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Posts posted by filigree_shadow

  1. At first it smells like mostly almonds, but after about 10 minutes that changes to a predominantly honey scent. Just a little hint of almond, and the spices are heavier. I think this is the sort of scent that would smell very good on someone else, but due to my skin chemistry problem with honey, it’s not a winner for me. The honey in this seems to be better than usual, but it still smells a bit off to me.

  2. Ginger blossom and vanilla orchid.

    I bought a bottle of this from a lovely forumite, and I kept my fingers crossed the whole time it was en route because I hadn't tried it yet. I was just hoping it would work on me.

    It does! On my skin it smells like an almost musky warm vanilla with an extremely pleasant orchid overtone and just a wee bit of kick from the ginger. It's very pretty, and it's basically exactly what I was hoping for -- something similar to Vasakasajja (one of my top 5 BPAL perfumes) but softer and spicier.

    I put it on both wrists and my neck about 45 minutes ago, and I really like it a lot. The only issue is that I need to re-apply it now because I can barely smell it anymore. But, no problem! I have a whole bottle! YAY!

  3. I smelled verbena very strongly when I first put this on. Then the cedar starts to come out a little bit, but it still seems to be mainly verbena and some other citrus scent.


    I don't seem to be getting much amber out of this, and the cedar is pretty soft too. The lemon scent is so strong on my skin that all I can think of is furniture polish. I probably like the scent underneath the verbena, but I can't smell it very well because of the lemon cloud.


    By the time the lemon scent finally fades away, the rest of the scent is gone too. :P


    (Judging by the reviews, I seem to be the only person who is having this lemon trouble. Figures.)

  4. I don't seem to be able to smell any mint in this, which is perfectly okay with me. It seems to smell more like lilacs than violets, to me -- but it's certainly not just lilac. I can smell more than that in this scent.


    The sandalwood is quite nice with that lazy-smelling lilac. It's just slightly musky, and very pretty. The floral notes are much more gentle than I was expecting.


    I like this one. It seems comfy and and soft to me.

  5. This smells like VapoRub on me at first. It even makes my nose tingle when I sniff it.


    As it dries, it loses that menthol-like characteristic and warms up. It does smell quite metallic -- like oily metal and metal cleaner. I think I can smell a little bit of incense. Not enough for my liking, though.


    I don't think this one is going to work for me, sadly.

  6. Most of the reviewers so far have used the word "dark" to describe this scent, and guess what? I'm going to use it too.


    Ligur is dark. It smells like moss and khus, and for some reason it also smells like black licorice on my skin. It's not a comforting scent to me at all -- it kind of makes me feel uneasy. However... for some reason it compels me to keep sniffing it. It's like I keep thinking Eeew, that smells so weird. Here let me sniff it again. What a strange scent. I'll just sniff it again. No, I don't think I like it. But I better sniff it again to make sure. It keeps drawing me in for some reason.


    This scent isn't at home on me at all, but I think I would really enjoy it on someone else.

  7. The spices in this are very overwhelming on my skin for the first 30 minutes or so. After that the patchouli is noticeable, plus a touch of amber. Still super-extra-spicy, though.


    See, this is why I have to avoid the spicy perfumes. They're just too much for me. I can only take them in small doses, and Mr Jacquel isn't the small doses sort of scent.

  8. Eek. This one doesn’t smell all that great on me. Holy smokes that’s herby. It has that dry husky leafy scent that I always associate with tomato leaf. I don’t do very well with herb scents usually because they have a tendency to smell too sharp or sour on my skin. Sometimes I get lucky, though, and this one had chamomile and apple blossom in it – those are usually pretty good notes for me – so I wanted to try it. Unfortunately this was not one of the lucky times. Well, can’t win ‘em all.

  9. This smells like a clean ozone scent to me. Very evocative of a rainstorm. It doesn’t smell dirty at all to me, and I thought it might because of the moss and vetiver. The ozone is not overly strong (it’s not doing that stinging zingy ozone thing in this), so if you normally avoid ozone you don’t necessarily have to avoid this one.


    When it’s completely dry on my skin, it smells soft like dryer sheets. I happen to think dryer sheets smell pretty damn good, so that is not at all a deal-breaker for me. I like smelling like my clothes just came out of the dryer. When they’re all warm and comfy and soft they’re the best.


    So far I haven’t kept any ozone/rain scents except Thunder Moon, but I’m going to hang on to my decant of this. I want to try wearing it for a day or two and see how I like it.

  10. I’m extremely picky about floral scents and I don’t usually like mint or thyme, but this is a very pretty floral. The flowers are soft and gentle and the scent isn’t “perfumey” at all. No heady or green flowers here, just soft like clouds. The red currant is giving the scent a sweetness that I enjoy a lot. I wouldn’t necessarily put this in the fruity-floral category, but I think it’s more of a bright floral.


    I’m going to try wearing this one for a day and see how it goes. I definitely like this test enough to try it again and find out whether I like it enough to want a bottle.

  11. I think it’s the balsam with metallic notes in this one that are making it smell strange to me. It’s a sharp scent – sharp as in pointy. The tobacco flower is barely noticeable, but the musk gets stronger as it dries. When it’s totally dry, it seems like a musk & balsam scent with a metallic undertone, but it’s not as weird as that sounds. I think it smells pretty good.


    However, this scent is a bit too bold for me, and it’s a little too cologne-y for my tastes. I’ll give this one to my husband and see what he thinks.

  12. I wasn’t sure about this when I first put it on because it smelled a bit medicinal. However, after it warms up it’s wonderful. Dry wood notes with a whiff of tobacco all covered by that lovely dark vanilla. This smells like a very comforting scent to me – it’s the sort of scent I’m basically always in the mood for. (I’m kind of a sucker for the dark vanilla scents.)


    For the first 30 minutes or so the vanilla was the dominant note, but when it’s dry it seems like the wood notes are coming out a little stronger. I like the scent both ways.


    It doesn’t seem to have a ton of throw, but I didn’t put a lot on. I’m going to try wearing it for a day and see how often I need to re-apply it. In the meantime, it’s going on my bottle wishlist.

  13. When I first put it on, this scent made me think of ginger chews and honey. The ginger smelled particularly sharp, almost like anise. It warms up very nicely when it's drying though, and it really does smell like a thick, herby/spicy mead. Gentle and smooth, but with a little kick.


    It does remind me of Honey Moon, except that one went pretty floral on me, and this one is more herby.


    Also, usually honey goes weird like play-doh on my skin (e.g., I cannot wear O), but not in this one. In this one it actually works. It smells very good.

  14. I'm surprised that this doesn't smell spicy -- I thought it would, with the allspice and nutmeg. But mostly it seems like chocolate and apple blossom. It's a pretty combination, and honestly I think this is one of the few scents with an apple note that I'd wear. The chocolate notes seem a little creamy, and I like that with the sweet apple scent. This scent smells cheerful. :P


    The spices come out a little bit when it's dry, but they're not overwhelming at all. It's still a happy scent, but I feel like this is more of a fall scent than a summertime one.


    I like this version of 13, but the orange label (I think it was the Oct 06 version?) one is still my favorite.

  15. I'm wearing Sin right now, and I'm a little freaked out. I've had a bottle of it for a couple of years, and this whole time I thought that Sin had red musk in it. I always thought it was similar to Lust, except spicier. Today I realized I hadn't written a review for Sin yet, so I looked at the notes to write a review. It doesn't have red musk in it. What the hell was I thinking?


    It's good and dark due to the patchouli and amber, but I swear it also seems musky to me. The cinnamon is fairly strong in it, but blended with those other notes I don't mind it as much as I usually do.


    Dark spicy scents are a little hard for me to wear sometimes because they seem so heavy to me. However, I really like this scent. It's not something I usually want to wear in the summertime, but in the autumn and winter it's wonderful.


    Oh, and btw, this one really lasts on me. It's not one of the ones I have to add to lotion and put in my hair just to get the scent to stick around. Sometimes I can still smell it when I wake up the next morning.

  16. Snake Charmer is always reliable for compliments. Some of the "Oh you smell really good" variety after a hug, some of the "Wow, what is that perfume you're wearing?!" variety when I walk up to someone. These comments have all been from women. My aunt, my cousin, my friend, etc. Men have never commented on it. Not once.


    I have gotten several compliments/questions from women about La Fee Verte as well.


    What do men like? Dorian, apparently. I wear Dorian, they go nuts. I wear Snake Charmer (which I think is incredibly sexy), and no comments. Weird, eh?


    People tend to like the pumpkin scents as well. Maybe because they're unusual... I'm not sure. But several people have asked about my perfume (in a very nice way) when I was wearing a pumpkin scent.


    I also get quite a lot of the "She always smells good!" comments, so I think that some people who see me fairly frequently just know I'm going to smell good, so they don't say anything. :P

  17. I amp red musk like crazy so a lot of red musk blends smell very similar to me. Thankfully, I love it, so I don't mind amping it. I just have to be very choosy about the red musk scents because they all smell so similar on me.


    Marianne reminds me of Scherezade, but where that one is incensey, this one is sweet. I think that's from the mimosa and black currant. Also, the red musk in this one seems to be quite strong and loud at first, but it backs off after about an hour or so and the other notes come out to play. I like that part, because I can smell the patchouli in it at that point. (Another note I love.)


    It's different enough that I would certainly consider a bottle and would wear it if I had one, but it's also close enough to other perfumes that I already have that I don't feel like I need a bottle immediately. That said, I honestly think this scent is fabulous. I enjoy it immensely.

  18. I've had this on for about half an hour, and so far I really like it. It feels honey-ish to me without being a honey scent. Sort of thick and smooth like that. The amber and carnation seem to be the most noticeable notes -- the amber might be going a wee bit powdery on me, but mixed with the dry sandalwood I think that's going to be all right.


    I have a bad history of carnation sometimes going funky on me later in drydown, but when it doesn't do that I tend to enjoy it. I'm holding out that hope that it will stay dark and spicy on me and not descend into funky territory because I like this scent a lot.


    I'll have to come back in a few hours and update.


    ETA: Seems to have been fine! Yay!

  19. This one smelled quite boozey to me at first, and then later like sweet lemon and a little bit of anise. It's a bit on the sour/tart side -- it's so sweet I think I'd lean towards tart over sour.


    If you had asked me what rose water smelled like, I wouldn't have been able to describe it to you. However, I'm quite sure I can smell it in this. Although I don't smell lilacs, I do smell rose, and the scent also seems to be slightly dewy. So I bet that's the rose water.


    It took me several months to decide that I liked La Fee Verte, and I think it would take a while for this one to grow on me too. I probably won't be that patient this time, though, since I already have plenty of LFV.

  20. The only note in the description for this scent that I don't usually like is pine pitch... and guess what it smells like to me? Yeeup. Pine pitch. Oh sure, there's a great deep resin scent underneath it, and the tobacco is contributing a very nice dryness to the scent. But it still smells sticky to me. It also goes through a phase where it smells like, um, lobster. I swear I'm not making that up. I have no idea why it smells like that either.


    I'm not willing to give up on it just yet, though. Those other notes sound too fabulous to give up on it already. I'll see how aging affects my decant and then go from there.

  21. Wet, it smells medicinal to me. Rather sharp.


    But when it's drying.... oooooooh, nice. Definitely spicy, but that's a very sexy leather in there. The beeswax is what makes this interesting, I think. Without it, this scent might be a little too far in the spicy direction for my liking, but with the beeswax there's a thickness to the scent. It smells a little bit heavy. Leather, beeswax, and kind of raw, gritty spices.


    This just gets better and better the longer I have it on. Wow.

  22. Very sweet and dry linen with a soft floral note over the top. This actually smells more clean to me than rotting. Is the "rotting" part supposed to smell a little bit like dandelions? That's kinda what it smells like to me. Or is that the hyssop? (I don't know what hyssop smells like, to be honest.)


    It's a soft, dry scent, but it doesn't smell like a dry wood scent to me. Definitely "linen." Unexpectedly pretty. I like this one.


    This whole Wunderkammer is really impressing the hell out of me. I've liked every single one I've tried so far.

  23. Imp sniff: Sweet resins. (What a surprise, right?!)


    On, it's a lovely sweet and deep resin scent. With the resins, the rose in it smells more like rosewood than rose to me, which is great. Mostly, it smells like copal* (mmm), myrrh, and that beautiful rosewood-like scent. After it's been on for about half an hour and it really warms up, it's gorgeous.



    *Fred Soll's copal incense smells awesome and is one of my favorites of theirs -- I think it's similar to Blasphemare Reliquary.

  24. Woo, this is such a sweet scent! Just when I think it's very definitely apples, then it reminds me of March Hare and I think it's probably apricot. Whatever the fruit is, I don't think it's a berry. I don't smell much root in it, to be honest, just something faintly earthy. Not like dirt, but drier than that. Smells like a very dry, light-colored wood, like oak or something. It has a little bit of creaminess in it too -- could be coconut? I'm not sure. If so, it's good and subtle.


    Too bad I like this so much and I only have a wee little bit of it.
