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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by opaleyes

  1. opaleyes


    Violet violet violet. This smells exactly the same on me as it does in the vial, which is quite rare. I want to like this one, especially since my boyfriend does, but I'm just not sure about it. I'm reminded strongly of Children's Grape Chewable Tylenol, which I had to take all of the time as a kid. The mental association is so strong that I just can't get around it. This one may be off to the swap pile. I'm trying it out again today, as I want to give it a second chance, but I just don't know...
  2. opaleyes


    Mmmmm *sigh* This is so incredibly feminine. My first whiff of the imp made me think of honeysuckle, but on further sniffing, that's the tea. I don't get much of the rose or carnation just yet. This is just... wow. If I ever want to feel delicate and pretty, this is it. It's a little light on me though. This may be one for my scent locket.
  3. opaleyes


    Ooh! ::laughs:: If Narcissa Malfoy were to wear one BPAL scent, this would be it. Love the rose. It's not the fresh sweet rose, but much more dry and dusty. That "proud" feel is definitely there. The narcissus balances the rose out so well, and becomes more prominent the longer I wear it. This is great on me. When I was in the car this morning, I was cooped up with the fresh scent and did actually detect a somewhat gasoline/rubbing alcohol undertone, but as soon as I got out into the fresh air, into the office, etc. It was gone. I wondered if I had just been smelling the exhaust from other cars, but after reading other reviews here I wonder if it really was the perfume. So yeah, as long as I'm not hopping into the car right after putting it on, I love this!
  4. opaleyes

    French Love

    Oh WOW. This is an immediate top tenner. I didn't know what to expect from this one, but not this! When I opened the imp my first impression wasn't on anything French, but Hawaii. The first thing that springs to my mind upon smelling it is piles and piles of hibiscus blossoms and white orchids. I've never smelled dragon's blood, so I can't really compare it to that. On me? Well, smell aside, it stays bright pink! I normally slash the top of the imp container across my neck, and I looked a bit like I'd been attacked. I had to rub it in. It smells amazing though. Now some more notes are coming out. A little bit of spiced something. And something does smell a tiny bit soapy, and there's definitely something musky in there. Oh Man. I wish I hadn't just placed an order, because I need this!
  5. opaleyes


    Well darn. I should have read the reviews on this one before I bought it, as the site description really doesn't give much info. Wet: very strong, something spicy with a hint of cocoa. Dry: pure lemon and honey, with that same something spicy. This reminds me very much of some medicinal cough drops my mom got me once. They burned a hole in my tongue. Sadly, I'm just about as fond of Cairo. Too bad, really. I've always been fascinated with Egypt. I like the spice, and I like the honey, but lemon just doesn't work on me.
  6. opaleyes

    Queen Mab

    Tricky, indeed! Queen Mab actually smelled differently on different parts of my body. One wrist was all roses, the other was the jasmine and orchid. But when I was walking around, a sweet alcoholic scent kept floating up to me from my neck. It was a bit like passion fruits dripping with wine, and I LOVE it. It's been two hours now, though, and I'm losing those little snatches of scent. My wrists are both now a powdery sandalwood with touches of something sweet. The musk? I wish the Queen would hang around a little longer!
  7. opaleyes


    WHOA. Ok, so normally when I get a scent I try it on anyway if I don't like how it smells in the vial. I'm afraid I didn't even give Baku that chance. I opened it last night to put it on before bed, and I don't even know what I initially smelled, but my immediate reaction was to get the vial closed as quickly as possible. And then when I realized I'd gotten some on my fingers, I gave them a little sniff, and then scrubbed my hands furiously. Some people have said Eucalyptus and Anise, and perhaps lemon? Those three mixed could probably match what I smelled, and it just doesn't work for me. This one goes straight to the swap pile. Too bad, really. Oneiroi is one of my top 5 BPAL scents. I'll stick with that one for my dream time.
  8. opaleyes


    I'm really glad I got this as a frimp! I never would have thought to try it! In the vial- It smells a lot like spices actually, some kind of incense. I really can't put my finger on it. Perhaps it's the bergamot and mugwort? I have no idea what they smell like. On me- Ooooh lavender and Jasmine. I get strong memories from this. I worked in an antique shop during college, and it smelled a lot like this. I absolutely loved working there. (the shop!---> http://www.theparismarket.com/) So yes, happy memories. And then the jasmine... I grew up in Charleston, SC and there was jasmine everywhere. This reminds me of home. A very comforting scent. I'll be needing a bottle of this one. Whether or not it has any effect on my dreams, I've not yet been able to determine.
  9. opaleyes


    In vial- I get kind of a flowery, generic perfume smell. There's something sharp smelling in there. It mihg tbe one of the woods, but it could also be the osmanthus. I admit to having no clue what osmanthus smells like. On me- Mmm. Here come the roses and lilac. I can smell the teak in there too. This is just lovely. It's soft, yet lasted a very long time. I could still smell it around 8 hours later. This one's a keeper.
  10. opaleyes

    The Red Queen

    Oh man, this is easily my favorite BPAL scent. In the vial- Cherries, and lots of them. On me- very quickly softens and warms into the mahogany and currant, with something else... I'm not sure what it is, but it smells very much like almonds. I could just drown in this. It makes me want to curl up and take a nap in our library while fresh jam cookies are baking in the oven. Mmmmm*sigh* The King of Hearts sounds somewhat similar, so I've ordered an imp of that. We'll see which I prefer before I go for the bottle. Edit: One other thing I forgot to note- sadly it fades pretty quickly. I tend to be sparing with how much I put on though, so in the future I may just slather it on!
  11. opaleyes


    In the vial: lots of sandalwood. It's really strong. On me: Oof! There's the patchouli! And JUST patchouli. Lots and lots of it. I am strongly reminded of Loose Lucy's stores (hippies, The Grateful Dead, Widespread Panic, etc). I've only been in two of them, but they both smelled exactly like this. Hm... As the day wore on it began to smell more like the sandalwood and cinnamon. Maybe I just got used to the smell. I'm not sure. The sandalwood/cinnamon combo is more Christmas-y than seductive, I think. It's on ok scent, but I'm not wild about it. Off to the swap pile.
  12. opaleyes


    In the vial- Very strong. Generic magazine strip perfume smell. On me- The black patchouli and musk come out right away. 20 mins later?- powder. Darn it! 2 hours later?- this one definitely has lasting power. The powder smells is still there, but there's some overwhelming rose coming out. So much so that I'm getting a headache. Time to wash it off. Sadly, this one's for the swap pile.