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Everything posted by filigree_shadow

  1. filigree_shadow


    A very dark and dank scent. I associate this smell with vetiver, but I'm not sure that's what it is. It's gritty and a little bit woodsy. This smells very masculine to me.
  2. filigree_shadow

    The Emperor

    Although this oil is red, it smells green. Herbal and a little bit powdery.
  3. filigree_shadow

    The Empress

    A very pretty rose scent. Not heady roses, just lovely roses, kind of like a pink rose. Sweet. As it dries it kind of gets that sharp scent that roses sometimes do, though.
  4. filigree_shadow

    The Fool

    Smells mostly like wintergreen to me. Like breath mints. It's an interesting scent. It seems like maybe there's some sort of wood note underneath it, too.
  5. filigree_shadow

    The Hierophant

    Smells cinnamony at first, maybe a little bit herbal too. There's kind of a green scent underneath the cinnamon. It's very spicy, but it doesn't quite smell too spicy.
  6. filigree_shadow

    The Hermit

    A pretty foral scent, it kind of smells like yellow flowers. Maybe something like gardenia? It's light and not overbearing. A little bit floaty. I like this one.
  7. filigree_shadow

    The High Priestess

    Woah, I expected something different from this. It smells like very smoky cherries. I'm mostly getting smoke though. Kind of like campfire smoke. With the cherries. It's kinda strange.
  8. filigree_shadow


    Justice is one of my favorite Tarot cards, so it's fitting that I should like this oil. It's a light fruit scent -- some sort of berry rather than something like peach or melon, with either some kind of incense or resin floating around it.
  9. filigree_shadow

    The Lovers

    This is an odd scent that reminds me of an unusual fruit. Maybe pear? It's also a little bit powdery. Something about the scent reminds me of my grandfather's Model T. Maybe what he used to clean the upholstery? I'm not sure. It's very strange though -- I swear this is exactly what being in his Model T smelled like. ETA on 25 Mar 11: Weird. I just got a different decant of The Lovers from someone else, and this one smells exactly like dirt. ???? Are all the Lovers bottles different or something? ETA again: Oops. Never mind. Vampire Tarot is different from Tarot. My bad.
  10. filigree_shadow

    The Star

    Definitely citrus -- there's some squishy lime in there and I think a little bit of lemon. It also has kind of a Fruit Loops scent, so I think there's some coconut in it too. I like this scent, it's just that it smells like cereal to me.
  11. filigree_shadow


    Kind of a gentle green scent, a little bit floral and a little bit sweet. Maybe a small bit of something minty or aquatic. The scent reminds me a lot of summertime -- grasses and fields.
  12. filigree_shadow


    A green floral, but the green seems to be from some gentle herbs rather than smelling like a usual green floral. Not too strong, kind of soft and pretty.
  13. filigree_shadow

    The Wheel of Fortune

    Hmm, this one makes me uneasy. It smells like medicine and VapoRub. It has that chalky pink pepto smell plus some kind of menthol scent.
  14. filigree_shadow

    Melisande, The Puppet Mistress

    Hm. Jasmine, you say. I took a deep breath to prepare myself, and then I sniffed the oil in the imp. Hunh. Not bad. Not too jasminey. Smells pretty good, actually. I put some of the oil on the back of my hand. Woah. Heady powdery floral. Yikes. I waited for it to dry. It became a bit musky. Not so powdery. Hey, this is getting better. I went over and sniffed some coffee beans so I could start over completely with the scent. I sniffed my hand again. ACK! Jasmine. Tons of it. It's everywhere. And with... with violets. I can't smell any vanilla bean. Jasmine. More jasmine. I washed my hands.
  15. filigree_shadow

    Midnight on the Midway (2006)

    Straight off it smells like incense. A sweet, floral incense. I usually like night-blooming floral notes pretty well, but I'm having trouble with these. The scent keeps flip-flopping from being sugary (which is nice) and smelling like a bathroom spray (not nice). When it's totally dry it smells faintly of very sweet incense. It's so light it's almost not there. How come this doesn't smell like cotton candy on me? *pout* I need to trade in my skin chemistry for a new one. Sigh. It's not gonna work. It's too bad, because I was hoping to like this one.
  16. filigree_shadow

    A Windfall!

    Wow, that is a windfall! What an order!!!
  17. filigree_shadow

    The other shoe.

    Five days? Damn. He brought her to your house? Sheesh. Apparently he has taken leave of his senses. That is really low. Is this woman aware of the situation? I mean, your relationship with Jason and your current living situation? I've known some pretty uncaring women over the years, but none of my women friends would ever put another woman into such a situation as what you walked into.
  18. filigree_shadow


    I had to try this because I'm such a damn sucker for passion. It's heaven. Truly. One of the most beautiful scents I have ever smelled. I like every single one of those notes (except amaranth because I don't know what that is), and the combination is fantastic. Orchid and champaca flower are both great -- not overtly floral and not heady either. The tonka and vanilla make it smell rich and smooth underneath. Something in it smells a little bit fruity and tropical (something that reminds me of pineapple), but not a lot, just enough to give it character. This scent makes me feel feminine, strong, and confident. Wow. Incredible. I should wear this every day. I haven't been this bowled over by a floral scent in... well, ever. Perfect throw, too. This is going in my Top 10. I now have this crazy desire to run around to each of your houses with my wrists held out demanding that you smell how good this is. ETA: I should mention that I opened a second bottle of this and the scent of the second bottle is slightly different. It has something that smells a bit like that nail polish remover scent that a couple of people have mentioned. But the first bottle smells only lush and beautiful. I'm not sure if it's aging or just different batches.
  19. filigree_shadow


    I was charmed by the description of this scent and decided to try it even though honey is usually a deal-breaker for me. I'm very pleased. Although I can tell this has honey in it, it's not going wonky on me at all. The scent is exotic, sweet, and a little bit spicy. When I first sniffed it on my skin I had no idea what I was smelling. I'm still not sure. It's enticing -- very alluring. At first I thought it smelled golden but now that it's dry I think it smells like a really sexy combination of red and gold. Very nice.
  20. filigree_shadow


    Sandalwood with incense. There's something sweet in it too, like a floral note. Something about it smells very clean, which is weird because sandalwood and incense scents don't usually smell like that to me. Doesn't seem to be very strong at all, and I did a fairly large test. When it's dry, it's back to a nice sweet and dry incense scent. It's not the kind of incense scent I like to wear (I like the darker ones), but it's pretty.
  21. filigree_shadow

    Death Adder

    In the bottle: Medicinal. Wet: Vetiver and vanilla. Yum. Dry: I can definitely tell that this has a Snake Oil base. But it doesn't do that powdery thing that fresh Snake Oil does on me, it goes in the smoky-vanilla direction like Snake Charmer does. The black coconut adds to the sweetness and overpowers the vetiver -- when it's dry I can't smell the vetiver nearly as well as I could when it was wet. And the opoponax = hubba hubba. This is absolutely everything I wanted it to be: smoky, dark, and smooth. ETA: After a couple of hours on my skin, Death Adder is close to Snake Charmer, my most favorite BPAL ever. It's smokier, a little bit less vanilla, and not as strong. But it's certainly close enough that I'm going to be forced to order about three bottles of this.
  22. filigree_shadow

    Hunger Moon

    In the bottle: Herby, some citrus. Wet: Cold. That same coldness that's in all the blends that are wintery/slushy. A little bit of citrus in there somewhere, but mostly what I'm getting is that nose-tingling cold scent. Dry: Well, darn. I don't know why my skin has to bury all the other notes under whatever that cold note is, but it does this to me every time. I had the same problem with Wolf Moon. Sigh. I think I might have to just give up on the cold blends. Once the coldness finally gives up a little, all I can smell is lemon. I can tell from the way the oil smells in the bottle that it is supposed to smell different than this, but my skin is messing it up. Sorry, Hunger Moon. It's not your fault.
  23. filigree_shadow


    In the bottle: Cardamom, and a bit masculine. Wet: Softly spicy. Not a loud spice at all. Wonder why I can't really smell any tangerine? Usually that pops up right at the beginning. Dry: I like this a whole lot. It smells kind of like a spicy dark tea scent. Warm but not hot. What a fantastic combination of notes. Beautifully blended (no single note seems overly prominent) and wears close to the skin.
  24. filigree_shadow


    I've been inspired by the recent spate of blogs about bringing out the inner sex kitten, so... I woke up my husband at 4:00 in the morning for purposes of sex. This was a pretty common thing when we were first together, but after six and a half years it's not as common as it probably should be. I'm not even sure if you can say "not as common" if it's like once in three years. When he got home told me he was tired at work all day today but he was also happy. Maybe I should do that more often. Next on my sexy agenda: Tweezing my eyebrows into pinup-style arches!
  25. filigree_shadow


    After I wore Tamora the first time I ordered 2 10mls of it. It was the first imp I used up completely. I once spilled an imp of it all over myself and I didn't even get tired of it then. I think it's beautiful, sweet, and glorious. I always like peach scents, and heliotrope is one of my favorite floral notes. The heliotrope is just as strong as the peach in this blend, so I'm really glad I like both of those notes so much. It's not a juicy, fruity peach scent, it's a floral peach. The combination of those two with vanilla is basically perfect, and the amber and sandalwood keep it soft rather than being too bright. Tamora was one of my first BPAL loves, and I'll always love it.