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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by filigree_shadow

  1. filigree_shadow


    I think this would be a great scent for people who like pine and evergreen wood scents. It has a sweetness to it that balances out the wood scent nicely. It's full and rather bold. Pine-ish scents sometimes smell like cleaning products to me, but this one doesn't. It smells earthy and natural. ETA: I want to amend my review to say that this oil is really lovely when it's dry. Sweet and woody and a little bit creamy, too. If you're unsure about it while it's wet, give it a chance. It lingers on the skin for quite a while and is surprisingly soft and comforting after a couple of hours.
  2. filigree_shadow


    I think Lear is my least favorite of the Illyria ones. It doesn't smell as soft and refined as the othe ones. There's nothing gentle about this -- it's harsh and herby. The cedarwood is pretty nice, but I don't like the blue sage and bay leaf. I know this is supposed to be for a man, but I don't really want my husband to smell like this.
  3. filigree_shadow

    Loup Garou

    This is really strong and has way too much eucalyptus in it for my liking. To be honest I always avoid all the notes listed for this blend, so it really didn't stand much of a chance that I'd like it. And... I really don't like it.
  4. filigree_shadow


    The Dark Side of Earth: deep, brooding forest scents, including juniper and patchouli. The scent of upturned cemetery loam mingling with floral offerings to the dead. Dirt notes usually amp like crazy on my skin, so I was expecting to get nothing but "cemetery loam" out of this scent. Strangely enough, juniper seems to be the most dominant. It does smell earthy and like a forest. The juniper's a little too strong for me personally, but I like this scent a lot better than most of the dirt scents.
  5. filigree_shadow


    This is a very odd scent on me. It smells like a combination of weird old-lady powder and hair spray. I am extremely not fond of this. I don't even know which note is being objectionable here, but I suspect it's the carnation and lemon combination.
  6. filigree_shadow


    Woah, that is one floral floral. It smells almost like a carnation single note on me. The rose is there but it's really subtle. Unfortunately neither of those are my favorite notes, so this one isn't working for me.
  7. filigree_shadow

    The Raven

    This is a darker violet than most of the BPAL violet blends, I think. I like it with the sandalwood. It seems like it's kind of earthy -- not in a dirty way, but in a grounded, natural way. It doesn't smell creamy or dewy or like petals like some floral blends do. It just seems wispy and darker. In all the BPAL violet blends I've tried, the violet seems to be really strong on me. I think it's prettier than some other florals, so I'm not really complaining, but since they all kind of smell the same on me I think I better just pick one favorite violet one. I don't think it's this one. I think it's probably going to be either Sybaris or Morgause.
  8. filigree_shadow


    Smells like wine and herbs. The wine is quite strong, but it kinda smells more grapey than winey. Like grape juice that has a little bit of alcohol in it. It doesn't smell bitter on me the way it apparently does on other reviewers, but it does smell... strange. There's nothing really bad about it, I just think this isn't my kind of scent.
  9. filigree_shadow


    A dark smoky scent -- the lavender is a little too strong for me personally, but lavender usually is not a problem at all on my husband, which is handy since I think this oil will smell a lot better on him than it does on me. This does seem masculine to me, even though I often wear dark smoky scents myself. The only thing I don't like about this scent is the lavender, which is distorting that lovely wispy smokiness a tad. I'll hand this one over to the hubby and see how it works on him.
  10. filigree_shadow


    A pretty, sweet floral. The gardenia is pretty strong on my skin, but the lilac is giving it a run for its money. Although I like lilac, there are some other BPAL blends with lilac that I like better than this one. However, this isn't bad at all. It smells soft, like petals. Pretty. Feminine. I like it.
  11. filigree_shadow


    This oil is green, which I think is cool. However, I don't really care for the scent of it. It smells like burnt herbs on my skin, kind of sharp and acrid. It's interesting, but not something I'd wear as perfume.
  12. filigree_shadow

    Slobbering Pine

    There's a cold note in this, and it's coming out strongly on my skin. (Unfortunately.) Until the cold note came out, I smelled a lovely sticky pine scent -- not the dry woody pine I usually smell, but a deep earthy pine. (Not to say it smells like dirt because it doesn't. Just resinous and sweet and natural.) I'm surprised this isn't more popular than it appears to be -- I thought that a lot of people liked the pine scents, and this is one of the best ones. It definitely smells good on my skin, and the cold note isn't as strong in this one as it is in the cold foresty Yule scents. The pine in this doesn't smell like cleaning products or astringent; it smells very natural. Like I said, I think this is one of BPAL's best pine scents. I'm sort of waiting for it to catch on among fans.
  13. filigree_shadow

    The Hamptons

    The scent of a Cosmopolitan cocktail. Fizzy and sweet -- smells a lot like a tart lime soda. I thought it would smell boozey, but it doesn't seem to. It's kind of a carefree, fun scent. It smells happy. Would be great to wear in the summer. I like this one a lot better than Swank or Twenty-One.
  14. filigree_shadow


    This smells wispy and sweet and has a nice wood undertone. Something about this scent smells like a tea party to me, even though I've never been to a tea party. It doesn't smell hazy or smoky or anything, but it definitely has kind of a ghostly quality. Soft and gentle. It smells old-fashioned to me.
  15. filigree_shadow


    The verbena seems fairly strong at first, and then the rosemary and lavender come out. It ends up smelling like a sweet herbal scent, slightly medicinal -- the lavender and verbena are most prominent.
  16. filigree_shadow

    Mata Hari

    This smells like bitter coffee and soap on me. I've tried it a couple of times and it just isn't working on me. That's okay though -- I have yet to want to wear anything coffee-scented as perfume, so I didn't expect this one to work.
  17. filigree_shadow


    Overly floral and way too much jasmine for me. I like the tuberose and lime combination though. The lime's sorta cute. Actually now that it's drying it's not quite so bad. I kinda like it. It's turning into a very pretty scent.
  18. filigree_shadow


    Odd. This smells minty AND powdery on me, and it's a very strange combination. It's a soft mint, not a piercing one, and the florals are pretty gentle. It's nice, but too floral for me.
  19. filigree_shadow

    The Hesperides

    Very strong on the apples in this one. There's some wood underneath the appley scent, but not much. I think the scent is pretty but it smells an awful lot like that Salon Selectives shampoo I used about 15 years ago, so I wouldn't wear this as perfume.
  20. filigree_shadow

    Les Infortunes de la Vertu

    This smells like a cunning masculine blend to me. The leather is soft and comfy, and although the amber is going a little bit powdery on me, it still smells good. The orange blossom comes out when it's dry, and I could do without that, but I still like this blend just fine. I think it'll smell better on my hubby than it does on me, though.
  21. filigree_shadow

    Black Rose

    This is a strange rose blend to my nose -- it smells almost metallic. It has a kind of stinging quality to it, the sort that I normally associate with "perfumey." It does smell like a very dark rose scent, and Black Rose is a fitting name.
  22. filigree_shadow


    Yow. Dirty and herbal. Very earthy, but also sharp. This is not my kind of scent at all. I just took a big sniff of it and then involuntarily shuddered. That doesn't happen very often. I think I better wash this off.
  23. filigree_shadow


    I sorta like whatever citrus is in this -- it smells mostly like grapefruit to me. But unfortunately I don't like the florals. They're too strong, and something in this is a powder culprit. This smells like a sour floral on my skin. So, no Versailles for me.
  24. filigree_shadow


    This is a sweet, smooth herby scent. It's brighter than I was expecting it to be, and the herbs aren't the gentle soothing kind of herbs that I like. They're not harsh or anything, just not soothing. Not a bad scent, but not my favorite.
  25. filigree_shadow


    I thought I'd love this for sure -- the oil is dark, and that's always a good sign for me. Plus I know that I love heliotrope and patchouli, and copal is usually good too. The only wildcard is oakmoss, which can be okay or just plain bad. The first time I tried this scent, I thought it smelled like a men's deodorant scent because it was kind of powdery and masculine at the same time. I'm trying it again now, and unfortunately I can't get that men's deodorant comparison out of my head, so once again I'm thinking that's what it smells like. The oakmoss makes this overwhelmingly masculine in my opinion. So much so that I wouldn't feel comfortable wearing this. It's actually a good scent, and I don't think there's anything wrong with it... but it's too masculine for me, and my husband doesn't like it on him. So this one won't be hanging around at our house.