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Everything posted by savage_rose

  1. savage_rose


    It starts out as honeysuckle, but soon dries into this lovely melon-floral blend, with a cologne undercurrent. Perfectly balanced, but fades almost immediately. I think this would be an excellent summer room scent though, especially in a kitchen.
  2. savage_rose

    Queen Alice

    I really have no idea what I'm smelling here. There's only a hint of some kind of floral (it doesn't smell like carnation really, but okay), mostly it's an incensey resinous smell. And it smells a little like some kind of fried dessert, but not really in a good way! It's not a bad smell, but I can't quite place it, and it really doesn't smell like something I'd choose to smell like.
  3. savage_rose

    The Deep Ones

    Although the description does not sound entirely appealing, the scent of The Deep Ones is lovely. It smells like salty sea, but also like lilies floating on the water, and deep underwater greenery. A delicious summer scent, and despite its aquatic nature, it also smells very "pink". A real winner.
  4. savage_rose


    For whatever reason, this blend smells like lily and honey on me. I can just barely smell rose, and the frankincense and myrrh aren't present at all (unless they are combining to form that honey scent?). It smells very clean and light. There's something ever-so slightly cloying about the sweetness, but otherwise it's perfect.
  5. savage_rose


    Smell sanctified! A blend of pure, pious frankincense and graceful myrrh. Root beer! Earthy, sweet, and bubbly...not a fan of the taste of root beer, but I love the scent. Incensey, but not preachy about it . Really nice, lively blend.
  6. savage_rose


    At first there is the craziest smell of sour milk (?), but that disappears as it dries. What's left is a soft, unassuming floral thats shy, sweet, and not too strong. The pomegranate offers a fruity tang that's really a nice complement. It's okay, but not a bottle scent (thankfully, now that it's discontinued!).
  7. savage_rose

    Black Hellebore

    I've applied this twice now and have practically inhaled the imp, and I can smell the faintest hint of herbs, and a whisper of peony. What I can smell of it's nice, but when I wear perfume I actually have to be able to smell it without having to place my nostrils to my wrist. This isn't me.
  8. savage_rose


    Very light for a coconut scent. Coconut layered with spiciness, it smells almost like cinnamon. A little sultry, but understatedly so. Smooth.
  9. savage_rose

    Poisoned Apple

    Smells like sparkling apple cider to me...very appley, with sharp effervescent notes that really bring out the juiciness. Really nice.
  10. savage_rose

    Herbert West

    Aftershave, embalming fluid, and splatterings from a panoply of reanimation reagents. All I can smell is subdued aftershave...soapy, slightly cologney. Don't get me wrong, I like it. But this definitely seems more like a masculine scent to me.
  11. savage_rose


    Floral fruit loops...but a little more sophisticated than that. The lemon verbena provides a sharp citrus note that sets off the sweetness of the florals nicely. I can remember trying this a year or so ago and being so disappointed, but today this scent is lovely, light, and perfectly balanced. It reminds me of vacations when we'd get to buy sugary cereals and forgo the bran flakes. Vacations at the beach, with virgin pool drinks and sun and salt spray. Might just be bottle-worthy!
  12. savage_rose


    This smells like Snake Oil and pine on me...I can't decide if it smells more like a cleaner, or more like a soft, sexy scent (the two concepts don't seem to go together all that well ). Currently the cleaner smell is winning...evidently my skin amps woodsy notes. Greaaat.
  13. savage_rose


    Wet: Lavender Dry: Lavender 5 minutes later: Completely gone. It's a nice, herbal lavender blend, but it disappears so quickly. Sigh.
  14. savage_rose

    The Red Queen

    Wet, it's cherries. This does not bode well, as cherries powder out on me. Dry, it smells medicinal and like pink erasers...Pink Pearl and hospitals. How disappointing.
  15. savage_rose

    The Bow & Crown of Conquest

    As it dried, this smelled like a sickeningly sweet, cheap laundry detergent, but dry it's really lovely. Lavender and cedar with a hint of leather. Part of it has powdered out, but that only softens the leather and makes this even more wearable. Nice! And it smells a little floral but not in a girly way...I can easily imagine this smelling just as good on a man as it does on me. I like this...
  16. savage_rose


    This is light, beautiful, and an ever-so-slightly fruity floral. The hint of tea is so refreshing...mmm. So lovely this might be worth buying a bottle of.
  17. savage_rose


    I love dark, spicy scents. I LOVE cumin. But this blend...smells like really nasty body odor and vomit, and I have never smelled something and felt like throwing up before, but HELLO, this is disgusting. I am seriously nauseous now, and I'm going to post a couple of reviews and go blowtorch my wrist. This beats Fire of Love hands down for worst blend on my skin. YUCK!!!
  18. savage_rose

    Loup Garou

    Piney eucalyptus. Wet, dry, that's what it is...nice, but it reminds me too much of Pine Sol. It might make a good room scent, but on it just makes me want to go wash my wrist, I feel like I've splashed cleaning products on it.
  19. savage_rose


    I LOVE Wanda. It was one of the first scents I tried, and although our relationship started out rocky (it was a frimp in one of my first swap/purchase arrangements, and it was crushed under my office chair...I thought, what IS that wonderful sm--D'oh!), it's one of the favorites I come back to. It's one of the few violet scents that works for me. It smells a little grapey, a little perfumey...earthy, sassy, and floral without being too sweet or too girly. I like it as a perfume for me, but it makes a great room scent.
  20. savage_rose


    Quite the morpher. It keeps vacillating between this shrill sweeteness and this smoky, dark resiny smell that's quite lovely. I don't know if the good is worth the bad though...the shrill sweetness is giving me a headache. ETA: And 10 minutes later, it morphs into the ocean! Sweet, salty, cleansing, beautiful. SO nice.
  21. savage_rose


    Sweet cherry blossom, floral powder. It smells like a vanity covered in Asian perfumes and cosmetics. Pretty, ultra-feminine, but not something I would like to smell everyday.
  22. savage_rose

    Almond and Amaretto

    Hecate is the most almond-y scent I've ever smelled. It turns to powder on me, but in the bottle it's perfect. If almond notes do well on you, you will love it.
  23. savage_rose

    Sugar Moon 2008

    Sugar Skull with lunar oils. It ends up smelling like the usual sugary blend with a hint of mint, and...oddly enough, melon. It's light and sweet, like sunlight. Very spring-like.
  24. savage_rose


    This is a very, very sexy masculine scent...the patchouli is perfectly tempered by the rum and woodsiness. There's an undercurrent of cologne, and a wry smile and a dry laugh. It's like being on the deck of an old ship with a fascinating man and just enough rum to ensure that things stay interesting. Mmmm!
  25. savage_rose


    I tried the famous TKO for the first time last night, and it's definitely a new favorite. It's lavendar-vanilla based, with something almost nutty mixed in, and maybe a hint of mint. I wasn't knocked out, but I was definitely mellowed. No small feat!