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Everything posted by filigree_shadow

  1. filigree_shadow

    Mr. Vandemar

    Mr Vandemar creeps me out in Neverwhere, but this scent doesn't. The imp-sniff is very metallic, almost like oiled machinery, but when the oil is on my skin, it doesn't smell like that. It smells dark but not dank, peppery but not spicy, and smoky but not like something is burning. It smells slightly creepy but not unhinged. To be honest, I find it kinda comforting, and wouldn't mind having this as a room scent, even though it's a little too masculine for me as a perfume. The pepper is pretty strong, so if you like peppery scents definitely try this.
  2. filigree_shadow

    The Russian Dance

    Kinda stinging. I think if this had all those notes except iris, I'd like it fine. It's doing this weird thing where it smells powdery, perfumey, and stinging (like almost metallic) all at once. Man, this is just not my day for perfumes. Nothing I've tested today has worked for me.
  3. filigree_shadow

    The Phoenix in Summer

    I like the saffron and amber in this, making the scent smell warm, but the red musk and ozone combination really doesn't smell all that great on me. It just smells a little weird.
  4. filigree_shadow

    The Spanish Dance

    Yikes, this one doesn't smell right on me. Almost acrid. There's a little bit of chocolate, but there's also something bitter combined with something that smells like a bathroom air freshener. (That would be the pom acting up -- it apparently gets a huge kick out of making me smell bad. That's one of its favorite tricks. Does it all the time.) The whole combination smells extremely OFF. Not cool, pomegranate. Not cool at all.
  5. filigree_shadow


    This smelled mostly like apple blossom on me at first, and then... oranges? Why am I getting something that reminds me of orange, or orange blossom? Is that what rhubarb smells like? Like everyone else, I figured that something with patchouli, dark musk, and leather would be pretty dark, but this totally isn't. It smells mostly like fruit with a soft musk behind it. Not bad, but not what I was expecting.
  6. filigree_shadow

    Valse Finale et Apotheose

    The apple blossom is the strongest on me at first. Can't say I really smell any mint. After about 5 minutes, the apple blossom fades out a little, and honey comes out. Honey with a sweet apple tinge to it. Honey often has a play-doh scent on my skin, but it appears to be behaving in this one. It's nice and smooth. When it's dry, sometimes when I sniff it I smell all honey, and sometimes all apple. Weird.
  7. filigree_shadow


    A fellow of infinite dirt, of most excellent drydown. I don't even know why I bothered to try this. Soil notes amp so much on me -- way past the borderline of enjoyability. This was just bleah dirt for two hours, and then BEHOLD! A pretty, lightly spicy, ghostly earthy scent. I don't know where the hell that came from, because I assumed I would just continue to smell like sweet black dirt until I washed my wrist. I like it after a couple of hours, but no way I'm living through that dirt nightmare just to get to the good part.
  8. filigree_shadow

    An Introduction to the Stash Manager

    Wow, awesome. Especially with the wishlist and swap matchmaking features! Thank you!
  9. filigree_shadow


    It's the same on me as everyone else. Snake Oil plus caramel/burnt sugar, something that smells a bit nutty, and gentle spices. I wear Snake Oil and the various Snake Pit scents with alarming regularity, and this is one I'd have in the standard rotation if I had a bottle of it. I'm generally not a huge fan of the burnt sugar scent (like Sugar Skull), but it's light enough in this that I like it more than usual.
  10. filigree_shadow


    Vinland smells like a soft berry scent at first, but then some grassy, sort of meadowy notes come out when it's dry. I like the berry in it, but grassy notes often aren't a favorite for me and usually end up hurting more than helping a blend. I don't mind this scent -- it's soft and pretty, and I can see why people like it -- but it doesn't suit me personally.
  11. filigree_shadow

    The Arabian Dance

    I ordered a bottle of this straight away because I knew I was going to LOVE it. I love all those notes. I eagerly put some oil on, prepared to take in a big whiff and fall over ded of fabulousness, and... well, that didn't happen. Instead I raised and eyebrow and wondered if it was going to morph at all. I mean, surely the fabulousness was just around the corner, possibly in dry-down. Sniffed later. And again later. Nope, it doesn't change. On me it smells similar to a sharper and less licorice-y version of Le Père Fouettard. I read all the comparisons to Spanked, but it's been like 4 years since I smelled Spanked and I have no idea what that smells like anymore. I do know that this is a leather note that I like -- sleek, dark leather -- but I expected it to be warm and nutty too. It's kinda not. It's black leather, some bitterness from the coffee I guess, and some faint spices. The coffee does come out more when it's dry, and I like that, but... I don't know. This scent is unusual. I think I'll have to wear it a few times and see how it goes.
  12. filigree_shadow

    The Phoenix in Autumn

    I like all the notes in this except ivy (and I don't know what hyssop smells like), so I expected to like this. I didn't expect to like it quite this much. The patchouli is stronger than I thought it would be, and for me that's a good thing. It smells dry but rich at the same time. The dryness of it reminds me of Chrysanthemum Moon or Crypt Queen -- other fall favorite of mine. And it really does smell autumnal, for sure. Very nice. It needs a little while to age, but I already like it a lot.
  13. filigree_shadow

    Spawn of the She-Demon

    I bought this back when I was unable to resist anything with red musk in it and basically bought everything red-musky. Fast-forward to a couple of years later, and these days I honestly have to be careful how often I wear red musk blends or I'm going to get burned out on it. I'm a lot more picky about these now. But! Red musk + fruit is one of my favorite combinations. Sweet fruits with it give the musk a playful quality that I don't really get from it when there's no fruit note in the blend. I like this mango in this, but I like strawberry better (e.g., in Mania and Hollywood Babylon), and I'm not sure the tea note in this is my favorite. So, although I like this, I'm going to let it go. *sigh* It's pretty, but I like others better.
  14. filigree_shadow

    Dance of the Mirlitons

    Anything that has rosewood in the list of notes is going to be an automatic must-try for me. This one has a strong rum & almond scent in the beginning, but the rum mostly goes away after about 10 minutes, and the drydown is kind of a woody, almondy, rosy scent. Unfortunately, one of the times I tried it, it went kind of powdery, and another time the rose in it smelled like a soapy rose. I'm going to let this settle down for a while and try it again in a few months because I'm not willing to give up on it yet. I feel like it can be better, it just hasn't gotten there yet.
  15. filigree_shadow

    Sugar Plum Fairy

    I was wondering how this would be different from Midwinter's Eve, which is a very strong sweet plum candy on me (and I love it) -- this is definitely different. That same sweet plum, but it's not nearly as strong in this one. It's balanced nearly equally by a vanilla musk. It's not as bright as MWE; it's softer, but it's also prettier. I got a decant of this instead of a bottle because I figured I already have a bottle of MWE and didn't need a similar scent, but after trying this decant I bought a bottle of it. It's very pretty.
  16. filigree_shadow

    Cat Allingham

    Deep, sweet resin, a wood background, and a dry, smoky quality. The frankincense, thank goodness, is not making this too high-pitched for me. I was worried about that. And it's not too dark, either. It smells mysterious and swirly. I didn't like it the first 3-4 minutes it was on my skin, but after 20 minutes I liked it a lot. And this bottle is going straight into the BPAL box to age, because I bet it will be glorious in about 2 years.
  17. filigree_shadow

    Hexennacht (2005, 2016)

    Hunh. Apparently I never reviewed this perfume. I've had it for ages. Well, it smells dark and smoky on me, and very slightly fruity -- like cherry tobacco smoke or something similar. Fir, and something barely noticeable that reminds me of snow. It starts out very dark and almost resinous, but quickly turns into smoky incense. It seems like a much softer (and more wearable, to me) version of Samhain. It's pretty, but has almost no throw at all on me. I think my skin eats it up.
  18. filigree_shadow

    Limited editions equivalents in the general catalog?

    That's a tough one. Try Bloodlust, Dragon's Heart, or Tintagel. They're not exactly the same as TTH, but they have a similar feel.
  19. filigree_shadow

    Very Slightly Haunted Dollhouse

    Very sweet, kind of powdery chalky grape. With a little bit of carnation underneath. Not really my thing.
  20. This smells weird. I don't think currant and fig is my favorite note combination, and that's what I smell. Plus pepper. It smells kinda sour. It doesn't smell bad, it just smells strange, and it's a little distracting because I keep wondering what that smell is. I wear perfume that makes me feel happy or comforted in some way, and this one just smells confusing to me. I don't dislike it, but I don't think it suits me.
  21. filigree_shadow

    Lines Written Among the Euganean Hills

    Anything with a cold note in it invariably doesn't work for me... except in this, apparently. It's sweet, chilly, and very pretty. It seems like the frozen part is about equally as strong as the fir and berries. I have a couple of cold perfumes already (Snow Bunny and Snow-Flakes), and that's probably all I need for a wintery type of scent. This one is very good, though. If I hadn't already decided I liked those a long time ago, I would want this one.
  22. filigree_shadow


    Blue, sweet, chalky lavender. The end.
  23. filigree_shadow

    Eanach Dhuin

    When I first put it on, I thought it smelled exactly like soap, and then about two minutes later it smelled exactly like cologne. A sweet, hazy, aquatic cologne. It smells cool, fresh, and clean. It's a little darker than your standard aquatic cologne -- about as rugged as something watery can smell -- and I like it. I liked it enough that I passed the decant over to my husband, and he likes it too.
  24. filigree_shadow

    Frau Holle

    Whoa. This one is *cough* strong. *cough, cough* *wipes eyes* Herbs and pine trees and snow. Very harsh. Not soft snow at all. Sort of like being smashed in the middle of an evergreen tree and someone is waving sharp herbs under my nose. Yikes. This is very clearly not my fave. *cough*
  25. filigree_shadow

    The Rose

    Beautiful soft roses. Not sharp, nothing too green, lovely whisper-soft petals. Very, very pretty. I am not a rose gal at all, but this is lovely. I'm so picky about rose scents that only a couple have worked for me -- Peacock Queen and Moon Rose were both rose-note favorites of mine. This one is right up there with those.