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Everything posted by reynardine

  1. reynardine

    Bitter Moon

    In bottle: sharp, pungent scent Wet: Oooh, bitter is right! I’m getting dirt and vetiver! Drydown: Okay, it looks like my skin amps vetiver, which is unfortunate because I just don’t like that smell. I was hoping the other elements might balance this out, but that’s not happening. Later: No, this one just isn’t working on me at all. Off to the swaps pile with you!
  2. reynardine


    In imp: rich plum scent Wet: Oh, heavenly! The black currant and amaretto mix with the plum. This is almost creamy! Drydown: Nice creamy plummy scent Later: Not a lot of staying power…only lasted a couple of hours. Will use up the imp, though!
  3. reynardine


    In imp: buttery smell Wet: Weird! The minute this stuff hit my skin, it turned to rum! Drydown: the rum is calming down and I’m starting to get mead now, with some nuttiness. Later: Interesting scent, predominately rum. Too boozy for me. Off to swaps.
  4. reynardine


    In imp: dragon’s blood and not much else Wet: dragon’s blood and a bit of apple now. Has some possibilities. Drydown: Now the florals are coming out from behind the Dragon’s Blood and they’re lovely. Later: This is a gorgeous scent. I want to test it again before deciding if I want a bottle, but will certainly use up this imp!
  5. reynardine


    I wanted carnation or plum, but the musk completely overwhelmed this scent. Heavy throw—starts out strong and doesn’t stop! Way too perfumey for my tastes. Off to swaps pile!
  6. reynardine

    Beaver Moon 2007

    This one turned into cherries and cream with a hint of cake. The vanilla sometimes has a bit of the Plastic Doom note that ruins so many vanillas for me, but the sweetness of the cherry seems to keep it from completely turning plastic. Lasts about four hours. May be best utilized in scent locket on me.
  7. reynardine

    Kindly Moon

    In bottle: very light floral, not particularly impressive Wet: the floral gets more profound. I’m picking up musk, lily, osmanthus and hyacinth. Drydown: Starting to get the ylang ylang now and some other notes that seem Asian. Interesting morphing here. I didn’t particularly like this one at first, but now I do. Later: very lovely soft floral. A dress-up-for-Church type scent
  8. reynardine

    I Fell in Love with a Floating Brain

    In decant: Smells a bit like fresh strawberries on cake, a bit buttery Wet: WHOA CAKE!! The Man could smell it from across the room!! Drydown: Calming down into a sweet and tasty cake with strawberries and cream. Not getting any carnation or grapefruit. Later: Still there a few hours later. What a great scent—AND I just managed to score a bottle, too!
  9. reynardine

    Punkie Night

    In decant: bright apple Wet: very bright apple and cranberry. Reminds me a lot of Pomona with its sharpness. Drydown: Cider with cranberries in it. Very crisp and clean. Later: Great autumn fragrance and I’m glad I got to try it, but probably won’t try to find a bottle unless they resurrect it some year. Then I’ll be all over it! ;-D
  10. reynardine


    In imp: Really sweet-smelling fruity blend (maybe the grapefruit dominating?) Wet: Sweet flowers with a touch of fruit Drydown: lovely scent of fruit and flowers, rather delicate but with a nice throw Later: Extremely pretty fruity-floral blend. I’m putting this on my eventual bottle list.
  11. reynardine

    The Apple of Sodom

    In imp: apple scent Wet: Ooooh, this is BITTER apple! Drydown: smells like apple cider with mulling spices Later: Cider, pure cider. Too bitter for my tastes. To the trade pile.
  12. reynardine

    April Fool

    Huckleberry, white rose, tangerine, nicotiana, lemon blossom, and Fool's Parsley. I tried a decant of this and was pleasantly surprised. In decant: rose and tangerine Wet: mainly getting the sharpness of nicotiana Drydown: Sweetening up now, getting the huckleberry. The rose and tangerine are coming back, too. Later: This blooms into a lovely wet floral with a slight herbal edge. Very pretty. Glad I got to try it, will certainly use up my decant. (EDIT: Added description since this was the top of the page.)
  13. reynardine


    In decant: very sweet honey Wet: rich honey with some amber and a touch of musk Drydown: Gorgeous honey scent, some spiciness and musk Later: Has stayed true on my skin. Honey scent, slightly nutty feeling to it? Must be the caramel. Really nice, might get bottle.
  14. reynardine

    Annabel Lee

    Note: this sample is a few years old. In bottle: lovely light floral, mainly peony Wet: Sweet pea and some sage Drydown: Still have the sweet pea, but now a touch of cucumber and moss. Extremely pretty scent! Later: Went to soap on me within an hour. Going to have to put this on the swaps pile.
  15. reynardine


    In imp: Orange and clove Wet: SPICY orange and clove. More clove than orange, I think, or maybe an orange stuff full of clove. Drydown: Okay, something in this is making my eyes water and giving me a headache. Wash-off, imp to trade pile.
  16. reynardine

    Left His Nurse While In a Crowd

    In decant: Almost a cookie smell with a touch of cream Wet: Musk and sugar Drydown: Now the berries are coming out. Later: This one lasts! Berry cake scent with a touch of musk. Best of the inquisitions that I’ve tried!
  17. reynardine

    The Lotus Tree

    In imp: very pretty floral Wet: Lotus, sharp and sweet. I’m not getting any of the honey that other people have reports. Quite a throw on this as well! Drydown: Okay, it’s calming down, but is still a piercing floral. Later: this has lasted for quite awhile! I’ve got a lot of other floral scents, so I’m not yet sure if I’d get a bottle, but I’ll certainly use up this imp. Probably best worn in early summer? Oh, and it does make me sleepy!
  18. reynardine

    Squirting Cucumber

    Yikes! A spurt of wet, grassy greenness. In imp: cucumber, straight up. Wet: cucumber and grass, a very cool, green scent, quite refreshing. Drydown: Fresh and cool cucumber. Very uncomplicated. Later: Clean, fresh, subtle scent. Perfect for summer. Must get a bottle of this! (Edit to add description since top of page)
  19. reynardine

    Comforting Plush Companion

    In decant: musky vanilla? Wet: vanilla cake. I’m not getting rose or plums at all. Drydown: Now the rose and plum comes out and it is all very pretty. Gorgeous scent! Later: Alas, this one only lasts a few hours. But it smelled fantastic!
  20. reynardine

    Overprotective Possessed Talking Doll

    In decant: sparkling strawberries! Wet: Now this is weird. I smell plastic on my arms but The Man walked into the room and said "Berries!!!" Drydown: Still smells like dead plastic on my arms but The Man has comfirmed that the air around me smells like berries. Later: I got nuthin'. Obviously, the rest of this decant will be used up in a scent locket.
  21. reynardine


    In imp: sharp scent, softened by vanilla Wet: honey with a bit of amber and vanilla in the background Drydown: Really pretty. The amber seems to keep the vanilla from going plastic. Honey still in the forefront. Later: It was incredible for about 2 hours and then went to powder on me. Pretty-smelling powder, but powder nonetheless. Good candidate for scent locket.
  22. reynardine

    Sugar Moon 2008

    In imp: sugar cane and musk Wet: Sugar cane, musk and some light florals behind it Drydown: Sweet musky scent, similar to Giant Vulva. Later: Faded within an hour, with only a touch of musk left.
  23. reynardine


    In decant: Mint? Wet: Ick. Almost pure alcohol. Very sharp. Drydown: Horrible medicinal scent. This is really dreadful. Washing it off. Can’t stand this.
  24. reynardine

    Iron Phoenix

    In bottle: I swear, it smells like metal. Wet: spicy, resin blend. My nose wrinkled a bit. Drydown: Oooh, it’s morphing, it’s morphing. Sweeter elements are coming out now. Later: Dragon’s blood with a LOT of spicyness to it. Too spicy for my tastes, though. I prefer sweeter scents. Also, something in it is making my eyes water?
  25. reynardine

    The First Soft Snow

    In decant: Very bright clear floral Wet: Almost too-perfume on that floral there! Very sharp, almost unpleasantly so. Drydown: Getting the pine (which must be the Lab’s “snow scent”) on top of the floral. But they clash. Later: Nope, this one isn’t working for me at all. The evergreen/pine scent clashes too much with the floral. Almost headache-inducing.