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Everything posted by reynardine

  1. reynardine


    Wet, this goes on a heavy musk. The drydown has amber, honey and currant, which isn’t that bad. This musk isn’t working for me, though, and something in this is going plastic on me. Wash off.
  2. reynardine

    Signior Dildo

    In decant: very pretty floral Wet: Violets! And something else behind them, but mainly violets. Drydown: Oh, I am just reeling in the prettiness of this blend! There’s just a touch of vanilla—not enough for the dread plastic tinge, but to give it a sweet taste. Later: That’s it. I must have a bottle of this.
  3. reynardine

    Milk Chocolate, Coconut, Cardamom, Rum, and Ginger Truffle

    Smells almost like chocolate mulled with warm spices. Do not like.
  4. reynardine

    Milk Chocolate and Matcha Green Tea Ganache Truffle

    Note: had to look up what Ganache was. Had no clue. In decant: amazing milk chocolate note Wet: Whoa, it’s all tea now! There’s a creamy undertone, but it’s mainly tea. Drydown: Just the tea scent. It’s a good tea note, but I already have a couple of scents with a decent tea note. If the chocolate isn’t coming out on this one, it’s not worth my paying for a bottle.
  5. reynardine


    In decant: Smells pretty good, actually. Wet: Musk that works on me? Amazing… Drydown: Too much musk. For those who like musk, this will be amazing for you, but it’s just not me.
  6. reynardine

    Womb Furie

    In decant: Modified Snake Oil (vanilla w/spices) Wet: Got that snakey spicy going on. Not getting any honey at all. Drydown: It’s a bit plastic (that’s the Snake Oil again). Still no honey. Later: Sorry, this one is a failure on me. Just doesn’t work with my skin chemistry at all.
  7. reynardine

    Pink Mood

    In decant: pleasant scent Wet: Oooooh, the anise! It’s taking over everything, making it a rooty smell. Drydown: Okay, getting the violet leaf and peony, but the anise is still very strong. And no vanilla to be found anywhere. Later: No, not what I was expecting at all. Almost all herbal and medicinal at that.
  8. reynardine


    In decant: lavender Wet: lavender, lilac, musk and ginger. Nice and light, rather pretty. Drydown: very light, liquid floral. Lilac dominates here—I’m barely getting the lavender, a note which I dislike. The ginger keeps things crisp. Later: Lovely light floral, a shade aquatic. I’m getting a bottle of this!
  9. reynardine

    White Chocolate, Black Raspberry, and Apricot Cordial Truffle

    In decant: creamy raspberry Wet: Well, getting the black raspberry and apricot cordial, but not much else. No chocolate. Drydown: No, this isn’t working for me. The cordial isn’t blending well and I’m not getting chocolate
  10. reynardine

    Autumn Moon of the Mirror Stand

    In decant: Quince and something nasty. Wet: OMG, this is awful!!! It’s the tobacco, I think. Very strong. And tobacco and I do not work well together. Trying to last this out to see if the drydown is any better, but the tobacco note is getting even stronger. I will say I’m getting some honey and mandarin also, but that tobacco completely ruins it! This is why you learn to track your bad notes. Every other ingredient in here was perfect for me, but that one note ruined it.
  11. reynardine

    Dark Chocolate and Key Lime Truffle

    In decant: Rich dark chocolate Wet: Weird! The chocolate is shot through with a piercing citrus—not the creamy Key Lime scent, but lime itself. Drydown: Fading into place, but the citrus is a bit sour on me. Unusual, since usually citrus is my friend. Later: Settled into a pleasant light dark-chocolate scent. The lime calmed down considerably and it ended up smelling pretty good. Will have to test again before deciding on a bottle, though. It’s not love at first sight.
  12. reynardine

    Bijoux Y'ha-nthlei

    In decant: sharp scent Wet: Getting the wax and herbs. Not so much the fruits I was hoping for. Drydown: Smelling like a really fancy candle. It’s nice. Not my thing, but nice. Later: Went to nothing within an hour.
  13. reynardine

    Beanman & Beanwoman Prepare to Attack the Vagina

    In decant: MUSK!!! Wet: Sharp amber and MUSK!! Almost plastic and nasty. Drydown: Okay, that’s better. The scent is softening. Getting the florals orange blossom and ylang ylang. Not picking up coconut milk at all. Later: At the beginning, I didn’t think I was going to like this one, but it settles into an absolutely gorgeous scent. Bottle for sure.
  14. reynardine

    White Chocolate, Strawberry, and White Pepper Truffle

    In decant: creamy strawberry? Wet: Yes, getting a LOT of strawberry here, very strong. A little pepper. Drydown: Getting the creamy white chocolate now. The strawberry dominates. It’s a sugary smell, more like candy than fresh-picked. Later: this settled down into something absolutely huffable. Will do a second test, but I think I’ll be getting a bottle of this one.
  15. reynardine

    The Malignant Dreams of Cthulhu in Love

    An amorphous mix of oppressive, piceous ritual incense, macerated kelp, sea salt, sticky dark ocean plants, and… mixed chocolates. In decant: a whiff of light chocolate Wet: Chocolate and incense Drydown: The chocolate is very light. Getting some incense and salt. Later: Morphed. Now getting mainly salty aquatic with a hint of chocolate. I need to test this again before deciding whether to get a bottle. It faded very fast. EDIT: Added description since top of page.
  16. reynardine

    Pumpkin I (2007)

    In bottle: clean, spicy scent Wet: Getting a lot of the pumpkin spice, with a touch of grape and pear. I wasn’t sure how it was going to work, but the cool notes balance out the warm ones really well. Drydown: The sweet and spicy work very well together. Second that this is NOT a slather scent—quite a nice throw! Great for late summer/early autumn, I think.
  17. reynardine

    Pumpkin III (2007)

    In decant: spicy and creamy? Wet: Got that pumpkin spice thing going right away, plus a hint of chocolate and caramel. Drydown: Oh, wow, this has me grazing my arm. Nom, nom, nom! The pumpkin spice really blends well with the caramel and the white chocolate and cream give it a lovely smoothness! Later: Medium time (a few hours), good throw. I foresee this becoming an autumn favorite. Fortunately, I managed to score a bottle of this.
  18. reynardine


    In decant: slight musk Wet: Starts off a bit like rubber? That fades quickly though, and I’m getting milk. The musk comes in, sweetening it all. Drydown: Going into a light, near-to-the-skin musk. Bit of a dirt note. Later: Very light musk with milky undertone. Not me at all, I’m afraid.
  19. reynardine


    The notes listed are a very straightforward description, but this scent is just what it says it will be. Green tea with lemon and honeysuckle. It’s a light and refreshing scent, really vibrant, which would work perfectly on hot summer days when you want coolness around you. Doesn’t morph a whole lot. Glad I got a bottle!
  20. reynardine


    Ugh. The notes all sound like they’d work on me, but for some reason, this ends up smelling like creamy dirt. Nasty.
  21. reynardine


    This starts off as a musk with lily and a touch of ambergris. Very pretty. Not getting the sandalwood at the beginning (a good thing, since I’m allergic). Later on, this scent morphs, and you get amber, vanilla and yes, that pesky sandalwood. As soon as that came out to play, my eyes started watering and I had to wash this off.
  22. reynardine


    In imp: light floral Wet: Jasmine and Ylang ylang dominate with a mess of florals playing in the background Drydown: Very pleasant floral scent, heavy on the jasmine. I like this well enough, but it doesn’t stand out. There are other light floral blends that I like better.
  23. reynardine

    Planting Moon

    Someone was kind enough to send me a small sample. It really does smell like turned up earth in a garden. Clean and fresh scent, but not something I’d really wear. Reminds me a lot of Pumpkin III 2009—in that same botanical scent family.
  24. reynardine

    Creature Feature

    In decant, an almost overwhelming sweetness. Wet, there is a wall of musk, very perfumey. It actually smells nicer than I thought it would. I was thinking this would be downright repulsive. Instead, it dries down to something light and pleasant. Others have mentioned a hint of green here and I agree. I’m not a huge musk fan, so probably won’t get a bottle of this, but I will use up this decant.
  25. reynardine

    Black Lace

    2010 Vintage decant. Getting the vanilla cotton at first, with a touch of tobacco. The musk and smoke comes in later. Not sure if I like this or not. It smells “dirty” to my nose—as in housecleaning, not sex. That’s probably the tobacco. As it dries, the “dirty” smell grows stronger and stronger, overwhelming everything else. It smells like cigarettes. Ew. Trade pile.