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Everything posted by reynardine

  1. reynardine

    Okiya Atmosphere Spray

    A bit sharp when first sprayed. The cherry blossom scent is heavy, with a touch of sake. I didn’t get much green tea from this. A little goes a long way and it does linger a couple of days!
  2. reynardine

    Crazy Kuranes' Patented Anti-Zoog Spray

    I LOVE THIS STUFF!! The few atmo sprays I’ve tried tend to be a bit heavy for my tastes, but this one is extremely light and fresh. Mainly getting grapefruit with a touch of camellia. A hint of verbena, but the grapefruit is primary, I think. I am so going to order another bottle before the Underworld Cup stuff goes away! They should put this on their permanent offerings!
  3. reynardine

    Desiccated Frostberry Pie Filling

    In the bottle, I get a sharp berry scent. Applied: MINT, REALLY STRONG MINT!! That'll clear out your sinuses! Drydown: The mint finally calms down and I get a light scent of berries in there (though still very minty). Also, just a hint of pie crust. It's unusual, but I like it. I think it would make a nice winter scent.
  4. reynardine


    Fresh, clean scent. I’m mainly getting melon with a tiny bit of grape and a touch of floral. Very summery! LOVE.
  5. reynardine


    Got a couple of imps at C2E2 and am just now getting around to trying this one out. Kaidan starts off as very sweet incense. Usually incense blends make my eyes water, but so far this one is not doing that. As it dries down, a lovely plum scent comes to the forefront, very pretty. Still quite strong on the incense, though. Not sure if the sandalwood is irritating me or not, as my allergies were acting up earlier today. Will have to retest before deciding whether to get a bottle.
  6. reynardine

    The Aurora Spaceship Takes a Dive

    The bluebells, poppies and magnolia sounded interesting to me, which is why I got a decant to try, but it ends up too high-pitched floral upon application (and I LIKE florals!!!) and then with the drydown, other elements (I’m looking at you, sage) give it an unfortunate twist. Another example of a “storytelling” scent that is interesting in itself, but certainly not something I would wear.
  7. reynardine


    A kind fairy sent me a tester of this. It sounded fun and smells lovely in the decant. Others have said it smells like Sprite and that’s pretty much dead-on. Fizzy lemon is the best way to describe it. Unfortunately, I’m finding that I don’t much care for lemon as a note on my skin, as it goes sour—also, I think my skin is too salty and it clashes? So it didn’t work for me.
  8. reynardine


    A kind fairy sent me a tester of this. On first application, it’s musky, but after awhile, it becomes mostly fruity. Mainly getting a mix of peach and strawberry. The drydown is quite lovely. I do like it a lot (although strawberry isn’t a scent that works well on me usually), but I think this will be enough for me and I won’t search out a bottle. Reminds me a bit of Josie (probably because of the peach). Very light throw. Fades quickly.
  9. reynardine

    Purple Phoenix

    Got this in a trade and wasn’t quite sure what to expect. I do tend to like “purple” scents, so I was hoping this would be a win for me. It starts off with an almost strong floral (on me, it was lilac and wisteria) and then the boozy elements started peeking through. And myrrh, the myrrh is strong here. It’s a nighttime scent—too strong and too sexy for daytime wear.
  10. reynardine


    Got a decant of this (along with Faith) and I'm having the same issue with Hope as with Faith. It smells amazing in the decant. The description of "Sugared Rose" is spot on. Gorgeous! But on my skin, it fades within 10 minutes or so. The rose bit lingers on (I amp rose), but the sugar is gone. Maybe sugar is a note that doesn't work well on me? Also, it reminds me a little of the rosewater and glycerin scent that my grandmother used to love to wear. Not a bottle purchase. I have other roses that work better on me.
  11. reynardine


    In the decant, this smelled AMAZING and I couldn't wait to try it! First applied, it was great on my skin, but then it was GONE in 10 minutes. Completely. To Nothing. Le sigh. I'll probably use the rest in a scent locket, but looks like I won't be getting a bottle.
  12. reynardine

    Phantom Time Hypothesis

    I do get very light floral with a balm upon first application. No, too much balm and ambergris. Don’t work at all with my skin, pass.
  13. reynardine

    Skytyping with Chemtrails

    In the decant, it smells rather fresh, like a fizzy lemon. On application, this is very strong lemon (think Lemon Pledge) with a metallic undernote. Drying down to a strong lemongrass and then to a lemondrop. Not working with my skin chemistry at all. Pass.
  14. reynardine

    Teatime in Roswell

    In the decant, this smells very buttery and foodie, but on application, it turns into tea and a rather strong, sour cucumber. Upon drydown, this fades into a tea and cucumber scent, but honestly, I prefer Squirting Cucumber to this one. Pass.
  15. reynardine


    AT LAST I have found a vanilla I can wear on my skin without it turning into burnt plastic!! Rejoice!! That being said, this is a lovely, soft vanilla with a hint of chamomile. So soft and pretty. The only downside is that it does fade within the hour, which means frequent reapplication. I’m going to get more than one bottle of this for sure.
  16. reynardine

    Melisande, The Puppet Mistress

    Almost generic perfume smell on this. Jasmine is hit or miss on me, but honestly, I think the problem with this scent is the dark musk, which makes it smell almost sour. On me, this almost smells like men’s cologne (which is a bad thing, as I hate men’s cologne for the most part). On the drydown, I am getting a bit of vanilla and mimosa to sweeten things a bit, but it’s too hard to get past that awful musk.
  17. reynardine

    Midnight on the Midway (2006)

    Rather pretty upon first application. The sugar is very evident and blends well with the “night-blooming flowers”. However, something about it is too high-pitched for me and actually irritates my eyes (?). Incense maybe set off my allergies? Wash off. (What I could smell of it was very pretty, but this is just not going to work for me!)
  18. reynardine

    Gennivre, L’Artiste du Diable

    First applied, I was getting light tea and mint. But then the sugar cane and orange blossom came out and made me fall in love. This is a GORGEOUS scent. It fades into a sweet, soft honey after awhile. Spring/summer scent for sure. Rather light on me, will probably get bottle so I can slather.
  19. reynardine


    I took a chance and got a bottle of this unsniffed, since most of the notes were win on me (save for vetiver). This is a very odd scent. At first, I got the myrrh and oude, which I disliked, but then it was quickly sweetened by the orchid, peach and currant. There is a touch of coconut here, which I love. It is very light and shall require slathering, I think. Can’t really put a season to it, but it does feel like an evening fragrance.
  20. reynardine

    Bette Noir

    Smells sweet (I’m getting the berries) in the bottle. First applied, it is very smoky, but then the sweet plum and berry scent peeks out. It’s a darker scent that what I expected, sexy. Fall/Winter, I think. Good throw. Lasts quite a while, too!
  21. reynardine

    The Anti-Saloon League

    In the bottle this stuff is amazing, a fizzy mix of cream and root-beer. It kinda reminds me of a root-beer float. On first application, it was a bit sour, though. However, on the dry-down, the cream comes out and there is just a hint of the fizzy stuff. Several hours later, this stuff is still going strong and smells INCREDIBLE--rich cream with a touch of ginger. So glad I was able to get a bottle!
  22. reynardine


    I’ve had a couple of imps of this to sample for quite a while, but it wasn’t high on the priority list until someone on LJ (um, the person above? LOL) gushed about it and mentioned the notes. I then realized that this was right up my alley and went to dig up one of my forgotten imps to test it. Wow. Wonderful berry tea scent, sort of a dark cousin to Berry Moon. Reminds me a bit of Candles Moon without the wax. If you like berries, you will LOVE this scent. Medium throw, lasts a few hours. Bottle for sure in the future!
  23. reynardine

    Vampire Tears

    Got a sample as a frimp. Wet, it starts out as grapefruit tea. When it dries, some honeysuckle seems to come out. It's a lovely scent (I adore fruity florals!) and I will have to track down a bottle at some point. I can certainly see myself wearing this!
  24. reynardine

    Zombie Apocalypse

    In the decant, I’m getting donuts. On me, the donut turns to burnt plastic. Getting some of the red jelly through the plastic. On drydown, the plastic fades into the background and I’m getting the sugar, but this really ends up smelling just like donuts. Not for me, I’m afraid.
  25. reynardine

    Splatter Comedy

    Someone gave me a sniffie of this to try out. Wow, this one smells exactly like the description! The banana cream pie is gorgeous, but it is unnerved by the grease and blood. However, the grease and blood fade off very quickly and I’m left with a lovely banana cream pie. I may need to snag a bottle of this before it goes away…