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Everything posted by savage_rose

  1. savage_rose

    All Souls

    This scent is so sweet, but you can almost smell the dryness of the cake, and the musky fruitiness of the currant. Each scent is still present, yet distinct. Mmmm! And oddly enough, the left wrist smells more like smoky, sweet incense--the right wrist smells more strongly of the fruity cake. Wacky body chemistry!
  2. savage_rose

    The smell of night

    Carpathian Mountains smelled cold and snowy to me. But it might be just me
  3. What a great idea! Although if you give her such an awesome gift (maybe including Through the Looking Glass as well), be prepared for eternal devotion. That would have totally blown me away at that age! Hmmm, or at any age
  4. savage_rose

    Beltane 2005-06

    In the bottle: Floral, with an herbal undertone. Wet: My grandma's bathroom when I was little. Comet and floral...I'm really amping florals today for some reason. Ewww! Dry: Much better. The florals have calmed way, way down. It smells dewy and springlike, and ever so slightly woodsy. A beautiful, sweet scent.
  5. savage_rose

    Bed of Nails

    In the bottle: Generic men's cologne. Wet: Aquatic, fresh, slightly herbal. MMMMM... Dry: My nose seems to be permanently attached to my wrist. I cannot stop sniffing! It's clean, but not too clean...like the ocean is clean, healing...the salt heals. Clean but not pure...many mysteries beneath its depths. Every time I sniff I get something different. Sometimes resiny, sometimes salty...sometimes spicy and warm, sometimes cool and watery. Watery and metallic at the same time. Mmmm! I just can't say enough wonderful things about this scent...
  6. savage_rose

    Bearded Lady

    A seductive and flowing exaltation of femininity: Turkish rose, stargazer lily, violet, honeysuckle, amber, star jasmine and vanilla. In the bottle: Old lady in a funeral parlor. Florals fighting all over the place. And something also from Le Serpent Qui Danse that does not like me, nay, is openly hostile toward me. Wet: Florals starting to calm down a bit... Dry: Nice, actually. Whew! Floral, but with an almost fruity note...the yucky note from LSQD is a mere powdery hint, providing an interesting counter note. Not something I'd wear every day, but it's not something people will stone me for wearing, either
  7. savage_rose

    White Moon

    In the bottle: Light floral Wet: Hel-lo lily! And there's no gardenia listed in the notes, so that must be wisteria. And a touch of moonflower. It smells very Southern, and sexy...like Blanche from the Golden Girls, only younger and less yucky with the sexual innuendo Dry: All of the above, and the sandalwood is doing something funny...it's smelling more woodsy than sandalwoodsy, and so this smells like a flower cabinet! Or like a flower section at Home Depot (near the lumber dept.) if they had an exotic flower section. I like it, but it's strange! Dry after 5 minutes: I love this...the sandalwood note has disappeared, and it's just happy, summery flowers. Lovely.
  8. savage_rose

    Dr. John Seward

    In the bottle: Asian stir-fry sauce . Now, good stir-fry sauce, mind you, but an odd perfume indeed! Wet: Not getting the ginger at all now...I think that's tonka and sandalwood? And something sweet, champaca flower maybe? Dry: A very subdued scent...it's really indescribable. It's like nothing I've ever smelled, but at the same time...odd, but in a very mundane and kind of homey way. It's definitely a good scent for the character, in my opinion.
  9. savage_rose

    Dia de los Muertos

    In the bottle: Non-descript floral Wet: Floral layered with dept. store perfume. Dry: It dries very interestingly...the floral is still present, but there's a light foodiness (the chocolate?) balanced by an earthy note (the tobacco?). I had my doubts about this, but it smells really good on the drydown...a little sweet, but it's a good balance of floral-sweet and foody-sweet. And the tobacco supports the sweet quite nicely.
  10. savage_rose

    The Brides of Dracula

    In the Bottle/ Wet: Medium floral, with something vaguely seductive. Dry: Most of the floral has disappated, leaving something slightly sour. It's not an unpleasant sourness, but vaguely disorienting. Very Brides of Dracula...beautiful, feminine, and something is just a little...off, disconcerting. All of the dis- words! It really works with this blend.
  11. savage_rose

    The Bloody Sword

    I was a little afraid to get this...it sounded like a strong blend that might not agree with me...but I'm glad I did. In the bottle: Dragon's blood Wet: Dragon's blood tempered with something sweet and wistful. Dry: This scent is bitter and sweet at the same time. It's strong, yet supportive...very balanced, and a little earthy.
  12. savage_rose

    Quincey Morris

    In the bottle: It almost smells like Bed of Nails to me...kind of metallic. That's just what it reminds me of, I'm not even sure they have notes in common. Wet: Same Dry: The leather and the tobacco coming out...damn, my skin's really amping that tobacco. Eh. I'll try it on the husband...this is okay, but sadly, not really me. Dry after 5 minutes: Ooh, pear! And the tobacco is fading, so it's like...that pear from the Fruit of the Loom commercials in a dominatrix outfit. This is definitely growing on me.
  13. savage_rose

    Kindly Moon

    In the bottle: Intense floral, but of the pale variety...there's a lot of layers to it, but it isn't cloying or funereal. Wet: Floral...tea?! Dry: Floral tea it is. Light, lovely, refreshing...but almost throwless, and it seemed to disappear within minutes. Sigh.
  14. savage_rose

    Wilhelmina Murray

    In the bottle: Sweet, pale summer flowers, with a hint of something wistful and fretting. Wet: The flowers are light, but the darkness emerges almost immediately. The flowers are very sweet, but are light enough to pair nicely with the resinous incense undertones. Dry: All of the above. And there's a vague fruitiness, too...the black currant? It's like...innocence defiled, but not in the traditional sense. Innocence corrupted by what was already inside the person, maybe. And I tried this on the back of one hand, Count Dracula on the other...and wow, they go together really well. Mmmm! I'm just saying
  15. savage_rose

    Count Dracula

    In the bottle: Forboding. Something sharp (clove?) tempered by darkness. Wet: I almost smell dragon's blood...just a very haughty, old, cold scent. It smells very Draculean to me. Dry: Well-behaved Patchouli balancing the ginger, cinnamon, and clove nicely. This scent is so complex I can't pick out all the notes...but it's really wonderful. It's dark, but there's a sweetness to it as well...a very subtly sexy scent, too. Very surprising.
  16. savage_rose

    Fire of Love

    I tried this scent awhile back and never reviewed it. I loved reading the other reviews...t's amazing how many people loved it, and one of the wonderful things about the wacky world of body chemistry. I really wanted to like it...a friend had had a negative reaction to it but had a bottle she was looking to sell or trade, and it would have been great if I had liked it. But it turned to dead hippie on my skin...it was not just patchouli, which I sometimes love, but ZOMBIE patchouli. Fire of necrophiliac love. Ugh. It was one of the few scents that has made me whimper and run to the sink immediately. Oh, it was potent all right . Just not the way it was intended! I'm glad it works for others though, even if it did not work for me.
  17. savage_rose


    In the bottle: Brooding and herbal. Dark, and "phobic". Very nice! Wet: Sort of resinous smelling. One of those odd, wood-burning fire scents. Very "torch-bearing" village mob-ish. Very interesting! Dry: Not sure what this note is, but it smells like tobacco...the little foil parts of Mom's packs of "Benson & Hedges" when I was little. My husband thought there was a bit of sweetness to it as well, like lavender. It's okay...it smells somewhat purifying, like a smudge stick with different herbs. I don't think I've ever smelled anything like this before.
  18. savage_rose


    In the bottle: Herbal, with autumn spices. Wet: Sharp, almost discordant notes. Dry: Oh YES! It smells very fallish...I can almost smell the crackling leaves. Then there's the pumpkin spice layer...so light, but very present. Very earthy, yet sweet. I love this! ETA: 2008 Version: it smells sharper to me...there's a mentholish note I don't remember in previous versions. Hmmm.
  19. savage_rose


    In the bottle: RUM apple caramel. For some reason I'm really getting that blast! Wet: Creamy, creamy caramel, warm and sticky. Mmmm. Dry: There's something off about the apple...it smells like "fake" apple to me. But the caramel smells delightful, and it smells very rich and desserty, and autumnal. Delicious!
  20. savage_rose

    Punkie Night

    Ever wonder if you were sent the wrong scent with the right label? All of these reviews smell exactly as I thought it would smell, but my bottle does not. In the bottle: Whatever note that is that smells like acetone. It was in one of my Chaos Theories, and it smells "yucky" in the bottle, for lack of a better word, but at least disappates on my skin. Wet: Acetone, acetone, acetone. Dry: Acetone's fading away, leaving a little fruity sweetness. It smells a lot like potpourri though, not like what I was expecting. I'll try this again in a week to see if hormonal changes are at fault, and if it smells the same still, it's off to the swaps. I was so looking forward to this...so disappointing .
  21. savage_rose

    The Carpathian Mountains

    In the bottle: Wintergreen! Wet: Wintergreen! Dry: Wintergreen lite, with a "green" herbal undercurrent, and a clean, floral undernote that smells slightly soapy and sweet. I am loving this scent!
  22. savage_rose

    Miskatonic University

    First off: Yay Beth, for making this a General Catalogue scent! In the bottle: Snelling Dining Hall, UGA, late '90s...late night cappuccino runs with my roommate, surrounded by students and books and the University. It's so close to that it's like a time portal. Wet: All this and more...a plasticky note. Must be the pizza, LOL. Dry: Thankfully, the plasticky note has faded to the background. Sugared coffee...mmm. I'll try this again during another time of the month, and see if the plastic is still there. It's faded, but I don't like expecting a whiff of the nostaligic and getting a whiff of "fake". Sigh.
  23. savage_rose

    The Fox-Woman Kuzunoha Leaving Her Child

    After reading the "left wrist vs. right wrist" skin chem. differences on that thread, I've decided to do this review a little differently. In the bottle: Air freshener. Nice air freshener, mind you, but... Left wrist: Wet: Starting to warm up a bit. Now it smells like air freshener...and Lubriderm. Sigh. Dry: My skin seems to be amping cherry blossom for some reason...I think that's the Lubriderm scent. But as it sits, it fades back a bit...it smells like a creamy floral on a rainy day...very unusual. The star jasmine is not nearly as strong as the usual jasmine notes, very understated. I like this well enough, but it's not one of my favorites. I can't shake the lotion associations! Right wrist: Wet: Wow, the jasmine and teak are most prominent...I couldn't even smell the teak on the other wrist! Dry: Ooh, much better. It's a much deeper, more languid scent. What I smelled so strongly on my left wrist is just a counterpoint to the other notes coming out on my right. It's much more balanced. Ooh, and I can smell the tea now! This scent morphs more than Violet's gum from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory .
  24. savage_rose

    Ace of Cups

    In the bottle: Cherry floral. Wet: Hell-OO flowers. It's like a neon sign it's got so much throw. Oh, and there you are cherry. Indoor voices, scents, you don't have to smell so loud over the other. Don't talk my nose off. Dry: Well, the cherry actually stayed...usually my skin sucks it up, but this time it stays. It's a little more balanced, but this is definitely one of those "little goes a long way" scents...it's pretty loud, and I just dabbed it on. I think a good slather could take out the neighborhood . I think it's this "perfumey" undertone that's just beneath the cherry floral that's the loudest...but the more it dries, the more I like it. I think it represents the Ace of Cups well...the fertile beginnings of emotions, life. It's just very, very aggressive!
  25. savage_rose


    In the bottle: Smells like Mercury! Wet: Mercury, but with a harsher, domineering note I can't place. It's like Mercury Retrograde, LOL. Which would make sense...Arcana=hidden lore, directly opposes Mercury's communication focus. Dry: Sweet, green dry herbs. It smells like an herb smudging bundle a bit. Very nice and direct, understated. The lemon peeks out a bit, but is perfectly balanced with the green.