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Everything posted by savage_rose

  1. savage_rose

    Isaac, the Living Skeleton (2006)

    At first this smelled like men's aftershave, bourbon and tobacco, and I started laughing because I smelled just like my Dad! But after a few minutes it settles into a complex, light cologne smell...not cheap, only slightly masculine, and I really like it on me. I made my husband try it as well, and it smelled very light and masculine, a little bourbon, a little like a clean cologne. I was afraid this was going to be a "novelty" scent, but I really, really like it. It smells genuinely good on me.
  2. savage_rose

    Mr. Nancy

    It's all butterscotch on me. Maybe a little bit of rum, but...no lime, just sweetness. It's really lovely on, although not what I was expecting.
  3. savage_rose

    Enraged Groundhog Musk

    In the bottle it smells like Enraged Shub-Niggurath, but wet and dry it smells like sweet, thick caramel. It doesn't morph strangely like most of the sweeter scents do on me...it just sits there, rich and smug, daring me to bite my own wrist it smells so good. OW! And oooh, and there's a sort of musky perfume behind it, so it's foody, but not all foody. This is such a winner. ETA: And I could still smell it 7 hours later. Mmmm. Staying power!
  4. savage_rose


    Foresty and aquatic...not what I was expecting, very subtle...and there's a whiff of fresh air in there, and a little greenness. And it smells great on me, but seems to disappear quickly. Sigh.
  5. savage_rose

    Crow Moon

    On me this smells springy and herbal, minty and a little soapy. Lovely and clean, and maybe a little aquatic. The vertiver is behaving itself completely.
  6. savage_rose

    Fire Pig

    Hel-LO Hawaiian Punch! Or something similar...seriously, the Kool-Aid man will be busting through my wall soon...I only hope homeowner's insurance covers acts of giant anthropomorphic objects. That being said, this scent is gorgeous. Luscious even...it's all I can do not to drink it, it smells so damn lovely. It's the sweetest, fullest fruit scent I've ever smelled from a fragrance oil. It's amazing.
  7. savage_rose


    First off, I love the Gaiman series art...it looks like Agatha Christie paperbacks, and it makes me want to go curl up with a good book. In this case, a good Neil Gaiman book . It smells like dry herbs with a splash of citrus. Not unlike the Yankee Candles Sage & Citrus (which I love, btw), but with much more depth, and not soapy. It's clean smelling wet, but as it dries it gets a lot more woodsy. Lovely and a little rugged, and I love this on me but it's definitely a more masculine scent, and it would definitely work for men. Possibly better than it works on me, although I am not sure that's possible. I love love love this, my only complaint is that it seems to fade all too quickly.
  8. savage_rose

    Priala, the Human Phoenix (2006)

    My skin's amping the smoke a little too much...I was wondering why it smelled so much like car trips with my Mom, but I think that's because she's a smoker . It smells like smoke and Christmas...subdued spice and myrrhy goodness. Perfumey cinnamon, not the burning oil...sort of wassail-ish. Yup, smoke and Christmas.
  9. savage_rose

    Meskhenet, the Vulture Maiden

    Very sweet, slightly earthy...like fruit on the vine, but you smell the vine, too. Pretty. It smells a little innocent to me...not very Vulture Maidenish. But nice.
  10. savage_rose

    Faiza, the Black Mamba (2006)

    Sweet, green, dark, aquatic. It smells very wet, but in a green "stuff growing in the dark" way (mossy, lichen-like, not mildew. Ew!). It does seem to slither, undulating between the bright green water and a darker, sensual depths. Very, very seductive. I need to buy myself dinner, snag some champagne and strawberries, and get myself alone now.
  11. savage_rose

    The Parliament of Monsters (2006)

    I wasn't expecting much, but it's oddly enough a very laidback blend...but laidback in the sleeping tiger way, with eyes closed and paws curled and never truly asleep. At first the opium gives it a heady, spicy edge, but it soon fades into the dusty incense...sweet, and slightly muted. You can almost see the smoke curl. Lovely and odd, and I can't stop smelling my wrist. Although, sadly, it seems to be fading fast. But it was nice while it lasted!
  12. savage_rose

    Thalassa, the Galapagos Mermaid

    Clearly Thalassa was at the last Carnaval at the Bed of Nails, because they are very similar. But Thalassa is lighter, more ephemeral...less throw than BoN, but with these lovely floral undertones that really flesh-out the aquatic notes. And the bitter almond does not powder like regular almond, and adds a whisper of nuttiness. Very lovely.
  13. savage_rose

    Eshe, A Vision of Life-In-Death (2006)

    It doesn't smell like much in the bottle, a bit resinous and dark, but on my skin...it smells like an ancient, dark perfume. Sweet, but also undercut with the bitterness of age-old secrets. Okay, maybe that's just me. But this smells so rich and intricate, it's reminding me strongly of the Salon blends. Very interesting, very beautiful.
  14. savage_rose

    Kataniya, the Clockwork Woman

    This smells like a sweet, pale flower...idolized femininity, woman on a pedestal. But there's a dark undercurrent there. And the longer it stays on, the more it seems to meld to my skin, making me smell so sweet and clean and ever-so-slightly floral. Mmmm, this scent is so perfectly realized! Totally fits the concept, and is such a lovely scent.
  15. savage_rose

    Zarita, the Doll Girl (2006)

    I have no idea how this is possible, but this smells like burnt gingerbread cookies on me. With a hint of orange blossom. As a scent, it's kind of growing on me, but this is very strange.
  16. savage_rose


    I had high hopes for this one (er, any punning is inadvertent here). I love roses...I had rose soaps as a kid that I never used...I kept them in a glass jar and would just lift the lid and smell them, I loved that scent so much. Definitely a tea rose, as others have said. I was expecting more of a fresh rose with sugar, and this smells more like a rose perfume with sugar, if that makes any sense. But, what it lacks in realism it makes up in wearability. It really warms on your skin, and is really lovely in its own way. It's really growing on me. And I tried layering it with Faith...and they smell amazing combined. Both are nice on their own, but really, really play well together. As one might expect they would .
  17. savage_rose


    Violet blends and I tend to not get along. It's one of the few notes I have to be really careful with: it might smell lovely and floral on me, or it might smell like the olfactory equivalent of a cacophony. But the sugar note, it really softens the violet. If you're looking for something strong and intense, this is not your blend. But if you're looking for something soft and sweet, a light floral--it's perfect. A really nice, shy violet.
  18. savage_rose

    The Oblation

    It smelled very, very blackberry in the bottle, and as I eagerly slathered (because how could blackberry go wrong? Right? Right?), I was shocked by how perfumey sweet it smelled. Blackberry present, lavender present, not sure about dianthus, no honey to speak off...just sweet. Overbearingly so. But as it sits, the honey emerges, and it starts smelling like honeyed blackberry wine. If there is such a thing...but no, there must be, because that is exactly what that smells like. Mmmm! Now it's smelling like a sour breakfast jelly. I like this, but it's like trying something out of Willy Wonka's...you never know what to expect, except a surprise.
  19. savage_rose

    Coral Snake (2006)

    I can't smell flowers at all in this...it smells like fall to me, with the apple and sharpness I'm thinking is the blood orange. A little like potpourri, but not in a bad way...like in a "fresh apple/citrus simmering in spices on the stove" way. And with the Snake Oil, it just smells so sweet and good...so very apple, but not very foody. God, I love Beth's apple blends!
  20. savage_rose

    Arachnina, The Spider Girl (2006)

    More perfumey than most of the BPAL I've tried. It smells like a very white floral in the bottle, but on just becomes very sweet, very perfumey, and ever-so-slightly powdery. With a bit of fruit, giving it a full-bodied edge. Not at ALL masculine on me...ultra-feminine, actually. But beautifully so. Mmmm, there's something irresistable about this. Winsomely seductive.
  21. savage_rose


    So WOW, that's a brown oil! Enough of this stuff and you could tan with it . To me, this smells like a pantry. A wooden pantry stocked with dry cocoa, powdered milk...sort of a comfort scent, but much less foody than I was hoping for expecting. It's nice though, and the longer I wear it the more I like it. It's very sweet and homey smelling.
  22. savage_rose

    Saw-Scaled Viper

    Smell-wise, this is most excellent. Warm and spicy and lovely...mmm. Like Tanin'iver's older, crankier, flamier brother. And I am so loving it for the first 5 minutes, until a red blotch appears where I applied it. Sigh...I never break out, unless I've been exercising and I foolishly apply perfume oil to my already-inflamed skin. A little aloe moisturizer is helping, but yikes. This baby leaves burn marks!
  23. savage_rose

    Green Tree Viper

    I loved sarada's "little green dance" comment. Yes! Candied mint with the vanilla-spicy goodness of Snake Oil. The mint fades quicker than the Snake Oil on me (curses!), but enough remains to stand out and set off the Snake Oil. To me it smells like Peppermint Tea (good Stash Peppermint Tea, all green and sometimes intense), with some nutty kind of pastry. Not really foody, but the combination kinda reminds you of it. Dance little Green Tree Viper, dance!
  24. savage_rose

    Australian Copperhead (2006)

    The Carnaval Noir throwback labels are amazing. And that they included pictures of the snakes slithering across the labels...so cute and right. Very cool! Okay, this is really lovely. Very berry, but not in that "Leggo my Eggo" waffle kind of way. In the Yuletide way, balanced out with the smoky vanilla, backed by Snake Oil. So perfectly layered. This oil has me whimpering with happiness, and wanting to write gushy schoolgirl things like "OMG Copperhead + me = 4 Ever !11!!!1!!!". Damn, you never know what's going to grab you, and this sure grabs me. It makes me happy, and causes involuntary smiling and nose rubbing. Ooh, and there's a greenery note morphing in. Mmmm. Happy happy joy joy.
  25. savage_rose

    Asp Viper (2006)

    It smells very little like almond to me...there's a hint there, but mainly it's the myrrh and a touch of the mandarin leaping out. But yep, the almond definitely is there, because there's a touch of powder on the dry down (my skin absorbs almond and turns it into powder...it loves almond, not wisely but too well). Sigh. I'll have to try it again sometime, because so far it doesn't smell good, it just smells like really, really nice baby wipes on me. And I like baby wipes, but not as a personal fragrance statement. Although the powder kind of disappears after a while, and what remains smells like a vaguely nutty Snake Oil. Okay, just not what I was expecting. ETA: OK, and ten minutes later it's a very understated Misk U-like coffee scent. Weird, but nice .