchouli?


    Wet on skin: Gah! It is patchouli!


    Dry on skin: Patchouli, patchouli, patchouli with a touch of something slightly creamy. Several hours later (i.e. 6 or 7), it's settled into patchouli + powder + something slightly sweet.


    Overall: 5/10. Not a patchouli fan, mostly because my chemistry amps patchouli over everything else in a blend. I was worried about reviews that mentioned cinnamon - did not get the burning welts that I've gotten with cinnamon/cassia blends in the past, so I'm either not as sensitive as I was, the cinnamon's not as concentrated in this blend, or there is no cinnamon. Very long-lasting scent on me. Wore this while I wasn't around other people, so if I find that it is as alluring as the description says it is, I'll edit again and up the overall score.

  21. In the imp: Pink bubblegum. The type that you love smacking on and blowing ginormous (yes, I know that's not a real word ) bubbles with. Screamingly PINK!


    Wet on skin: Pink bubblegum and sweet lollipops. Oh boy, feeling giggly and happy already. It's probably because it's a scent very reminiscent of childhood, at least to me.


    Dry on skin: I'm not exactly sure what that scent is, but the closest I can guess is vanilla + candy apples (not so much 'apple' as it is the oozy sugar that they're dipped in). Let's just call it liquid sugar (liquid sugar, liquid crack, same difference :P)


    Overall: 10/10. I adore this scent. :D No clue if I'll be this happy giggly bubbly ever time I wear it, or if today's an oddity, but who cares when you smell this good? Need a BIG bottle - this will definitely make it easier to face work (and it'll be a lot cheaper than just drinking my way through the rest of grad school). :D

  22. In the imp: mmm, boozy strawberries


    Wet on the skin: oooh! fresh strawberries!


    Dry on skin: it varies between fresh strawberries floating in a glass of the bubbly, a strawberry wine cooler, and these strawberry candies I absolutely adore.


    Overall: 9.5-10/10. Sweet strawberries - what more do I need? I adore this scent, and since it's GC, I can endulge myself whenever I want to. Light, but oh so very lovely. :P

  23. In the imp: smoky sweet booze


    Wet on skin: Shockingly light and sweet. Very innocent, even. Huh? Where's the booze and musk and smoke? Where's the dark goodness?


    Dry on skin (<30 minutes): There's that smoky sweet boozy smell I noted in the imp. Very reminiscent of autumn fires, very comforting (pyromaniac, me? never! :D ) Much stronger than it was while it was still wet.


    Dry on skin (30 min - 2 hours): This is an odd mix. I'm getting the sugar, the booze (only nowhere near as strong as earlier), smoke, and faint hints of apple cider? It's more like the spices rather than the apple part of cider.


    Dry on skin (> 2 hours): Ok, now I'm really baffled. This has morphed into a musky vanilla on me. It's lovely, but where did the vanilla come from? :P I can still get an occasional waft of booze, which is driving me crazy - I know that scent and just can't seem to place it (other than it's not my usual Malibu or Kahlua).


    Overall: 8/10. Will make a great autumn scent or I can slather it on for a night out. Not as strong as I expected - doesn't have the throw I'd like. I've yet to meet a booze or a musk that I haven't like, and Devil's Night is no exception - the sugar and vanilla (I'm still confused by that one) make this an instant love.

  24. In the imp: oh, boy, that's strong mint


    Wet on skin: like I melted Andes mints into a cup of Malibu


    Dry: It's switching back in forth between 3 scents, quickly. One second it's all mint, like an afterdinner mint - and emphasis on MINT, very strong. Then it's a Thin Mint cookie being dunked in Malibu (which gives me all sorts of wonderful ideas... hmm...). Now it's some sort of chocolate-covered coconut macaroon. Now it's back to strong mint.


    Overall: 9/10. Love this. :P Mint, chocolate, and coconut are some of my fav scents and how in the world could I not love something that makes me go "oooh! Malibu!"? Wish I had buckets of this rather than a decant imp.
