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Posts posted by filigree_shadow

  1. The "rain" part of the scent is most prominent on me, but it's not a clear watery rain scent, it's more hazy. A little fizzy? It's sweet, too.


    I'm not an expert on rain scents or incense scents because they're not part of my usual perfume stash. I don't smell them very often except when I'm testing different perfumes, so I have a tendency to put them into only a couple of categories.

    Rain: Cool and watery, or charged and ozoney.

    Incense: Deep and dark, or sweet and churchy.

    This one is of the cool and watery / sweet and churchy variety.

  2. The rum in this scent was much too strong for me. I've been wearing BPAL's Sugar Cookie (from a few years ago) for so long that this version of a cookie scent just doesn't seem right to me. I'm sticking to plain ol' Sugar Cookie. I really love that one. :)


  3. Hm, lavender and something dark. Thankfully, the lavender isn't overpowering in this at all. I can smell it, but it's not overly strong, and it's that lovely smooth kind of lavender that smells sort of blue. Rosewood is always a favorite note for me, and I like this entire combination. It's smells sweet and calming, to me. The darkness that was there in the beginning is not so noticeable when it's dry; the whole scent turns playful but is still grounded in a dark-ish foundation.


    This perfume is shaping up to be one of my favorites from Yule 08, and I'm a little surprised about that but very happy to find a lavender perfume I can wear.

  4. This scent is sweet and not particularly smoky at first. It seems like the beeswax is the most prominent note, and it smells sweet and smooth. To me, the olive oil makes it smell like it's on the sacred, serious side, rather than fun and light-hearted. The smoke comes out more later on when it's drying, and makes the scent smell even more sacred. It's a lovely scent. Very pleasant and enjoyable.

  5. Gardenia, neroli, and white peach with vanilla amber, cream, and honey.

    This is very pretty. I wore it a couple of weeks ago and it just about knocked me over (it's super strong), but I really enjoyed it. It's a lovely scent. The flowers aren't overwhelming in it -- they balance out the peach nicely. The vanilla amber, cream, and honey are so pretty. December doesn't seem like the right time of year for this scent, but I think it will be perfect in about four months. Also, I should note that my husband really likes this scent on me.
  6. Mole

    When I first got this decant I tried it on and liked it, but I thought it was too masculine for me. It's been sitting in my box of imps next to my end of the couch for a couple of months now, and often when I'm sitting here doing stuff on my laptop in the evening I pick out an imp and put on some perfume simply for my own enjoyment. I've picked Mole quite a few times. I think this is one of those scents I'd be reluctant to wear out (to school or out with friends) because I know some people really dislike patchouli, but frankly I enjoy it quite a lot. Sweet, mossy patchouli.


    I hope I don't use up my decant of Mole any time soon... but when I do I bet I'll want another one. I liked it from the start, but it has grown on me even more. It's certainly one of my favorites from Wind in the Willows.

  7. Cold, a little bit snowy, and like a forest. It makes my nose tingle.


    Unfortunately I don't have much else to say about this one... all the cold/snowy ones seem to smell the same on me, and this one pretty much smells like the other ones. :P

  8. Mmmm. Deep patchouli and dry vetiver. The vetiver and amber is a lovely combination -- the vetiver in this smells much drier and warmer than it usually does. No musty basement here at all. The fig is quite nice in this because it sweetens up a bit.


    I like this scent, but I'm not quite sure it's for me. I'll test it on my husband and see how he likes it.

  9. I was iffy on this one but my husband wanted the book, so I got a bottle. :P


    Usually I don't like apple scents, or "glass" scents (like Sea of Glass), OR snowy scents. This one was bound to be a big fat fail, right? Well, no.


    - My biggest problem with snowy/cold scents is that on my skin the cold part of the scent drowns out everything else in the scent and that's all I can smell. Not in this one.

    - My biggest problem with apple scents is that usually the apples are way too strong for my liking and/or remind me of that Salon Selectives shampoo I used in the 80s. Not in this one.


    It's not overwhelmingly appley. It seems like, more than anything else, it's crisp. It's chilly but not cold. There's something soft in there too, but I'm not sure what it is. Maybe something like apple blossom? I actually like the softly floral feel of it when it's dry better than the rather stark briskness at the beginning.

  10. Very floral, very tropical, and hoo boy is it strong! Goodness. I should not have put quite so much on. It's not a heady overwhelming floral, it's more in the breezy category. Maybe that's because it smells so tropical to me, I'm not sure. I'm not getting the sour/sharp/astringent scent other reviewers described at all. It smells clean and pretty and quite feminine to my nose.


    This is not the sort of floral scent that I normally wear but I don't object to it at all. It smells unusual and alluring, to me.

  11. Well, whaddya know.


    I had two different bottles of the original Midway at different times, but I didn't wear it because it had a plastic-y scent on me that was very disappointing because I like foody scents so much. So when the Resurrected version came through I didn't buy a bottle because I didn't think it would work on me.


    Now I'm trying some of the Resurrected version now, and it seems to be working on me okay. A little bit of that plastic scent, but it doesn't seem as prominent. I can't pick out anything that smells particularly like funnel cake or apples or taffy, just a soft sugary foody scent. Hmm. Maybe I should see if I can find a bottle of the Resurrected version...

  12. It smells like burnt sugar to me at first, and then it smells very caney. Almost reedy. It has a dry, vegetable-like smell, similar to celery but more leafy. It doesn't seem like it's all that sugary, to me. I can't really smell any fruits in it either. Just kind of a sweet leafy scent. It's not bad at all, but I'm not sure I'd want to wear it all that much. The celery-like scent is fairly prominent on my skin, and it's not the type of scent I usually think of as perfume.

  13. Fizzy blueberries! That's what it smells like at first. But then the blueberries fade out and what's left is a fruity gin, but I can't really place the fruit scent. It's not identifiable as blueberry anymore. I think I can smell a little bit of lemongrass in it, but not too much. Seems mostly gin when it's dry.

  14. Wow, L'Autunno is definitely my favorite of the Four Seasons. Kinda crazy, considering that I don't usually like apple scents, but I sure do like this one. The apple isn't bright and crisp, it's smooth. Smooth like the apple in cider. There's some great spices in this, and it's warm and comforting. The smoothness in it reminds me a bit of pumpkin -- like that sort of butteriness you get from pumpkin sometimes. I can smell some smoke in it too, but it's not prominent and it smells spicy. Spicy smoke? Yeah, I know, weird. But it works.


    Awesome. I like this one a lot.

  15. I really wanted this one when I read the description, but now that I've tried it I'm not so sure about it. I think I like it, but something about it reminds me of cardboard. I know that sounds awful, and I hate saying it, but it's the truth. It's a little off-putting.


    I have figured out, though, that I really have to give ambers a while to settle in and age. It's not fair to judge them straight off because sometimes they smell a little off on me at first. I'm not going to give up on this scent yet because I think it will be very lovely for me in year or two. It already smells warm and glowing, and I think it'll be even better in a while.

  16. Pine and... uh... pine. It does seem to be a softer sort of pine than usual, but to be honest I can't really pick out any other notes. My skin is horrible with pretty much all "winter" scents -- it turns them all into basically the same scent. Cold forest. That's about it. I keep trying them just in case I find one that works, but so far I haven't had much luck.

  17. I saw jasmine, ylang ylang, and lemon peel in the description for this one, and I didn't think it would work for me. :P That wasn't very clever of me.


    I actually don't smell any of those notes in this perfume. Florals, yes, and sweetness. It's not heady or overwhelming, though. It's bright and cheery, but it has some depth to it, too. I think the oakmoss and violet leaf in it are both particularly nice touches. They give it a soft grounding that I don't usually smell in floral perfumes. This is quite pretty.

  18. Trick or Treat doesn't smell like candy corn to me. It smells like toffee, cinnamon cookies, and rum. All together. It's not overwhelming or overpowering or obnoxious, it's just MMMMMMMM.


    When I first started trying BPAL perfumes I went through a foodie phase and then I sort of grew out of it because sometimes foodie scents tend to smell like plastic or play-doh on me, and I didn't like that very much. However, there are a few BPAL foodie scents that smell absolutely wonderful on me, and I kept those. Trick or Treat is one of them. It's freaking awesome, and I have 4 bottles of it -- one of my biggest bottle hoards. I love it.

  19. When I first put this on, I have to admit that my very first impression was this: "Gross." It did not smell good. At all. I think it was the sage that I was having trouble with because it smelled very herbal and kind of medicinal.


    As it dried, though the blackberry came out a lot more. It's softer in this one than it usually is on me and actually balances out that purple sage pretty nicely.


    My skin has a little bit of trouble with red patchouli, so in the end I don't think this one's going to work for me, but it's too bad because I enjoy the blackberry in this. Smells good with sage and lemon blossom.

  20. This smells like patchouli, orris, and a little bit of clove on me. Possibly more resins, but it's hard to tell.


    It has an odd, artificial scent on my skin, and I'm not sure why. Those notes all usually smell pretty true on me -- I don't generally have problems with any of them. Something about the combination smells off to me, though. I think it's because it smells so dry, and I like patchouli to smell deep and rich.


    I like other BPAL patchouli scents and resin scents better than this one, personally.

  21. Apples. Lots of apples. And a leetle bit of caramel.


    Mostly it's a sweet apple scent with a very slight creamy undertone from the caramel. I bet people who like apple scents love this one, but I'm not really an apple sort of gal. I've liked apple & rose combinations in perfumes, but it seems like all the other scents I've tried with apple haven't been my thing.

  22. It smelled a little bit like something foody at first, but within 5 minutes it switched to something definitely perfumey. A bit floral and slightly metallic, and like incense. Very strange. I had thought this would be a foody scent, but on me it's not. It's a pretty perfumey scent, but it's not at all what I was hoping for.

  23. I smell fig and spices at first, and it's not as dark as I thought it would be. I can smell the redwood in it, but it's not a dominant note. It's surprisingly soft on me. Usually fig is quite loud on my skin (which is all right with me because I like it), but I put quite a lot of oil on for this test, and it's still pretty faint.


    I usually like fig and orange combinations, and I like this one. I'm not sure about the spices, though. They make the scent a little weird for me. I think Aeronwen is all right, but I like some of the other Grindhouse Ladies better.

  24. I do not know how to review this scent. I don't know what it smells like. I guess wood? And a little bit of cardamom? But... it doesn't really smell like that. The wood is like really really green wood or something. It doesn't smell like any wood note I'm familiar with. Hay absolute? I don't think I smell hay, either.


    I get what a previous reviewer said about smelling something kind of pickle-like. Yeah, it's kind of like that. It's sour-tart like a pickle is, but try applying that quality to wood and see what scent you get: Bezoar.


    It's just very... odd. I'm not saying that I don't like it, but I'm not sure I like it either. Perhaps I should hold on to the decant for a while and try it later on.
