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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by batsy

  1. batsy


    So this is the infamous Shattered I've heard about... someone frimped me an imp to try. In the vial: Oh yeah, sparkling grapefruit. Pink in a bottle. On the skin: Still sparkling grapefruit with a heavy punch of something floral. Very bubbly... very aquatic. It's a lovely scent, almost 'designer', if you will. Unfortunately, whatever is in it gave me a headache. Oh well.
  2. batsy


    (Minor backstory: I have severe episodes of depression, anxiety/panic attacks, and OCD) Last night things got into a bad space for me, mentally. I'd forgotten I have a spot of Lionheart but when looking for something else I came across it. I spread some on my wrists and inner elbows, being as those are the most effective areas to get the scent into me. Within ten minutes I was calm and focused. It actually revoked the insomina I was heading towards and banished the dark thoughts. I made it through the night (gave me vivid dreams) and I'm relatively okay today. I'll probably reapply soon. As for the scent, on me it's got the warm sun-kissed amber smell akin to BPAL's The Lion (which is my favorite BPAL) with a musky, woodsy tone to it. I don't get florals, there might be a bit of moss in there (something green, not sure what) but it's warm and comforting like a blankey. It stayed with me through sleeping and this morning it's not as strong, but it's long-lasting on my skin. Where as I've used White Light with decent results, if it came down to it I'll use Lionheart from now on!
  3. batsy


    In the vial: Well, it's a familar burn-y smell. I can't place it but I know I've sniffed that note before. On the skin: It's floral, whatever's in it. And it's giving me a headache. Bummer.
  4. batsy

    Aries 2007

    In the vial: Ironically it reminds me of when you've just cut into a pumpkin, that smell. On the skin: ugh honeysuckle. I get a whiff of black pepper but the honeysuckle is murder. Good thing I'm not an Aries.
  5. batsy


    In the vial: Whatever it is, it made me cough. On the skin: Burning smell, in a bad way. Pine tar, hardcore cinnamon... now my skin is burning. This is why I don't play with fire.
  6. batsy


    In the vial: A freshly opened box of Fruit Loops. Seriously! On the skin: Oh my god, Beth bottled Fruit Loops! This is hiliarious! It's that sugary-sweet fake-fruit smell! Awesome! I can't believe it! Now I can smell like Fruit Loops when ever I want!
  7. batsy

    Saw-Scaled Viper

    In the vial: eww... raw ginger root. Like in the produce department. On the skin: ugh, cassia. And my eyes are burning. Wow, not a good combo for me. *hurriedly tosses in the swaps*
  8. batsy


    In the vial: salty fruit. On the skin: Holy... I didn't know one could create a perfume that smells EXACTLY like a can of Squirt soda, only salty! Grapefruit ahoy indeed. This is fascinating!
  9. batsy


    In the vial: whoa, red wine! On the skin: Mimosa. And lots of wine, like buckets full. It takes some drydown but the clove shows up and it's a full blown party. I really like this, the balance of the sweetness of the red wine and the spicy clove... yum!
  10. batsy

    Dragon's Milk

    I haven't had any luck with any of the Draconis scents, so I'm trying again. In the vial: honey and vanilla. Good so far! On the skin: Somehow the vanilla/honey temper the dragon's blood and it hasn't outright scent me screaming. I actually *like* this one, so it pays to keep trying in a scent family. This one I'd actually wear! *gasp* I knew the Dragon couldn't keep failing me. This is yummy!
  11. batsy

    Fire Eater

    In the vial: burning, kinda like Fallen. On the skin: still burning ashes. A bit of resins. Unfortunately, there's no throw on this at all and it's just really hard to tell. What little scent I can get is nice, warm.
  12. batsy


    In the vial: salty ozone. Kinda like a beach after a rainstorm. On the skin: There's a citrus in this. And while most aquatics kill me outright, this one isn't. It's rather lovely, light and airy. The ozone and citrus are key notes. I can honestly say this aquatic didn't send me screaming!
  13. batsy


    In the vial: woodsy. I love how it's green in colour! On the skin: Saffron and musk. Manly. It's actually kinda nice, it gets spicy on the dry down. Reminds me of a high-end mens' cologne. Neat!
  14. batsy

    Santa Muerte

    In the vial: Vetiver and cactus. On the skin: The 'mum really pops, but I have to shove my hand into my nose before I can get anything from it. There's no throw. The vetiver chokes everything else to death. It's also kinda sour. I was hoping it was similar to DDLM, but it really isn't. Oh well.
  15. batsy


    In the vial: Vetiver darkness. Reminds me of Czernobog. On the skin: Hardcore dirty musk. Has 'male' written all over it. Heated and warm. I actually like this one; I love Czernobog, so I was probably bound to like Satyr too. It has a dirt-quality to it, woodsy too. Yum. A keeper!
  16. batsy

    Black Ice

    In the vial: Solid vetiver. On the skin: Eep, aquatic. I'm assuming that's supposed to be the winter wind. Either way, hurts my nose and is causing a reaction similar to what happens when I get around jasmine. Swap.
  17. In the vial: Patchoili, with spices. On the skin: Yeah lots of red amber and patchouli. It's really spicy and burns my nose when I sniff it. Very interesting, since the heat is tempered by the vanilla. Most intrieguing! I really like this one, that's a surprise! Unfortunately, on the dry down it started to burn the heck out of my skin, so it's going to the swap pile.
  18. batsy

    Riding the Goat

    In the vial: smokey incense and berries! Like Lampades! On the skin: It evokes the woods in deep fall, after a frost. The berries are kinda like juniper to my nose. The mahogany is lovely and the pipe smoke deepens it. Kinda like a grandfather scent. Very manly. I'm getting a hint of wood polish/cleaner on the drydown, which scares me but hopefully that'll go away. Delightful!
  19. batsy

    Devil's Claw

    In the vial: Dirt. Particularly barkdust in the summer after a shower when it's all damp. On the skin: If one could smell colours, this would be 'brown'. It's all smoke and BBQ to me, which is interesting but I'm not sure I'm into smelling like a woodsmoke BBQ. Fairly interesting scent-wise, but going to the swap pile.
  20. batsy

    A Bachelor's Dog

    In the vial: soft, musky leather. Very very light. On the skin: The cigars come out! It reminds me of a gentlemen's club in a bottle, really. I have to shove my hand to my nose to get anything off this one, which is disappointing but it's a lovely scent. Manly, but delightful! The musk isn't overpowering and the leather is better then the leather scent in like De Sade. Perfect!
  21. batsy

    The Parliament of Monsters (2006)

    In the bottle: smoke and incense with carmel. On the skin: It smells 'dirty', if that makes sense. The carmel is in the background, mostly run over by the tobacco. It's similar to Mum Moon with the incense and smoke, but really the manly version of that. Lovely and dark.
  22. batsy

    Mr. Nancy

    Sugar cookies with bay rum, tobacco, and lime. -- In the vial: Rum with a ton of lime juice in it. Sickly sweet. On the skin: Here comes the sugar cookies! It's all sugar and lime with a backdrop of rum. It's very lovely, delicious even! Yum! *eats hand* (edit to add Lab description)
  23. batsy


    In the vial: warm, spicy oranges with amber. YAY! On the skin: Well, cinnamon. Hrm. But the oranges push it down, the tangerine pops, the tea and cadamom aren't killing me, and for once I can stand cinnamon! Wow. I might actually need a bottle of this one. It reminds me of this tea we used to make in 6th grade with a lot of the same spices. Excellent!
  24. batsy

    Carfax Abbey

    In the vial: boozy herbs. On the skin: Oh there's the woods! And lots of herbs. Oh and dust, I don't know how Beth makes dust a scent but she's brilliant at it. This is very manly scent-wise, rather lovely. The incense starts to pop on the drydown, and the meloncholy scent of the woods and subsequently earth, is brilliant. Yay!
  25. batsy

    Peony Moon

    In the vial: plum! On the skin: strong, watery peony. It's lovely! The Asian woods pop as well as it starts to dry down. A summery, Asian-esque blend, truly. Very exotic.