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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by snowfox090

  1. The scent itself is heavenly. It starts out a sweet, smooth-as-silk sunwarmed grape, then fades into a softer scent that feels clean and comfortable while still remaining fruity.


    But that's not what this oil is really about, is it? It's about effect, not aesthetics, and today I learned the hard way that the voodoo scents are not just perfume.


    I work at Subway, and today I layered HJtC over Hungry Ghost Moon because I thought it smelled yummy. I forgot about it attracting wealth--and we had a record number of sales. There was no rhyme or reason to it; it just seemed that everyone in my tiny little town decided to get a sandwich for lunch today. I literally stood still for more than a handful of seconds *maybe* once. It was hot, exhausting, and frustrating, but hey! The store made money hand over fist!


    OTOH, my boss *was* very complimentary of the way I handled it. "Kicking ass and taking names" was the phrase she used.


    So yes, this stuff works. It works above and beyond my expectations. Powerful stuff.

  2. Oh my lovely Kumiho, perfume of discerning foxes everywhere. Why must you fade so quickly?


    This was the very first BPAL oil I ever tried on, a birthday gift from my boy. In the bottle it's lovely, sweet, and pale yellow-green, but with the oddest, faint edge of bubble solution. It makes me think of scented bubbles floating around, rainbowed in the sun.


    On my skin, it starts out much the same, that lovely burst of light green sweetness (thankfully this time without the bubbles!). As it dries down it fades into a nearly-white scent, perhaps the faintest tinge of green to it, with the tiniest tannic edge from the tea if I inhale -very- deeply. Heaven, sweet cool refreshing Heaven in a little blue bottle. And like all good things, it's gone far too quickly--within half an hour, all I can smell is a faint ghost of tea on my wrist.


    In my hair, it's an entirely different brand of beautiful. Although not a constant presence, every so often when I move I get this deep breath of sweet, sap-filled growing greenness. It makes me think of the first shoots of spring, snapped crisply in hand, their sap spilling over my fingers. It's a very -growing- scent, if that makes sense. Planty and full of life, enough that I wonder if it shouldn't be in Rappacini's Garden instead.


    Just beautiful. I need a 10ml of this. Maybe more than one.


    (Ack, my first review! Where did all that flowery stuff come from?! :P )

  3. Does anyone remember Infinity? I can't remember who made it, and it's one of my aunt's favorite perfumes. I want to enable her -so- bad, but we've been scouring the net without success for an hour trying to track down the notes. Does anyone who recalls this scent have any suggestions for a similar BPAL? TIA!
