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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by rosesinmotion

  1. My fiance got this as a frimp with an order of Czernoborg (mmm, great stuff, that!).


    I was interested to see that a few of the reviewers mentioned wanting to try this on the men in their life, and since the only experience I have from it is from my fiance... I thought I'd give this a go.


    In a few words:


    Intense desert heartbreak.


    (Not that that particular description is helpful, but that is what I associate the scent with.)


    A few more words:


    Damn sexy. ^.^


    I think that the red patchouli really made this blend. That spicy, musky smell is what really popped out to me--but not in a harassing, overpowering way. This is a fairly complex scent. It made me go--"Hmm...what's in that? Something woody? SPICY. Not quite cinnamon"--and in the few seconds that those thoughts took to muster up and come to the surface, I was hooked.


    I think I prefer the woods of Czernoborg on him, but his is a very sexy change--and he adored it. :P


    (And I thought from the name that this would really work on -females-! This is why I love BPAL ladies and gents---it breaks down those gender expectations.)

  2. I must first say that I have never been happier to spill something over everything in my bathroom. >.<


    I recently got my first scent of imps (though not my first BPAL order), and Sundew happened to be the last one I had left to try. There I was, trying to pop off the cap...and bam!


    Sunshiny happiness all over the bathroom.


    Ladies and gentlemen, if there is a scent you must spill in your bathroom, let Sundew be it. It is a clean, slightly sweet scent that overpowers with its optimism. I was trying to think of something clever to say about the scent, and I kept coming back to sunlight imagery. The thing is, though, that this isn't a dusty, mote-filled sunshine in which you lazy about this. This is the sweet smell of sun on dew.


    (And this is where I say, "D'OH!" because Beth has it exactly right--this is sundew. I can't think of any more fitting way to describe it.)


    Anyway...to bring these rambling thoughts to a conclusion: Lovely smell. Sweet. Nice staying power. Nice throw, as well.


    I can't say that this is my favorite smell because it is just a little too 'happy' for me in that innocent, childhood kind of way, but I can imagine that quite a few people would love wearing this.


    Or spilling it everywhere. >.<

  3. Szepasszony is:


    The smell of water pooled under a thickening crackle of ice;

    The truest blue I've ever slathered on;

    Light, white florals gone aquatic;

    Perfectly described by Beth;

    The very image of a drop of water;

    My perfect scent.


    To wax slightly less enthusiastic and be more pragmatic:


    My skin chemistry did very little to alter this scent on me. It stayed true on my skin.


    It isn't the most overpowering smell--I'd have loved a little more throw.


    It isn't the longest lasting either, though my skin tends to devour oils.


    However, it IS my perfect scent. This is the reason why I have decided to worship BPAL.


    My score: 5/5. (And I'm DEFINITELY going to big-bottle this. :P)

  4. This scent received the highest possible compliment my mom can confer upon a scent:


    "This doesn't smell flowery at all."


    I disagree with her a bit, but I think I see what she was getting at: Sophia does not smell like the typical flowery blend. It isn't fru-fru, ultra-feminine, grandma-in-a-bottle stuff; it has a bit more body to it.


    This started out extremely bitter and spicy. I opened the imp, only to look around bewildered. My nose not being well attuned to different notes yet, I assumed I'd spilled a heap of pepper. >.< This strenghtened a bit upon application, but soon after it started to mellow. (I was quite thankful for that, too, because I thought I was going to sneeze!) Once some of that bitterness subsided, Sophia turned quite lovely. I can't pin down the feeling exactly, but it almost seemed like a cubist's red rose. (I know--that's horribly helpful for the people thinking about ordering some of this!) To me, it really did seem floral, but based on something a little more solid.


    My final judgement though, lovely as this is, is that I prefer something with a little more of that body. I loved that Sophia wasn't all airily flowery, but I wish that some of those less-flowery smells had shone through a bit more. It might just be that lavender and I don't always get along, but...


    Anyway, I think I'll give an imp of this to my mom and hope that her skin chemistry achieves something of the same effect that she loved.

  5. What a sweet, sad disappointment!


    I've been charmed by the myth of of Endymion for ages now, so this was, of course, one of the first imps I ordered. I was intrigued by the mention of pear in the description, even though I'm not usually a huge fan of fruity smells. I like vanilla and florals, and I'm planning to branch out into the muskier stuff on BPAL.


    Anyway, when I opened my imp, I was a bit surprised. Instead of the delicate harmony of pear and floral that I had hoped for, the pear and what I assume was the lily-of-the-valley were pitching an outright war. With only a slight bit of nervousness I applied.


    Once the oil hit my skin, I was in for a few minutes of funkiness while everything settled down. Eventually, though, the riot between the pear and lily-of-the-valley did quiet. I had a few minutes of truly loveliness.


    Unfortunately, and this seems to be a common experience, the pear evaporated rather quickly, leaving me with some nice florals. The pear did "clean up" the florals; instead of just being florals, Endymion has left off as flowers bedecked with dew.


    This is quite the pleasant scent, but it wasn't quite what I was hoping for.


    But hey, at least this scent stayed around. :P


    My overall score? 3.75/5.

  6. I'm going to start battling through the interview process soon as well. I'm going to be interviewing for a teaching position wherever I can find one (high school English).



    Basically, it all boils down to the fact that I'm going to be one of -those- young teachers. I'm one of those student teachers who gets mistaken for a student...repeatedly. Right now, all I have is Siren and a bit of Tushanmatay (sp). Siren is definitely out--sultry is not what I'm looking for. :P Tushanmatay turns to bubblegum on me.


    I'm going to be ordering a set of imps in the near future, so any advice would be lovely. :D
