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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by savage_rose

  1. savage_rose

    Embalming Fluid

    I've always loved this in the imp but have been disappointed when I've tried this without remembering why when I go to try it later. So here goes! It's a beautiful, tart lemonade at first...light, lovely, and shimmering. Just a hint of juicy green sappy aloe. And then it dries and smells like dried out air freshener crystals that we use for the vacuum. Not bad, but not the lovely smell I'm getting from the imp. But I have to try this as a room scent this summer!
  2. savage_rose


    4 words: Citrus Magic Air Freshener. Now don't get me wrong, I love this. And it's a good deal more intricate and lovely than an all-natural air freshener. But I take a whiff, and I am instantly transported to my guest room in my old condo, smelling the air freshener I used to keep near the cat's litterbox. Sigh, that sounds bad. But really, it's not...it reminds me of when things were clean and in order, and warm afternoons playing videogames and snuggling with my kitty girl back when I was her favorite human. It's a good association and a lovely scent. Really .
  3. savage_rose

    All Night Long

    It smells like cinnamon and lavender to me mostly, although I think there's a bit of the bad patchouli in there because something is smelling like pencil shavings. It's okay, but it's not really doing anything for me.
  4. savage_rose

    The Sea Rat

    This smells so beautiful! It smells like the ocean, salty, but with briny vegetation mixed in. And there's something a bit like Juniper mixed in, drying out the aquatic overtones of the blend. This is more unisex than masculine to me, but I can really see (smell?) this smelling good on a man. Mmmm!
  5. savage_rose


    Glancing at the other reviews, I expected this to be so wonderful on me! Sigh...sadly, it's just okay. At first imp sniff it just smells like a powdery Alice. And on...it smells like vague citrus, a faint rose, a faint amber, a faint powder...if I hold my nose just right above my arm it's a lovely, balanced scent, just the right combination of tart citrus and creamy florals. But that's the only way I smell anything beyond lemon powder. A nice scent for someone else, and it would be even nicer if it had more of a throw.
  6. savage_rose

    Black Annis

    Straight-up licorice and vetiver. Pretty much the worst possible combination for me possible...it calms down a bit and smells like licorice and vetiver and wood, but that's a marginal improvement at best.
  7. savage_rose

    Water of Notre Dame

    Wow...I've had this forever and I've never reviewed it! Without thinking about it too much, I've always thought this was the BPAL version of White Light. And I never got the same "feeling" as I did with White Light, and I wasn't as crazy about the scent, so I just never used it. But sniffing it now, and comparing it...I think it's very good and a nice scent, it's just a different type of oil. White Light has a clean, purifying herbal dryness to its scent...on an emotional level it seems to reduce or remove negativity. But Water of Notre Dame has a touch of the same clean vibe, but instead of the herbal dryness there's a sweet floral note. And it doesn't make me feel less stressed out or anything, although it does make me feel a bit more peaceful. So maybe White Light is the purification scent, but Water of Notre Dame is the peace that one fills the vacuum that the negativity left when it was removed with White Light? So they're not even meant to be alternatives, but partnering scents, the White Light taking energy away and Water of Notre Dame adding it back? Er, I think I'm delving into the Quantum Physics of perfumery here. So sticking to the perfume side of it ("Just the notes, ma'am"), it's a very clean scent underneath with a floral, perfumey top note. It's not an old-lady floral, but more of a nostaligic floral. It's nice enough scent-wise, but it's nothing that would become my favorite scent in and of itself. Although I think I'm going to experiment partnering it up with White Light!
  8. savage_rose


    In the imp all I can smell is jasmine...and not the pretty kind, it's the kind that smells like dirty diapers. Nice! But on, it's a different story...it starts out smelling a bit dry, like an herbal cologne. And the jasmine backs off a bit, and I can smell other flowers (is that magnolia?). And I can still smell the herbs and a bit of the earthy loaminess...but...damn if this isn't turning into the floral equivalent of a perfume pop-up! Every window of scent is wave after wave of SWEET FLORAL! and it's so overwhelming. If the volume on this wasn't so high it might be a very nice smell, but it's so sweet and cloying! This would be beautiful on the right person, someone whose chemistry balances the jasmine and doesn't amp whatever I'm amping.
  9. savage_rose


    In the imp, this is a divine clove-y almond. Oh, this is not going to go well. And...it dries down to baby powder with a whisper of spice and a distant memory of rose. This is an itty bitty baby Pothon Meter on me, spiced rose...baby powder. Sigh. A great blend, but not on me.
  10. savage_rose

    Delousing Powder

    I love this! You'd think a scent with "Powder" in the name would go to powder...but it doesn't (at least not as much as notes that "powder out"). It smells like tart, intense lemon with a bit of sugar thrown in for good measure...there's a bit of sweet softness there, like a little powdered sugar halo. What a bright, lovely lemon scent...something between Lemonheads and a lemon tart.
  11. savage_rose

    Who do I email with questions? BPAL/BPTP contact info

    Wait, are you placing the order through PayPal or CCNow? If you're trying to use PayPal through CCNow, that double dings the Lab with charges...that might be why you're getting the errors and why orders get canceled. Are you going to paypal.com, logging in, and sending the payment to paypal@blackphoenixalchemylab.com? ETA: Okay, I just read more carefully and saw that you were paying directly...I'm stumped! I hope this gets straightened out soon.
  12. savage_rose

    Flowering Chrysanthemums

    I adored Chrysanthemum Moon, so I was so excited to try this. And I'm so disappointed! It smells like bitter, crushed herbs on me, and a touch of bad patchouli. And something plasticky in the background. So, so sad.
  13. savage_rose


    Such a sweet, elegant perfume! And what I love about this...honeyed gardenia would be such a Southern combination, but the rice paper adds that chilled "asian" influence that tones down the sweetness a bit and grounds it. I love this!
  14. savage_rose

    Man With Phallus Head

    At first this smells bizarrely of bubble gum, before it changes into this lovely honey-spice blend. And then it changes again, and it's...baby powder?!? Argh, sandalwood, you've gone too far! Definitely a morpher, but not the good kind on my skin .
  15. Lovely, light and sparkling...the apricot gives it a bit of a tang and the woods ground it, but mainly this is a really pretty floral sake. One of my favorite Shungas so far!
  16. savage_rose

    Eight Views of Actors in Their Dressing Rooms

    At first this is dark and resinous-smelling, a bit incensey. And then it deepens a bit, and some of the more astringent notes pop up...the sweet but sour yuzu, the neroli. I can also catch a hint of the lime...and mostly the sourness is balanced nicely with the tea, but it's just a little too intense for me. It goes between smelling dark and mysteriously lovely to...somewhat medicinal. I'm completely ambivalent about this! I possibly really like this. Definitely maybe.
  17. savage_rose


    I got to try this thanks to the lovely ivyandpeony! And it's gorgeous...light, lovely, and intensely effervescent, like New Orleans but even more so. I wish this was in the GC, because I couldn't stop sniffing it.
  18. savage_rose

    Lovers in a Ricefield

    At first this smells like "BPAL"...I can't describe it, but it's just this quality of lovely, intricate, mysterious, dark perfumery. I love it, and "Ooh" to myself. But it dries, and the plum becomes this horrible shrill sweet smell. Remember Mojo Jojo's girlfriend from the Meet the Beat-Alls episode, the one who was modeled after Yoko Ono and kept shrieking like nails on a blackboard? That's this scent on me. It's giving me a headache, and I hate that it's not working on me.
  19. savage_rose

    Voyeurs Among the Cherry Blossoms

    In the imp and on, this smells like over-perfumed dryer sheets. And then after time, I can smell a bit of cherry blossom, but mostly an herbal dryness (moss/greenery with something dirty, like body odor--ew!). This smells a lot more like a men's cologne than I was expecting...aside from the occasional whiffs the B.O. smell, it's very nice and unisex-verging-on-masculine.
  20. savage_rose

    Lovers with Rutting Cats

    There's a gorgeously buttery spiciness to this...in the imp it smells delightfully of butterscotch. But on this plasticky undertone takes over. Ugh! At least I'll have the imp...it would make a nice locket scent.
  21. savage_rose

    Giant Vulva

    This smells so pretty and clean on me...all light, sugared white flowers and a hint of beeswaxy creaminess. There's a bit of an edge to it, but it's mainly just clean, sweet, and innocent--not very Shunga-like, but so nice.
  22. savage_rose

    Couple Consulting an Enpon

    In the imp it smells like perfumed blackberries. On. at first it smells like a cheap candle from Michaels. But as it dries, it warms up a bit (amber!)...with just a cold, brisk touch of mint to liven it up. Now it smells like a blackberry cologne, warm and sweet. Ooh, I might really like this one!
  23. savage_rose

    Milk Chocolate Buttercream

    It smells delicious in the imp, but turns to Tootsie Rolls on my skin...Gelt was rich and fabulous, but for some reason all of the "chocolate-chocolate" blends up smelling weak or fake on me. So frustrating.
  24. savage_rose

    White Chocolate, Marshmallow, and Coconut

    I love BPAL's coconut blends, but sadly this did not agree with my skin chemistry. My skin amps the coconut to the point where I smell like offbrand sunblock, and that's all I can smell. Sigh. I'm keeping my imp, but I do not need a bottle.
  25. savage_rose

    CCNow Questions & Problems

    It's not on its way until you get the CnS, but it sounds like they most likely are assembling your order!