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Everything posted by Ryvre

  1. Ryvre


    I really wanted to like this. I love the smell of pomegranate, but this just doesn't work on me. In the imp: Perfumey, and not in a good way. Wet: Same. The rose comes on strong and doesn't let go. I went to wash this off after 10 minutes. The rose was so strong I couldn't escape it. I scrubbed and scrubbed, and it wouldn't come off. I put Katharina on over it, but I could still smell it. Hours later, the Katharina was gone, but Persephone was still hanging around. This has some serious throw to it.
  2. Ryvre


    I don't normally like rose or carnation, but I love Alice. In the imp: It's sweet. I mostly smell honey with a bit of rose. Wet: It's smooth and creamy and very understated. The honey and milk smell great on me. Dry: Unfortunately it fades into baby powder as it dries.
  3. Ryvre


    This was one of the first scents I decided to try. I thought it sounded great, my boyfriend thought it sounded like pinesol. Unfortunately, he was right. All I can smell when I wear this is pinesol. It's not bad- it's energetic and bright- but I think it's going in the swap pile.
  4. Ryvre

    The Star

    This smell is bright and tropical, a little too much so for me tastes. The coconut takes over, both in the bottle and on my skin. I smell like a walking pina colada. The citrus comes out some as it dries, but not enough to make up for the coconut.
  5. Ryvre

    Fenris Wolf

    I picked this up for my boyfriend in my quest to get him hooked on BPAL. In the imp: Musk. It's masculine and strong. Almost overwhelming. On him: Too strong. Nothing but the musk ever comes out.
  6. Ryvre

    Kuang Shi

    I picked this up for the mango- I love the smell of mango. It's fruity and citrusy, but the fruit is tempered by the sandalwood and musk. This is one of the most wonderful scents I've tried. It reminds me of summer, which is a good thing in early March.
  7. Ryvre


    This is an odd smell. In the bottle it's deep and strange. Definitely dirty, and a little bit spicy. There's a sharp note that comes out very strongly that's also in Yggdrasil- maybe one of the woods. On me, it's very heavy and aquatic. As it dries down it softens up a bit. Maybe it's the lilies coming out. After a while it gets a kind of powdery smell beneath the aquatic and notes. I've tested this four times now, and I can't decide whether I like it or not.
  8. Ryvre


    This is girly and perfumey. It smells really sweet and pretty in the bottle. I can pick out peach and some sort of floral. It stays pretty consistant on me. It's a nice smell, but a little too girly for me.
  9. Ryvre

    Grand Guignol

    Grand Guignol came as a frimp from the lab. On me, the apricot turns sickly sweet and the brandy gets terribly boozey. It smells like I've been out drinking all night. I had to wash this off after about 10 minutes.
  10. Ryvre


    I got Shadow as a frimp from the lab. It's not something I would have chosen- I'm not a big fan of patchouli- but I decided to try it as long as I had it. The lemon was strong and smelled like some sort of cleaning supply, except with patchouli. This scent did not agree with me one bit.
  11. Ryvre

    Anne Bonny

    In the imp: Sandlewood. Lots of sandlewood, and barely any patchouli. It smells great. Wet: Something weird- maybe the frankincense. I'm not really sure what frankincense smells like. The weird note stays strong as it dries down. I was worried about the patchouli, but I never smelled it at all.
  12. Ryvre

    Bon Vivant

    This scent is fantastic! It's mostly champagne, with strawberry in the background. Sweet, but not too sweet, and sharp. And it sticks around a while, unlike most of the scents I like.
  13. Ryvre


    This is strong and foody. I didn't get any pumpkin out of this- mostly there is something like cookie batter or butter. The cinnamon comes out a bit too. It's overwhelming and not entirely pleasant, and it lasts forever.
  14. Ryvre

    Sudha Segara

    Sudha Segara is creamy and sweet with a spicy ginger kick. This scent is very warm and subtle- kind of like a spicier version of Alice. It's really pretty, but it fades very quickly on my skin.
  15. Ryvre


    The forks of the road: an in-between place, sacred and tangibly magickal in innumerable cultures and faiths. This scent is dark with mystery, taut with power. A chill twilit garden of blooms over dry earth and mosses, heavily laden with incense and offertory herbs. This is very floral, but not as sweet as many florals. Wet, I can't smell the incense at all. The incense comes out a bit as it dries, but it's kind of dusty/powdery. After an hour the incense is gone and it's all floral again.
  16. Ryvre


    I wasn't expecting to like R'lyeh. I kept reading about the grapefruit, and I was expecting something very citrusy, but I had to try it on the name alone. I definitely smell the grapefruit, but there's something deep and incensey too that tempers the grapefruit. It may be evil grapefruit, but I really like it.
  17. Ryvre


    Yerevan gets all weird on me. The fruit gets ultra sweet, almost cloyingly so, and the musk gets powdery. It ends up smelling like a fruit scented baby powder.
  18. Ryvre

    Silk Road

    I can't pick out any notes in Silk Road- there's something spicy, something herby, maybe some sort of tea. On my skin, something more fruiy comes out, but the other notes are still there. This is too busy for me. There are too many things just below the surface.
  19. Ryvre

    Pink Moon 2005

    In one word: sweet Pink moon is like strawberries and flowers and cotten candy smooged together. Some of the OMG sugariness faded as it dried, but it stayed very sweet. This reminds me of something a twelve year old girl would wear. It's a nice scent, but not something I'd want to wear.
  20. Ryvre


    I tried this as soon as I got it and wasn't overly impressed. It seemed a little mellow compared to other scents I like, and it faded completely within a couple hours. Yesterday, I wanted to make a hand lotion, and I decided to finish off this imp. I've been smelling my hands all day, and I can't believe I overlooked this the first time around. It's subtle, but it smells so good. The sandalwood stands out some, and so does the rose. Everything else blends into the background making it smell warm and spicy. It works really well in a lotion because I can slather on a bunch whenever my skin gets dry without worrying about the smell becoming overpowering.
  21. Ryvre


    In the imp, this smelled really nice, though very sweet. Wet, it smells like berries and not much else. For some reason, the berries overpower everything else on my skin. The other notes start to come out a little as it dries, but it is still overwhelmingly berries.
  22. Ryvre


    Titania is very sweet and light. I reminds me of a picnic in a spring garden. I can't pick out much in the way of individual notes except for peach and maybe melon of some sort- it all blends together nicely. It's a very nice scent, but a little too cheerful for my tastes.
  23. Ryvre

    Penny Dreadful

    In the bottle it smelled like dirt and butter. Or maybe buttery cookies. Once I wore it a while, the dirt faded out, and it just smelled like butter. There are a couple other notes in there- maybe chocolate, ginger, something that might be vanilla- but they're overpowered by the dirt and butter. It might work on somebody, but not on me.
  24. Ryvre


    This was the first scent I tried and it's my favorite by far. It smells like a forest at night. I can pick out juniper, cedar, maybe some pine. It's a very relaxing scent. My only complaint it that it fades very fast.