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Everything posted by savage_rose

  1. savage_rose

    Crypt Queen

    In the imp: fruity and a little...odd. I'm not sure what note this is, it's not bad, but it has sort of a vacant house smell. Wet: the fruitiness gives way to a perfuminess. A lovely, yummy perfumey with a floral bouquet floating on top. Lovely! Dry: This is bizarre. The fruity perfuminess has made room for a hint of patchouli and...is that bubble gum? Or new eraser smell? It doesn't smell bad, just strange. I smell like a little hippie girl's makeup case, LOL! Nice, but I'm not sure it's me.
  2. savage_rose

    The Emathides

    So complex! There's an aquatic undercurrent to it...aquatic-flower-woodsiness. It's one of those morphers that seems to change with each sniff. On the cedar-prominent sniffs I feel a little headachey, but on the floral or aquatic sniffs it's amazing! Especially the orchid-violet notes...I didn't even think my skin could accept violet. But evidently wood violet breaks all the rules for me. Mmmm!
  3. savage_rose

    Virgo 2007

    This just seems to embody "Virgosity" to me. It's earthly and lightly herbal, but sweet and efficient. It smells homey and crisp, like linen. Very light, very pretty.
  4. savage_rose

    Hell's Belle

    Magnolia, and what I swear is the "spiced pear tea" candle scent from Pier 1 Imports about a decade ago. Lovely and sexy, but in that enthusiastic young way. It smells like new love, and spontaneous displays of affection. Fresh and sweet, and not innocent, but not jaded either. Lovely.
  5. savage_rose


    In the imp I thought this would be a lovely sweey-spicy blend. But on my skin, it smells like a stoned sandalwood...it just wants to sit on the couch and eat munchies. It doesn't smell bad, just kind of vague and light and meh. Not living up to it's potential, that's for sure!
  6. savage_rose

    Sed Non Satiata

    This scent hits my skin, and it turns into a smoky, deep honey-almond. It's delicious and sexy, with only the hint of powdering out that almond does on my skin! And something like...flowers and a touch of patchouli. It's seductive without trying too hard...most excellent.
  7. savage_rose


    This hits my skin and OH MY GOD it smells like the bamboo shoots in Chinese food! It smells bizarre...and I like foody scents, but at first it literally smells like I rubbed my wrist in the takeout box. It's weird, on the "ew" side. As it dries, the bamboo is still there, but sweet florals have taken the forefront. I think I like it, and the bamboo note in the background adds an interesting touch. But it's a very strange kind of blend .
  8. savage_rose


    This is one of the most complex scents I ever smelled! In my first application, it smelled like polished desk wood of some sort and rose (the flower, not the wood). So I applied more. And I got a hint of the lemon, a sugary smelling hint of mint, and a whisper of tonka. Then it smelled like fireplace wood! This is one of those "Willy Wonka" scents where it keeps morphing on you, and every sniff completes the picture like a jigsaw puzzle. Lovely and delicious, and slightly academic-smelling. I think it would blend really well with Miskatonic University.
  9. savage_rose

    The Sportive Sun

    Not nearly as floral as I was expecting! It's a very warm scent...it smells slightly spicy, slightly floral. The almond flower powders out on me (sad but not unexpected). But mainly it smells like amber, and something like red musk (although it's not one of the notes). This isn't my favorite scent, but it's a really nice neutral kind of "skin scent"--the kind of perfume that doesn't overwhelm, but definitely adds a hint of sweet, spicy sexiness. It's different, but in a nice way.
  10. savage_rose

    The Gibbous Moon

    Refreshing and sweet...it's much more Annabel Lee than Blue Moon was. It's just a touch more "perfumey" than Annabel Lee. It is the perfect twilight summer floral, lightly sweet but cool like a late Summer night.
  11. savage_rose


    It smelled exactly as I thought it would: fruity, tipsy champagne, and a hint of tomato leaf (Burt's Bees toner). If Pruno actually smelled like this, they'd be selling it in supermarkets...it's just sparkling, light, and lovely. Refreshing even! It reminds me a little of the fruitiness of Fire Pig, but it's much, much lighter.
  12. savage_rose


    It smells like a more "typical" perfume than most BPAL...perfuminess with a heavy note that almost smelled like patchouli-vetiver to me. Honestly, it smells like a drunken socialite...insubstantial, pretty, but with a drunken heaviness. It's languid. And despite all that, or dare I say it, because of all that, it's really kind of sexy and lovely. It surprised me how much I liked this. And how long it lasted!
  13. savage_rose

    Blue Moon 2007

    Cucumber and pale flowers. I really like this blend, and I was really looking forward to the cucumber--I loved the cucumber in Annabel Lee. But...it smells a lot LIKE Annabel Lee. It's like the City Mouse and the Country Mouse. Blue Moon is refined, complex, subdued. And Annabel is sweetness with a twang to it. They're both lovely, dreamy cucumber floral blends, and I'm glad I got to experience Blue Moon, but I have Annabel left and I think one bottle will be enough. Whew!
  14. savage_rose

    Rose Moon

    At first it smells rosy, but almost...shrilly so. Maybe it's the lemon peel. But it just smells kind of sharp, and with the rose it's a very striking combination...not entirely pleasant, just different. But not only did it last for hours and hours once applied, but it sweetened and deepened as time went on, into the loveliest, deepest rose. Mmmm.
  15. savage_rose

    Gemini 2007

    Lovely and clean...mainly lavender, but a spiced lavender. And something slightly feminine and floral (the orchid?) that gives it a hint of perfuminess. It smells warm and comforting, yet zesty and exciting at the same time. Wow, this is really nice. Light, lovely, but sexy, too.
  16. savage_rose


    This smells like sweet coconut on me, with a hint of green tea. Creamy, yet refreshing! I keep trying to pick out notes, but that's what it is. Absolutely lovely.
  17. savage_rose

    Monster Bait: Bloody Mary

    I adore cherry, although it generally powders on me. And while this doesn't powder out on me...I can't decide if I like it or not. It smells like cough syrup to me in the bottle, although once it's on, it mellows out a bit. It's a cherry scent I can wear, but the jury's still out on this one.
  18. savage_rose

    Milk Moon 2007

    Sweet milk and tart citrus, with just a hint of something barely floral. This scent is unbelievably sweet and lovely. Very refreshing, yet creamy and rich.
  19. savage_rose

    Monster Bait: Ventriloquist Dummy

    Smells like sweet wood...the way that cherry wood smells kinda. A little touch of tobacco almost with this one though, too. At first I thought it was way too masculine, but it's growing on me.
  20. savage_rose

    One to Tie, Two to Win

    SO lovely...very summery. It smells like dandelions and greenery, and that scent of sun-baked grassy fields. Light, light floral, so soft. And it has a really clean undertone, it smells a bit like shampoo. Must repeat: do not buy another bottle, you only need one. Do not buy another...do not buy another... ::sits on hands to avoid making another purchase but it's hard, because this scent is that good::
  21. savage_rose

    Pinched With Four Aces

    Heavenly...while Misk U smells like sugary cappuccino to me, this smells like the real thing: dark, heady coffee. A little bitter, and very rich. Marvelous.
  22. savage_rose

    Almond and Amaretto

    Hecate is the almondy-est I've tried, but it sadly went to powder on me as all almond and cherry scents do. But it just might work on you .
  23. savage_rose


    Something's powdering out on me, but thankfully it just softens within the blend and does not ruin it. The floral scent standing out to me is carnation. Spicy carnations. Loving it.
  24. savage_rose

    Mr. Ibis

    This smells so lovely and aquatic, but also breezy and just a hint of woodsiness. Very nice.
  25. savage_rose


    I smell Holiday Moon similarities in the bottle, but on it's another story. It smells like sweet, creamy aquatic greenery...a strange description, but that's how it smells to me. It's really nice and light, and very herbal to me. Very gender neutral. I really like this, although I must admit that it's in part because "ho wood" makes me giggle.