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BPAL Madness!

Emu Nymph

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Everything posted by Emu Nymph

  1. Emu Nymph

    Australian Copperhead (2006)

    I really like this one I get a nice berry/vanilla scent on top with just a little something darker underneath. So far this is the only one of the snakes I can wear
  2. Emu Nymph

    Lady Una

    I was so excited when this one came out. Being as Lady Una was my favorite character in Stardust. In the bottle it is wonderful honey and vanilla. As it drys is turns into as other people have put it Musky cat pee. This one got so bad the more it dried that I had to wash my whole arm just to get any trace off. It gave me such a headache that now I can't even open the bottle. I was so sad.
  3. Emu Nymph

    Vampire Tears

    For me this one smells WAY too foody and sugary. It gives me a headache like no other.
  4. Emu Nymph

    Marshmallow Poof

    I can't wear sugar scents no matter what and this one not only gives me a headache but smells like sugared play-dough on me. I'm not even sure why I tested it. Sugared scents have never worked on me. EVER.
  5. Emu Nymph


    You think I would have learned by now! Anything with the word caramel in it makes me smell like maple syrup. High quality maple syrup. But still all I get is maple syrup.
  6. Emu Nymph


    This one started out light and spring like. That's the only word I can put with it. And only in a few minutes it smells like straw on me. I wanted to like her but I just don't want to smell like horse feed. Sadly one that I'll have to put up for swap.
  7. Emu Nymph


    I want to bathe in this scent! It deep green, without being heavy. It's fruity sweet, and the amber just brings everything together into a beautiful medley of scents. It's not light but it's not heavy. This will be a great blend to grab for everyday use or if I just can't decide what to wear.
  8. Emu Nymph

    Gennivre, L’Artiste du Diable

    I was worried about this one because of the surger. But this scent takes on an almost nice tea scent. And I love tea. So this one it becoming on of my fast favorites.
  9. Emu Nymph

    Carnaval Diabolique

    I don't know why I didn't buy a blottle of this unsniffed. I got my decanted imp and fell in love with it. It passed the husband test too! It's very fruity and not sticky sweet on me. It's lovely.
  10. Emu Nymph

    Melisande, The Puppet Mistress

    I wasn't sure about this one because Jasmine is very hit or miss on me. But I was very nicely surprised when it smelled more of a vanillamust with jasmine under tones. This is home more scent I have to add to my list!
  11. Emu Nymph

    Budding Moon

    At first I was scared that this one would be too floral on me. Be and heavy florals just don't mix well. But I bought it any way and tested it. It turned sweet on my and slighlt fruity. I was so happy.
  12. Emu Nymph

    Red Lantern

    In the bottle I could only smell the caramel and was about to cry because the caramel and sugar scents just turn out horrid on me. But being the glutton for punishment I am I dabbed a little on the back of my hand just to see if I would have to give this away or not. And sure thing the caramel came through, but there's something else too. Something darker and smokey. Something that makes sure the caramel knows it's place and doesn't sugar out on me. I'm not sure what it is but it smells like caramel and smokey leather. And after a while the caramel dies down to just a sweet after note and the smokey darkness comes out. Like a tall dark stranger in a leather duster eating a sugar daddy. This one is a keeper.
  13. Emu Nymph

    Shadow Witch Orchid

    I'm normally not one for hevy florals but this one is very nice. I'm not sure if I'll get a bigger bottle of this one. But it does make me feel kinda sexy.
  14. Emu Nymph

    Antique Lace

    In the bottle: Sweet and soft. Like a soft down pillow that's been set outside on a summer day. On me: rather vanilla but a soft wispy vanilla. Dry I get the vanilla musk too. I really like this one and it's not too over powering I can wear it to work.
  15. Emu Nymph

    Pink Phoenix

    In the bottle: Very sweet. I almost want to drink it. Wet on my skin: Sweet, very sweet, with a bit of burnt rubber? Where did that come from? Dry Down: Nice and sweet but not over powering.
  16. Emu Nymph


    This one was one I've wanted ever since I found BPAL but I'd been passing it up. I finally broke down and bought an imp. I was hoping it would smell sort of like Scherezade. Well I was much suprised it was nothing like Scherezade, which made me rather sad. It was a lot sweeter. But the rose wasn't over bowering though wich made me happy. I think this one will be one that I keep an imp of but not a whole bottle of.
  17. Emu Nymph

    Lucy's Kiss

    I've been wanting to try this scent for a while now, but because of the rose I've been putting it off. But when I found out that I can wear Beatrice and Love in the Asylum I thougt I'd give this one a try. In the bottle it smells very sweet but not too rose-y. Sadly aftr I put it on it turned one to be nothing but rose. So sadly this imp will need to find a new home. And I wanted to love this one too. It almost broke my heart when there was nothing but rose on me.
  18. Emu Nymph

    Snow Moon

    This one doesn't remind me a bit of Ice Queen. But that's not a bad thing. It smells cold in the bottle. On me it takes on a spicy pine scent and stays that way till I was it off. But not like Pine-Sol thankfully! This is a very lovely scent.
  19. Emu Nymph

    The Cracked Bell

    In the bottle this is a nice deep smokey scent that I loved at first sniff. While wearing it it did something funky and like a few otherse I got the hairspray scent mixed with pencil shavings. Very odd but after a while and on the full dry down it turned back to the nice smokey, bloody scent that I loved when I sniffed it. I'm so getting a bottle of this.
  20. Emu Nymph


    I swaped my bottle of Snowblind for this and I must say I an not disapointed in the slightest! At first this one goes on very strong. Almost to the point of over powering. The patchouli and leather come out first and nothing else can be smelled. And it's that way for almost an hour until fully dried down when the cardamom and sweetness of the burbon comes out and the patchouli takes back stage. It's like a sweet spicy leather. I just can't slather this one as much as I like but I'b fully in love with this.
  21. Emu Nymph

    Nuclear Winter

    Very lovely scent. And yes it's a lot like Ice Queen on me. I'm so getting a bottle of this. I'm in love. I used up most of my imp already. So I need more.
  22. Emu Nymph


    I got an imp of this from a dectan circle and it was teh first Yule scent I tried this time. I'm not getting the hairspray like some others but I get spicey florals with a hint of something darker. Wet it smells the same on mye until it starts to dry down then it's very perfumy floral. It's a nice scent still but I'm not a very floral type of girl. After all the way dry the musk comes out and gives it a very nice scent on me. Over all it's a very lovely scent and I honestly think I should get another imp of it to keep around. But I really don't see me wearing it often enough to get a full bottle to myself.
  23. Emu Nymph

    Trick or Treat

    I love Candy Corn. In t he bottle it smelled like buttered rum to me and all my friends. Wet: syrup sweet Dry still over poweringly sweet. Sadly this one needs to find a new home where it will be loved.
  24. Emu Nymph

    Black Opal

    In the bottle is sweet soft and creamy. On my skin it takes a darker and woody scent, along with the soft sweet scent. I'll have to wait a little and see what I really think of this. But so far I do like it.
  25. Emu Nymph

    Gypsy Queen

    When I first tried this on I wasn't sure if I was going to like it. But as it dryed it got darker, smokey, and a touch sweet and I fell in love with it. The staying power it good too. I can still smell the sweetness on me I think this one rantks up there with Scherezade for me.