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BPAL Madness!


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Blog Comments posted by Meganaut

  1. To link my comment to the title of this blog, I am on the younger end of Gen X and at 28, I am still in school (albeit as a graduate student), still working part-time for hourly wages and still hazy on what my "career" will entail. Once I get my MFA, I will probably join the ranks of the underpaid and underappreciated adjunct professors training the next generation of youngsters to put together cogent sentences. I have no savings. I own nothing of value. I don't invest in the retirement plan where I work because it takes months to get invested and I can't forsee myself staying long enough to make it worth my while. The only jobs I've ever had were shitty retail jobs. I have no profitable skills. My career goal is to do something that gives me enough money for books, BPAL and someplace to live. I want free time to devote to the things I truly enjoy (reading, writing) because I'm pretty sure that I can't make a living doing what I love.

