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Everything posted by savage_rose

  1. savage_rose

    Hunger Moon

    This smells like minty/green herbal on me, with a little fiery gingerness and something resinous balancing it out. And aside from the sage and the amber/musk...yeah, those notes aren't listed. But that's what it smells like. A more neutral scent...not dark or light, a little sweet but not too sweet. Very nice.
  2. savage_rose


    The snake definitely ate a sugar cookie or two before it was harvested for its oil. At first it smelled like caramelized sugar Snake Oil, and then it seemed to disappear into my skin. But...it's like it became a part of it. So my left wrist smells so, so lovely and sweet, but in such a way that it smells like me, if that makes any sense. Mmmm. Sigh.
  3. savage_rose

    Slobbering Pine

    A slightly green, herbal, fruity aquatic scent...a little tangy. It smells ever so slightly soapy, but in that really good way...this scent makes me want to take a nice, hot bath. Mmmm, I'm really liking this!
  4. savage_rose

    Baobhan Sith

    This is a lovely, well-balanced morpher. Everything is represented: there's a strong grapefruit scent initially, but it soon makes way for a soft, silky floral (apple blossom)? The ginger really sets off the floral, warming it like sunshine, and there's a hint of the tea, making it dewy and refreshing. Bold citrus and shy, soft floral...it's not a combination I would have thought would work. This is so wonderful!
  5. savage_rose


    There's something about this that reminds me about 9th grade. We'd moved to a new house, and my room just started out with a mattress, box-springs, and laundry boxes for my clothes. There's just something "new beginning" about this for some reason. It's sweet and sparkling, but there's a tang to it (lotus?) that's just so different and new. Very nice.
  6. savage_rose

    Three Brides

    This is the most like the one non-BPAL perfume I still wear regularly, L'Air du Temps (at one point every woman in my family wore it, so it always smelled lovely and light and familiar to me). They aren't the same thing at all, but they definitely have a common note. This is a very business-like, down-to-earth floral. Most light florals have their heads in the clouds. They wear wispy clothing and dance around pretending to be wood nymphs (think Cold Comfort Farm). But this one is straight lines and elegant touches, with just a hint of dreaminess. Sweet and elegant.
  7. savage_rose

    The Snow Maiden

    I am in love! Snowy mint, berry, and something that smells lovely and creamy. Innocently seductive, if that makes any sense. A perfect winter scent...very balanced between the sharp hint of mint and the sweet berry. So, so beautiful.
  8. savage_rose


    For some reason, this scent is reminding me of the Tori Amos song "Cruel". Huh. Anyhow, it smells very root-like to me, a little metallic, ever so slightly aquatic...like Torture King meets Doc Buzzard meets...vetiver. But the vetiver and patchouli are being very civil with the rest of the blend. Powerful and slightly dark...this is a really substantial scent.
  9. savage_rose

    The Penitent Magdalen

    Man, this Magdalen is penitent! It immediately goes to powder on me (the almond?), and it just smells sweet, fluttery and feminine in a non-descript way. Maybe the powderiness will back off long enough for me to smell something else. Dry: I can smell a little something musk-like underneath. But mostly it's all powder. Sigh.
  10. savage_rose


    In the bottle and wet: Buttery, rich caramel. Dry: The caramel fades a bit, but dries into a nice brickle-ish scent. Not a lot of throw, but really nice. I would think this would be a great scent for people who aren't "foody" perfume fans, but like the flavor of caramel...it's so light it's sweet, but not overwhelming so.
  11. savage_rose

    Lick It Again

    It smells like a sweeter version of Lick It, exactly what was promised. Not quite as strong mint-wise, but it smells...lickable! Not that I'm trying it that way, mind you, but it makes me want to. It does seem to have less staying power than Lick It to me, but it smells so good. And I am not afraid to re-apply as needed .
  12. savage_rose

    The Darkling Thrush

    I keep calling this Darkwing Duck in my head. Methinks I need more sleep . I was a bit apprehensive about this one...violet can either smell lovely on me or really, really unpleasant. But this violet is definitely darker and sweeter...it smells much darker and almost succulent, like fruit. It smells almost like creamy violets to me, but with a darkness to it. I'm really enjoying this scent.
  13. savage_rose


    In the bottle and wet on my skin: Lemon Pledge in a big way . I can even smell a little woodiness. It scares me, but I kind of like it...it makes me feel like I've been cleaning, and I feel so virtuous wearing it. Until I realize I smell like a coffee table. Dry: Lemonheads candy. Lemonheads in your mouth after you've downed a handful and you start getting the sourness headache. I'm going to give this some time and see if some of this craziness dies down...right now it smells like artificial lemon and nothing else. Damn, this will wake you up! ETA: The lemon has calmed down a bit, and the Jasmine's peeking out. It smells like...Lemonheads and jasmine . But it's kind of growing on me now that it's not so strong. It's a fun scent.
  14. savage_rose


    I keep sniffing and thinking "Be good, or Krampus will toss you in a river!" In the bottle: Crochety old man. Crochety old man ready to throw me in a river my inherent naughtiness. Grumpy, but a softie on the inside. On me: Masculine, but only slightly so. It has some of that heady rootiness that I associate with Doc Buzzard and Schwarzer Mond...which pretty much means I will probably grow to love this. I'm glad I didn't let Krampus scare me .
  15. savage_rose


    A light snow with a hint of minty-pine in the bottle...light snow with a hint of minty-pine on my wrist, with something tangy. It smells like a pre-Spring snowfall to me...at least, we get them here in GA . That smell of cold and winter, but with greenness peeking out behind it. It smells a bit like Black Ice to me, but less perfumey and more snowy. Very clean and lovely.
  16. savage_rose

    Black Ice

    In the bottle: Light, very light. A sweet mint whisper...something ever-so-slightly berry-like. It smells so light I can barely smell anything, very understated. Wet: I can smell the perfuminess now, but it smells so light. Dry: It doesn't have much throw, but the best way I can describe this is haunting. Very unusual, and seems to get lighter and airier the more I wear it...the floral is so slight, it's mostly just mint and a hint of something herbal, and something slightly musky. It doesn't have a lot of throw, but it really seems to last.
  17. savage_rose

    Bitter Moon

    In the bottle: Juicy and sweet! So delectable I could but (of course) won't drink it. Wet: Sweet blackberry and a green, herbal sharpness...the sage? And a hint of lavender. Dry: It smells so clean and fruity, but herbal and dry. Like laundry hanging in the line in a meadow. I am so impressed with this scent...it could have been a sweet, fruity thing or a bitter, herbal scent, but instead it's all of these and it really balances out. Very different, and very lovely.
  18. savage_rose

    Feu Follet

    In the bottle: Sweet florals. Wet: OH DEAR GOD, I don't know what that is (heliotrope?) but my skin is amping it like mad. It smells like...really pissed off chambermaid. You know, with the short costume normally worn at parties. But beating people over the head with the feather duster. I don't think I've ever said this before about, well anything, but...this perfume is too much woman for me. Dry: It's dried down very subdued...whatever smelled so horrible is more powdery, softer. It might grow on me, if I can get past that scary wet stage!
  19. savage_rose

    Purple Phoenix

    I was a little scared upon sniffing it (I could smell a note that's in Le Serpent Qui Danse and hates me, I think it's violet--sigh), but when I apply it it disappears into the back ground, and it just smells like sweet, fruity wine with just a hint of flowers. Very Spring-like to me. I don't know that it's an everyday scent, but I like it.
  20. savage_rose


    Will this one be as right on for me as my other birth moon scent? In the bottle: Okay, my first reaction was a double take, and a very unhelpful "This is weird!". It might be in the same family as Schwarzer Mond, but it's not the same scent at all. Trying again. 2nd sniff: it smells old...like an old presence of something that was once great. Forgotten, but not gone. It smells like a museum, or ruins...something old and not benevolent or hostile, but watchful. Waiting. Maybe a bit of "old temple" smell...and something brooding. There's something very nostalgic about this. On my skin: I have the weirdest feeling from this. It smells like...it smells like a lover. As far as I know I've never smelled anything or anyone like this, but it just smells romantic and familiar and it gives my stomach flipflops. It makes me want to hug myself tightly and rub my wrist and get all dreamy. And as right-brained as I am, that's so not me. Okay, helpful review, helpful review. Something is turning to powder, but it mixes with the musk and smells sweet but earthy. Just a little spicy, but in a dried, subtle way...I think I smell a hint of anise. I thought it was going to be a stronger, more aggressive blend from my initial bottle sniffs, but it's just not. It's throw is moderate, and it's just so lovely and earthy and strange. Mmmm.
  21. savage_rose

    Wolf Moon 2007

    Yay, another birth moon winner for me! In the bottle: It smells like snowy woods with a hint of berry. On my skin: Oh my God, it's Yuletide! Yuletide, but instead of the hint of holly you get the whole wintry forest as well. The berries on the holly bush instead of your living room, berry sweetness balanced with sharp woodsy evergreen. A wild, fresh Yuletide. Ooh, and it even morphs between the forest and the berry a bit...I feel like I'm in a log cabin in the mountains, it's that evocative. I know I'm gushing, but this is wonderful.
  22. savage_rose


    In the bottle it smells like a warm, baking Ginger pastry. On my skin initially, it smells like lemon gingerbread. I get the floor cleaner references though, I really do. Wow, this is intense, and I don't know if I like it! As it dries though, it dries to that lemon cookie smell. Lemon and gingerbread cookies. Mmm, is this ever growing on me. What a weird, great scent!
  23. savage_rose

    Metallic scents

    Although Bed of Nails had a more metallic name , Torture King kind of smelled a bit metallic to me.
  24. savage_rose

    Sugar Skull

    I can't believe I've never reviewed this! I wore it tonight and decided to right that particular wrong. It really surprised me, how much I love this scent. It didn't sound that exciting to me but I decided to try it anyway, and in the bottle it smelled okay, but kind of weird and not exceptional. But on...it turns into this sweet sugar blend that's irresistable! You know that Doublemint gum wrapper smell, that minty sugar dust that is so light and delicious? But ethereally so, because the gum does not taste like that dust smells? That's part of it...that and a warm syrupy sugar, and a dry, powdered sugar smell. It's just a lovely combination, and I feel lovely wearing it
  25. savage_rose

    Essence of Sunlight - What's the sunniest scent?

    Endymion seemed very summery to me, and it was the first one I thought of as "essence of sunlight".