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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by littledruid

  1. littledruid


    Adding my 2 cents: I, too, wanted to like it. I, too, was overwhelmed by this scent--and not in a good way. The major impression I get is buttered popcorn (perhaps, as someone else mentioned, buttered pumpkin seeds?). And, for some reason I can't really explain, that's a lot more off-putting (to me) than it sounds. Since a lot of other people seem to like this one, I recommend trying an imp's ear first--because it seems like, if you don't like it, you REALLY won't. Loved some of the others, but this one just did not work for me. LJ Edit: Screwed my courage to the sticky place and tried this on skin--butter tone disappears immediately, leaving strong spice. Still not a fan, but nowhere near as harsh as the initial impression suggests.