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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by Scrangie

  1. In the imp: EUCALYPTUS!! and violet.


    On the skin: The mint surfaces and quickly disappears. What's left is violet: sweet, sharp, powdery.


    After an hour the violet kind of fades into soap.


    I really love it in the strong violet phase.

  2. In the imp: Coffee and... urine.


    On my skin: Day old coffee, urine and flowers.


    I don't know what's in here that's giving me the pee smell... Jasmine? Ylang ylang?


    Maybe I am just imagining it. I'm not that fond of florals.


    This is really bad on me.

  3. In the bottle: Funky peanut butter.


    On my skin: Warm, sticky amber and heavy sticky dark fruit.


    It must have something in common with Eat Me... Currants? They smell similar, but Hymn to Proserpine still gives me the impression of peanut butter somehow.


    It's really pretty on me.

  4. Fruity and heavy, but still crisp.


    I smell peaches and tea leaves. Fruit and brightness, with something more dry and bitter to balance it.


    I didn't get the chance to try it on my skin- I spilled the whole imp on my pants. Oops.

  5. In the bottle: Chocolate and dust.


    On my skin: Chocolate and pencil shavings.


    Now, despite the unflattering impressions, I really do love Velvet. It's like Bliss, but with a more sophisticated edge. Something to make it not just plain chocolate.


    Fades really, really fast though.

  6. In the bottle: Peaches, Pumpkin, Vanilla, spice... Mmm... I want to swim in it.


    On the skin: The pumpkin warms up and becomes more prominent. The spice evens out the sweet peach and it just becomes this smooth, buttery, incredible scent.


    Jack reminds me a bit of apple pie... It's so very good.

  7. I haven't tried this yet with BPAL scents yet (and I don't really want to go put some vetiver on my fingers to test it! :P ), but it works for onions, garlic, fish smell, etc., and those are also oils: Just rub your skin with a steel item. Real steel (like on an old knife blade from a sterling silver or silverplate set) seems to work better than stainless steel, but that will probably work too. Instantly removes the scent, in some magical way. Let me know if it works for perfume!



    I always rub a stainless steel spoon over my hands under running water after I've been cooking with onions and garlic. It really does seem to remove the smell. I've never thought of trying to remove fragrance with it though!

  8. Quick sniff reviews...


    CCCLXXXI: Sharp tea floral.


    CCCXLXX: Strange sharp tobacco Red Lantern plus floral soap.


    CCCXLII: Woody, weedy floral.


    CCCLVIII: Vinyl floral. Mostly vinyl.


    CCCLVI: Dryer Sheets.


    CCCLVII: LUSH American Cream.


    CCCLIX: Light smooth floral. Smells like Calvin Klein Eternity Purple Orchid.


    CCCLXIX: Orange blossom.


    A little sad that they're all floral and I really don't like floral at all. CCCLVII is nice, though.

  9. To me this smells like a very light, sweet super-sugary vanilla scent.


    Like cotton candy with more vanilla.


    At times it gets a slightly plastic/dusty scent on my skin, but not consistently enough to be considered a problem... Some days it does, some it doesn't.


    I really love the scent of Midway- it screams SUGAR. I don't smell any apple or anything, just sugar sugar sugar.


    It's a very light scent, but it does manage to have decent throw.

  10. Hmm... This doesn't really smell like buttered popcorn to me.


    It smells like melted butter. Warm, but not salty. Like the butter note in Jack isolated.


    Not what I expected from this one... Not terrible, but different.


    On my skin, however, this takes a very strange rancid turn- like I actually have butter on my arm. Weird.

  11. This is a nice one. Simple, fresh and comforting.


    In the bottle I smell... Milky coconut.


    On my skin I smell... Milky coconut. Not heavy, not overly sweet, not cloying. Smells very fresh.


    If you have Obatala, this is that scent, minus water, and a little stronger.

  12. In this bottle this smells like peony. Sharp, astringent peony, like the peonies in my grandmother's garden. Clean and bright.


    On my skin this is watered-down peony and cream.


    Dried down, I smell almost no peony, but I do get this nice creaminess... Not sure where that is coming from, but I like it.


    This has no throw on me at all, and the lasting power weak. Otherwise, this is a very nice fresh "pink" scent, exactly like fresh peony.

  13. To me, this smells very similar to Hearth.


    I can smell mainly cocoa/hazelnut in the bottle, but on the skin I can smell pumpkin.


    Ths pumpkin in this one seems earthier, while the hazelnut/walnut have sort of a woody feel, and the cocoa adds a lot of sweetness.


    On my skin this smells like a less sweet version of Hearth, with cocoa.

  14. In this bottle this smells like fall- Apple cider, spices, pumpkin pie.


    It has similarities to Jack, but whereas Jack is buttery and sugary, this is sharp with apple, spicier and the pumpkin is mellow and not buttery.


    On my skin is stays pumpkin and apple cider for the first hour, and then after that point the pumpkin comes out more to very nicely compliment the apple.


    This scent is perfect.

  15. This is so good.


    The scent is so unique- I almost can't describe it. It's like sugar, maybe musk, something... It's wonderful. Sweet, deep, a little smoky...


    On my skin the sweet notes fade after about an hour, leaving me with this smoky musk. It's just so beautiful. I wish I had more of this!

  16. I love this blend. This is amazing.


    In the bottle it smells like candy corn, but also kind of like maple candy. It has a sort of baked quality to it that I find irresistable.


    On the skin it remains fairly static, but goes through a slightly plastic phase in the first 15 minutes, then dries down to... Pancakes and maple syrup. And candy corn. Mmm...


    Definitely in my top ten favorites.

  17. This is my new favorite blend.


    In the bottle it's a bright, true blackberry with subtle vanilla.


    On my skin it's pretty much the same, but after a while the vanilla really comes through. After a few hours the blackberry is in the background and the vanilla takes on more of a buttercream frosting and cake scent. Divine.


    It's syrupy, fresh, sweet and beautiful. Foody, indeed, but also very beautiful. Not your average fruity-foody blend.

  18. On me this is very, very thick and heavy. It reminds me a lot of Hollywood Babylon, with a lot more musk.


    The scent in the bottle is a little off-putting, strong, weird, musky...


    On my skin the musk goes insane. Incredibly loud musk, something nice and sweet, and this weird sour scent I can't quite put my finger on.


    Some days I love it, some days it nauseated me. The joys of being Gemini.


    It's smutty, that's for sure.

  19. In the bottle this has a sharp scent over vanilla. A hint of butter, definitely vanilla, and saffron. Not too much sandalwood, and not too sweet.


    On the skin the sharpness fades away leaving a spicy-feeling vanilla that's just absolutely gorgeous. It reminds me of Pink Sugar once it has dried down, but richer and more round and sexy.


    After a few hours it leaves behind the most wonderful smooth vanilla cream scent. No throw at all at this point. Just a lovely vanilla skin scent.


    The bottle... Too cute. I love it.

  20. Mmm... Smells nothing like I had expected.


    From the bottle, this smells like a crisp, fragrant outdoorsy scent, which actually kind of reminds me of honey lemon tea.


    In fact, that's exactly what it smells like on me. Honey lemon tea. Not sharp, not sweet, just right.


    After a little while the lemony impression fades away, and what's left is a beautiful, lively outdoors smell. Like rolling in the grass. Not really grassy, but the scent of everything in your backyard combined.


    Sometimes I get mead, sometimes I don't. It seems to fade in and out of the scent on my skin. The mead scent is stronger in the bottle.


    I didn't expect to love this as much as I do.
