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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by Jeebs

  1. Thank you everybody for your help and kind words! I'll take all of your advice and recommendations into consideration, and I'll definitely pass it all on to my fiancée. If anyone else has any advice, please, keep it coming!
  2. My fiancée and I will be getting married this June, and I was wondering about scents that might work well with our theming. See, our wedding is going to have a bit of a late-19th-century/Steampunk/Gothic theme. For myself, I was leaning towards Robotic Scarab, Antikythera Mechanism, Dee, or Black Rider (I have tried all of those and love them). She has tried Les Fleurs du Mal and Titania (which both smelled great on her). What are some scents that might work together for the two of us? Also, a related question: I will be wearing a long-sleeved, high-collared shirt (somewhat similar to this one, but with a different vest), which covers up both of the places I usually apply my scents. What would be a good way to apply my cologne so that it can actually be smelled?
  3. Jeebs

    What BPAL would this fictional character wear?

    What would Dr. Frankenstein from Once Upon A Time wear (the fictional version, not Dr. Whale)? On the mad(?) scientist note, what about Isaac Dan der Grimnebulin from China Mieville's Perdido Street Station?