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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by Phaedra777

  1. Oh, I wanted this to work so badly. It sounded so good. But what I get is a very, very perfumey blend that makes me sort of headachey. :P It smells very like some well-known cologne, but I'm not able to put my finger on it at the moment.


    On the other hand, my mother loved it. So I gave it to her. :D

  2. I was worried about this when I first put it on, because I got sort of the same dry, stale smell I got with Queen of Sheba (oh, those almonds did not like me...) -- it smelled sort of like stale corn chips.


    But thankfully that went away very quickly, and then I got lovely, lovely sugared currants. Which I'm still getting wafts of 3 hours later. Yum.

  3. Oh man, oh man, oh man.


    I've never been a fan of Dragon's Blood incense, but I've been wearing this for the last week. Sweet, rich, warm, and yes, very powerful, but not overpowering. I think it must be the musk that evens this out so beautifully.

  4. I'm happy to report that megalomania and desolation smell...really pretty. :P This reminds me of Chanel No. 5, as others have said, without the sneeziness. It's more "perfumey" on my skin than it was in the vial, but in a very soft and non-headachey way.

  5. This smelled to me like a very upscale perfume -- lots of florals. It was also an extremely intense scent.


    It was lovely, but unfortunately one of the reasons I love BPAL is that most department-store cologne makes me sneeze my head off, and Lucretia is, from an olfactory standpoint, hanging out with that crowd. I gave it to my mother, 'cause it's a beautiful scent, just not one that my nose will tolerate. :P
