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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by PetaledSoul

  1. PetaledSoul

    Gennivre, L’Artiste du Diable

    Ahhh... this is so, so lovely on me. The first time I wore it my skin really amped the lemongrass (which can give me a headache), and I was afraid. However, the drydown was just fabulous - I couldn't stop sniffing myself - so I decided to give it another try. Subsequent wearings have avoided overblast of lemongrass. I love mint and honey, so walking around smelling of an herby mint tea does amazing things for my psyche. Especially at my new ultra stressful job =) As a side note, for other Honey Moon freaks, about four to six hours later I'm left with the same soft honey scent on my skin that I love so much. The 90 degree, 100% humidity days in Georgia will definitely be great days for this! ETA: This is what I wished Juke Joint smelled like on me... only with bourbon instead of tea!
  2. PetaledSoul


    I did not think I was allergic to any of the ingredients in this blend, but something about the combination has me sneezing like no tomorrow. From what I can smell, this is kind of sharp and not-pretty on my skin
  3. PetaledSoul


    Ahhh... Port-Au-Prince. I did have such high hopes for you. When I sniffed you in your imp, you did smell so loverly of my heart's desire - almond - blended with just a bit of spiciness. Well, Port-Au-Prince, you are a trickster! Luring me in, using your delectable almond goodness to thinly veil the OVERPOWERING, BURNING HEAT of clove. /dramaoff/ Seriously, this one really caught me off guard. It was all fabulous almond in the imp. I could detect a BIT of spice, and that excited me. I tested this yesterday and it literally made my skin burn... a first for BPAL. Of course, I tested it in the car and there was nowhere to wash, so I got a chance to experience the scent morphing. After the initial flash there was no almond anywhere for me and I was sad. And then my playmate said - "You don't smell bad. You actually smell good - like coffeehouse floozy, clove cigarettes and all. I like it."
  4. PetaledSoul


    In the hidden recesses of my suburban heart, my soul rejoices in the exotic. When I very first found BPAL, the Wanderlust collection appealed to me most.... I wanted to smell spicy, exotic, mysterious, sensual.. like all the places in my dreams. Okay, so those recesses aren't so hidden as of late... but I still hadn't found the perfect scent. Every single one went bad - straight to old lady powder or a nasty headache. That is, until Khajuraho. This may be most fabulous stuff I've ever put on my skin. Certainly sexy, absolutely exotic. I can smell the honey, tuberose and sandalwood if I look for them, but mostly the notes blend together into something lovely. And now, I want it all. I bought a decant of this from a forumite on a whim... too bad I'm already addicted. The ONE downside is that it fades within a couple of hours, so I'm going to have to procure even more for slathering. And, I'll probably end up with a scent locket incorporated into my wardrobe specifically for this oil. So yeah, I'm off to stalk the forum for more. Hopefully I can find enough to keep me from losing my mind =) BTW - I will also be buying Litha basted on the fact that there are a couple of similar notes and I hope my skin likes THAT, too. *sigh* this is why BPAL is the crack.
  5. PetaledSoul


    Kyoto, I wanted to love you. Cherry blossom loves me. White sandalwood is my friend. I can handle a LIGHT anise. I open, the imp, sniff and pray. Its mostly cherry blossom. Apply sparingly to wrist. Most cherry blossom. And I'm encouraged, so I apply more. WOAH LICORICE Damned anise. I'll be passing this one along, as I'd rather not smell like a Good & Plenty.
  6. PetaledSoul


    Gluttony came to me as a frimp with my EBM order.... and I'm SO happy it did. Let me tell you right now - I love foodie. I'm THAT girl - the one who smells like cookies, pie or something else both edible and fragrant. I'm the proud owner of 6 Demeter foodies, including two BIG bottles. (Yes, that was before BPAL) Gluttony may be the yummiest foodie scent on me, ever. The first application is all chocolate and hazelnuts - it makes me think of Nutella and hazelnuts. Not supersweet, but definitely yummy. I also get the buttercream, but its not overpowering. As it dries down, I smell alot like hazelnut coffee and that's a good thing, too. As a side note: I wore this to bed last night and dreamed of chocolate fudge pop-tarts. Coincidence? I think not.
  7. PetaledSoul

    Beltane 2005-06

    This is my first actual writing of a review, so be patient with me! Wow, Beltane. I'm in LOVE with this scent. In the bottle it is sharp - green, with a lemony edge and some florals if I sniff hard. I have to admit that on my initial sniff, I told my friend "it smells like air freshener." Then I put it on. My skin loves this stuff. The notes are so well-blended that I can't really pick them out individually. Wet, it is still green, but the sharpness is gone. It's just fresh, like recently mowed grass. As it dries down, the freshenss fades and it becomes the most amazingly soft, lovely floral. This is saying alot, because florals normally freak out on me. There's a hint of sweetness that stays close to my skin. I wish I woke up smelling like this naturally. I only wish it didn't fade so fast - I'll be stalking the sale threads for more bottles, though I doubt I'll find many.