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Everything posted by batblush

  1. batblush

    Dove's Heart

    At first I wasn't sure I would like this scent (despite what I heard of it's violet notes, which I adore) because in the imp it's a very strong powdery scent. I really dislike powder as it makes me feel like I smell like an old lady--npt good for an 18-year old! However, once it dried down some on my wrist the beautiful florals really start to come through and the "powder" becomes a slightly herbal undertone that I really like. Five minutes later...that beautifully sugary and delicate violet that my skin loves so much to amp comes through the back...quiet but very much so there. It stays close to the skin but has good strength, which suits it's purpose. It's definitely a soft, quiet blend--still a little too "soapy" right now at this point for me to wear much, but I'm hoping I'll amp more of the green note of the herbs as time goes on instead of the lavender I'm picking up.