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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by kaelei

  1. I was really looking forward to try this scent - since it is middle eastern scent and all...


    Unforunately, something in Silk Road is giving me a massive headache and sore throat. This is the first BPAL scent that has ever irritated my throat so badly o_O; I had to wash it off after five minutes because it became so powdery and the irritation was getting worse.

  2. OMG, one way to sum up this scent: CARAMELLO!!!!!!


    I am not getting any woodsy or tabacco scent like others describe. All I am getting is steady caramello scent that is going on strong for hours :P NUMMM


    *gnaws her wrist* NUMM..

  3. OMG *dies from ecstacy*

    This scent is so yummy. It smells like sweet candies on my wrist and now wishing for a big bottle of it ^^


    This is not overpowering sweet which is a plus for me =)

    I am smelling more of blackcurrent than anything else.

  4. Velvet reminded me of my jr. high school days since smelled just like reese's peanut butter cup + a bit of pencil shaving scent. Aaah, the days of eating chocolate while doing my homework xDDD so nostalgic.


    After 5 minutes of initial dry down, it quickly changed to art room scent for me.


    It is very unique and I think I will try it again after this week.

  5. It smelled like cherry cough syrup when wet. But do not let that discourage you! After drydown on my skin, it immediately morphs into... spicy almond with more kick assness-y of pepper!


    IMHO, this scent just screams for 'GIRL POWER', which totally seem to suit the scent and its description because Queen of Sheba is a great inspirational figure for ladies like you and me!


    I will probably wear it more often to my engineering classes 'coz I am the only girl there :P and more powah for meh!

  6. Blood moon smells like a cinnaburst gum on my wrist, seriously.

    Fortunately that does not last too long (or I might have start to gnaw on my wrist). After about five minutes later, the cinnamon gumminess dries down to lovely soft red musk.


    It only stays for about an hour or two though, which is a big bummer.

  7. From reading reviews on both forum and lj community, I seem to be one of the rare people whose chemistry work wonderfully with Numb.

    It is my signarature scent that I wear almost everyday.


    It is very chilly, but not like subzero-y minus 100 degrees chilly. My impression of it will be an early winter morning with frosts gently kissing on the leaves.


    On me, it is very strong violet. And it stays on for nearly 4-5 hours easily. It does not morph into anything at all - it just stays as violets on my skin.
