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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by filigree_shadow

  1. This is not bad at all, but it reminds me somewhat of Lawn Gnome and Crawdad Dream. The same sort of scent. Red fruity, and fairly round.

    I like it, but for some reason I tend not to wear scents like this. I've had similar bottles sitting in my box for years with no wear. So! I like it, but apparently it just isn't "me."

  2. Whoops, no. This one doesn't work on me. I'm not sure whether it's the banana or the pineapple, but something's going weird.
    I don't know what orange blossom honey smells like, but this "honey" is the thing that doesn't smell very good with my skin chemistry.
    I had hoped this one would work out for me, but I think the combination just isn't right for me.

  3. I was completely bowled over by this scent for the first 20 minutes or so. Sweet, gourmand rose. Absolutely lovely. I'm super picky about rose scents, and I was thinking that this would probably become one of my favorites. But then it dried down and it turned into almost entirely pomegranate. Which I don't like. Definitely not a favorite note of mine. I'm disappointed because it started out so fantastic. But I just don't like pomegranate and I never will.

  4. Ugh, this has spikenard, my nemesis. I loathe spikenard. This scent starts out very nice... kind of an earthy wood with some sweetness and a hint of patchouli. I really like scents like that and wear them often. And although spikenard is usually a huge horrible disgusting jerk that ruins everything, I feel like I almost can't smell it in this. I'm sniffing pretty hard, and I'm coming up with dry woody patchouli. There may be a tiny whiff of that revolting harsh weed scent that spikenard is on my skin, but I think maybe I'm smelling it because I'm looking for it. I think that if it weren't listed among the notes, I wouldn't have known it.

    This scent is pretty nice -- I like woody patchouli scents, but I like them when they smell deep and sweet and viscous, and this one smells kind of high-pitched and powdery. So, it's not my sort of scent anyway, but at least it makes me feel better that spikenard doesn't always try to kill me through my nose.

  5. I've been trying to find a review for Red Lantern, and I can't find it. Have I really never reviewed this? Weird. I've had some since 2006.


    It smells like a nice combination of coconut/amber on me, with a very heavy overtone of caramel -- but burnt, plastic-y caramel. I'm not sure whether it's the caramel part of the scent or the coconut part that is responsible for that weird artificial plastic scent, because they've both been culprits in the past. I really, really like the dry coconut/amber/tobacco combination, so I have held onto a decant for a very long time, and I've tried new versions when they come out, because I always hope that plastic scent will go away. Sadly, it never has.


    I think I have some sentimental value attached to it because it was one of the first BPAL Limited Editions that I tried, and I remember being super excited about it. But I guess after nine years I should give up, ha.

  6. Definitely a lot of honey in this, which is often a bad thing for me because BPAL's honey notes don't usually play well with my skin. For some reason in this one it is not doing that usual plastic thing, though. But, the hemlock part of this scent is odd on me, though -- powdery and perfumey, in a way that I normally associate with old lady bath powder. I think this is just not really my thing.

  7. This definitely does smell like marshmallows, to me -- with kind of a burnt caramel scent over the top and some smokiness. I like marshmallow, but I'm not crazy about the "burnt" part. I do like the scent, but not as a perfume. Burnt/hot scents just don't really suit me.

  8. This is one of the very few BPAL blends in which I feel like I can actually smell each individual piece, and the combination is wonderful. Actually I'm super surprised to see that I never wrote a review for this one because I loved it straight away, as soon as I tried it.


    BPAL has a handful of scents that I consider to be "me" scents -- like, I don't just like it, it actually seems like it's at home on me. Like we're in harmony. Does that make sense? I get that feeling that someone who'd seen me but had never met me before would say "Yep, that's exactly what I expected you to smell like."


    I only have two decants of this, and I really, really wish I had more.

  9. I am never a fan of eucalyptus and very often not a fan of mint, but... I like this. It mostly smells like leather with a fresh, brisk, cool green overtone. I can smell the lime for sure. And yeah, it does smell masculine to me, I guess because I must have smelled men who kind of smell like this. But I still like it.

  10. Fig milk, vanilla, orchid, and ylang ylang.


    It smells like sweet, creamy fig with just a hint of a lush (not heady, not stinging, not icky) floral note. The sweetness of it is quite a bit overwhelming at first, when it's wet, and I don't like it very much. After it dries, though, the fig is most prominent, and that super-sweet creamy note calms down. It becomes a light, soft, sweet, smooth fig-orchid scent.


    This is one of those unusual scents that I put on, sniff, and think, "Ewww, no." And then I come back to it 10 minutes later and say, "Oh! Nice!"

  11. Oddly, this one doesn't work on me. I really thought it would. I usually like those notes, and they usually agree with me. Sadly the combination smells a little... antiseptic on me. It kind of reminds me of band-aids. Like I said, odd. I think it's the leather and cognac combination. But I'm pleased to see that a lot of people really like it -- I feel like this combination of notes should have worked. It's probably just my skin that's weird.

  12. Just like everyone else said, Oof smells like Vick's VapoRub.


    It definitely makes the inside of my nose tingly when I sniff it. But... I don't really want to walk around smelling like VapoRub. I was a raver in the '90s. I've spent enough of my life smelling like VapoRub. If you were also a raver, I bet you know what I mean.

  13. I didn't read the notes before I put this on, and after I did I sniffed it and said, "Wuuf. Lavender and... eucalyptus? WTF. No." I'm super picky about lavender and have only liked maybe two lavender blends ever, and combined with that minty scent is not my fave at all. It's kind of herby and bold and a little harsh, which is pretty much exactly how I don't like my perfume to be.

  14. This smells only faintly of licorice/anise on me, which is awesome because that's exactly how I like anise to be -- just a hint. Faint. It smells mostly of vanilla. Specifically, it smells like Snow White. I feel like if you put a drop of Kabuki into an imp vial of Snow White, you'd get this. That's what it smells like on me. Which, I have to say, is really not bad at all. I'm not going to say it makes my eyes roll back in my head or anything, but... pretty damn good.

  15. Very green and bamboo/reedy, and just a smidge watery. And, as many other reviewers have noted, smells a lot like Holiday Moon. Which is interesting, because I had a bottle of that way back in the day but swapped it. I haven't smelled Holiday Moon in several years, but as soon as I saw that someone mentioned it, I thought, "Yep, that's exactly what this is." Scent memory lasts a long time.

  16. It's 2015, and this came out in 2008, so this oil has been aging for 7 years in a decanted clear vial. It's well-aged at this point. And, amazing.


    I remember not liking it much when I first got it, and the poor thing has been sitting around ever since. I've been going through my old pile of untested/swappable imps recently, and I got this one out half-heartedly, remembering I wasn't impressed. I was very, very pleasantly surprised.


    It smells like a sweetly figgy, smooth chamomile, gentle wood scent. Well blended, soft, and, almost... luxurious. I'm super tempted to try to track down a bottle, even at this late date, although I'm a little worried that whatever has been sitting in a bottle won't smell quite like this. Oils age differently in clear vials than they do in bottles. So I don't know what a bottle would smell like. But I sure can vouch for this little decant I have... pretty heavenly.

  17. Had no idea what to expect from this scent. It smells like a herby lemon/citrus scent, but the herbs aren't harsh at all, they're super soft. Like I said, I wasn't sure what to expect from this, and I was surprised to like it as much as I do. It's unusual, definitely not overly floral or overly herby. It's soft and smells rather elegant to me, and I think that's the first time I've ever said that about a citrusy scent.

  18. I really hoped this one would work on me, and in the beginning I thought it would. It smelled like sweet pretty pears. Then while drying it smelled like creamy pears. Nice! But dry, it smells like BPAL's honey note... which does not get along with my skin chemistry and smells like play-doh. :( There's barely any pear left at all after 15 minutes, and it's just a sweet honey scent.

  19. I usually like lilac, but for some reason this one isn't working for me. It smells like a very sweet, dry lilac. I like my lilacs to smell soft and petaly. Orris tends to smell quite "dry" on me, and I think it's not my favorite combination with lilac.

  20. I feel like this maybe should have worked on me? I don't hate any of those notes, and "gentle" is exactly how I like anise. But something in this smells off to me. I can't put my finger on what it is. It's not bad, it just smells distorted somehow. Like it was trying to be something else, but it's off. I don't know how else to explain it. I think that apple blossom and anise/clove is not my favorite combination. I'm guessing that's what's going on here.

  21. As nearly everyone has said this smells very marshmallowy and pink. It definitely does remind me of Velvet Unicorn, like if it was next to I Fell in Love with a Floating Brain. I don't really smell any dandelion in it, which for me is good because I don't like dandelion. I do have trouble with certain BPAL notes smelling like plastic on me, but happily this one doesn't.

  22. I think my imp is pretty aged at this point, because I'm having a lot of trouble identifying particular notes, and it's certainly not the heady floral soapy perfumey scent other people have described. It's light, sweet, pretty, and a little woody. It seems like I can tell there's sandalwood in this, and the sweetness seems to be coming from the tea. I don't know what this imp smelled like when it was new, but I bet aging has helped. It's pretty nice, and I'm not a fan of florals.

  23. A very resiny blend on me -- almost sticky. The frankincense is quite sweet, and I don't really smell any fruit. I'm not usually much of a fan of frankincense, and I feel like I'd probably like this better without it. I enjoy those deep smooth types of resin scents, and this one for sure isn't dark enough for me.
