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Posts posted by euterpe414

  1. Ohhhh, this is lovely. Rich, peppery, syrupy sweet floral. I definitely get the honeysuckle and passion flower all spiced up by the pepper. Very very lovely. The amber sort of grounds this blend a bit, keeping it from being toothachey sweet. I really love this and am glad I bought a bottle unsniffed. This reminds me a bit of a summery version of Chimera.

  2. Cardinal Water: the essence of feeling.
    Wild lettuce, wild pear, chamomile, germanica orris, sweet pea, and mallow.

    This one is really well blended- I smell (on my skin) a green, yet creamy, sweetness. It's very light and pretty, even a touch little-girlish :D It also lasts for quite a while but tends to stick close to my skin. After a while it turns a tiny bit aquatic on me- but a creamy aquatic still, similar to Banded Sea Snake yet much much softer. I really am enjoying this one, it's quite unique. Well done!! :P

  3. Dian's Bud is fresh clean and a tiny bit lemon-y on my skin. It very light and non-instrusive, and not at all clean in a soapy or sharp sort of way; it's just very crisp and light. I like this one a lot, but more as a room scent than as a personal fragrance, it seems perfect for keeping my apartment smelling fresh (and less like a sweaty dog :P). This is lovely scent for those of you who adore "clean" scents as perfume :D

  4. Yes, like everyone else, my first though was "this is a very watery scent". Selkie is very cool in a light blue/light green kind of way. Water with flower petals floating in it and pieces of stems and greenery lurking also. It seems to want to go in the direction of soapy on me, but for some reason it doesn't (phew!). I get a hint of fruitiness in the drydown as well. This doesn't really smell like the sea on me- more like a quiet running stream with slippery moss and fern around it. I really like this one b/c it has a calm and meditative feel to it, and while this is not an everyday wear for me (I prefer stronger scents), I will treasure it for quieter times and lazy summer days.

  5. This one is rather unexpected on me- at first on my skin there is a blast of ozone, but it quickly disappears and the scent becomes very resinous with a hint of wood. I can tell that the ozone is still there, lingering in the background, giving the resins and wood a clean edge. There is a touch of saltiness, but it's not overpowering. I must also note that there is NO soapiness in this ozone blend, which is monumental for me! I really really like this one, even if it has a bit of a masculine edge to it. It's very comforting in a way that is hard to explain, but really embodies the feel of a summer thundershower. Wonderful! :P

  6. Oh this is fabulous!!! :P I have notices that while sometimes rose doens't play well with me, the combo of fruit and roses (any fruit, really) seems to work fabulously well. This is no exception. It's dark and sweet, with the deep red of both pomegranite and rose melding together. I love how rich and glistening this scent is! As an aside, if you like Blood Rose you should definitely check this one out, and vice versa; they both have a similar rich deep red velvety feel to them. That being said, this is just lovely and a true BPAL classic.



  7. At first Gemini begins with a strong lavender but almost immediately soften to become predominantly orchid. I don't know where the lavender goes, but after the initial blast it has all but vanished. The two scents (I can't really get the other notes that well in this blend- maybe my nose is broken, lol) are definitely somewhat of polar opposites in my mind, so it is interesting to smell them together like this (if only for a minute, haha) Anyhow, this becomes a gorgeous smooth orchid that has a bit of earthiness beneath it (the other notes, I'm guessing). Definitely different from the lab's other orchid blends. I really love this one and am glad that I have a bottle of it :P

  8. I have to agree with sarada's review above- this is some STRONG cologne-y lavender, definitely not for the faint of heart! This blend it pretty much all LAVENDER until it has been dry on my skin for quite a while (re: 1/2 hour) and then it turns into a nice smoky lavender and tobacco. I really love this stage of the blend- it's very shadowy and dusky, like the painting. This lovely stage doesn't last long, though, it's right on the edge of disappearing. :P I really wanted to love this one, but sadly I can't since lavender refuses to play nice. I suppose I could try to tough it out and wait for hte dry-dry down, but I have so many loves that I like from the get-go that I don't find this worth it.

  9. Orris, bay rum, palm, coconut meat, oak wood, tobacco, linen, blue lilac, and leather.
    Wow, I can't believe I put off trying this one for so long! It's very smooth and elegant, like others have said. I get a lot of coconut (a light coconut, more akin to the kind in Obatala), rum and tobacco, but it's not at all like Elegba, which has similar notes. I think the wood and orris help keep this smooth. I really don't get any iris in this until the drydown (but really more like when it's fading than when it's just dry) when it lends a bit of sweetness. This is a lovely blend of which I will definitely get a bottle of, since my half imp isn't going to last very long!

  10. The Perfumed Garden is an incredible jasmine blend...the jasmine has "bite" and substance. This is an intoxicating blend, and very different than the typical, "heady" jasmine...


    What she said!! PG is rated X.


    For me, jasmine can be OK if there are many other components. It's not so much the type of jasmine used so much as the quantity.


    Yes, this is what I'm finding as well. I used to think I hated anything with jasmine in it until I found that there were some blends with jasmine that I liked a lot, and not jsut the night blooming kind. (I think also the change in my skin chem. after stopping b/c pills has made jasmine less ornery on me :P ). So far my favorite blends w/jasmine are Morgause, Black Moon, The Caterpillar, Rose Moon, Peitho and Muse. I find though that in all of these the jasmine is one of many components.

  11. Got this one as a frimp in my latest order and I am so happy I did, as I have seemed to overlook this in my quest to try the lab's earthy/resinous blends. I get mainly cedar and sandalwood with a hint of myrrh- where's the patchouli, I don't know...anyway, it smells glorious! It's not very overpowering- there is little throw and it seems to stay close to my skin, though it lasts for a long time. The cedar gives it a bit of a masculine edge, although I would definitely wear it with no qualms.


    Sri Lanka has a very earthy, grounded and meditative feel to it. Like others have said, this seems like a fantastic yoga and meditation scent- or just great for when I want to feel centered and relaxed. I foresee a bottle of this one in my future :P

  12. A light, invigorating floral and citrus blend. Tuberose, lotus and jasmine with a hint of lime.

    To my surprise, and as others have mentioned, the jasmine stays fairly calm in this blend and really lets the tuberose and citrus shine through. The lotus comes out a bit in the drydown, lending a very gentle sweetness. I really like this one, and if it weren't for the lab's lovely frimping, I would never have tried it since it has the evil "j" word in description. Absoliutely lovely, and perfect as a spring and summer pick me up!

  13. This one smells just like I thought it would :nod:


    Sunflower, amber and mossy greenery mingle together to create a really dry, warm sunflower scent. The three elements are really well balanced on my skin- it is neither a sweet floral or cologne-y - it stays very natural on my like being in a field of sunflowers on a hot day.


    This is an incredibly evocative scent and fits the painting to a T. I love it and think it will be perfect for summer and autumn.



  14. Argh! This starts out as a juicy floral- pomegranite mingling with flowers in a sweet and lush way. but. Frankincense somehow decides that it wants to ruin the whole thing and make it turn sharp and perfumy. This is sad since I love frankincense, but in this case I think it is hindering the blend (on my skin, that is). After the sharpness sets in it goes the way of the laundry detergent...this reminds me a lot of what happened to Sol Invictus on my skin. Hm. I better take note of this for the future. :P


    Anyhow, I think this would be gorgeous on someone whose chemistry does not butcher it so. FWIW it lasts a long time on skin and has a lot of throw.

  15. This is a light and pretty scent- not what I would have expected (like everyone else says, lol) Definitely apple & lotus in here- it's very sweet but not in a sugary toothache way- a "natural" sweetness. There is something else in here that I can't put my finger on. Someone earlier said lime and I think that may be it, but I am not sure. it's a slightly sharp citrus edge but which citrus I can't tell...anyhow, I'm glad that it's there b/c it's cutting into the super sweetness a little bit and balancing out the scent.


    This scent has the calmness that I associate with the Hanged Man, definitely appropriate for wear during the quieter, more meditative moments in life. In fact, I can see this one being good for when one wants to calm down and relax- it's making me feel calmer and quieter wearing it now :P

  16. ... Dry black teas, Earl Grey, and leather.

    Wow I can't believe I haven't tried this one sooner! Severin is a really smooth, sexy tea and leather scent. I love how the bergamot and leather interact in this one, and the lovely hint of citrus I am getting. This is a really nice refreshing blend, perfect for any weather. It reminds of sitting in a comfy chair sipping a cup of tea, feeling completely at ease and relaxed. I am definitely foresee a bottle of this in my future. :P

  17. This is a really golden, sunny scent :P At first when it's wet it has a very damp jungle quality to it, but over time the amber comes out more and more and dominates the blend. Dry it's mainly fruit, amber and a touch of floral. I would love this one a lot more than I do if something in it weren't going a bit sharp to my nose. I don't know what element of the scent it is, but it's weighing it down a bit. I wish I could smell more of the damp jungle quality all the time...perhaps in the locket or an oil burner? Anyhow, it's quite sunny and warm, and those that loved Sol Invitus and Et Lux Fuit might really enjoy this.

  18. This one is quite the morpher on my skin! Wet it is all vetiver and mandarin (well maybe a little itty bit of earth, but it is well mixed in). I like vetiver a lot, but with citrus sometimes it makes me feel a little bit queasy :P . However, as it dries the mandarin goes away and it becomes smokier- the herbs and almond appear and the vetiver calms down - A LOT. I don't ge a lot of cinnamon- which is sad... Also, it only seems to throw in the wet stage, which is when I don't want it to, heh.


    I like the drydown of this a lot- an herbal, earthy scent with a touch of almond creaminess. I am definitely keeping my imp, but I don't think I will buy a bottle b/c I don't know how often I can handle the beginning stage.

  19. This one is in a similar vain as Blue Moon 2007, Dark Delicacies and Black Moon. I get a lot of moonflower as well as ivy, orchid and a dash of musk. Not getting a lot of amber or what have you... This has a lovely nighttime feel to it- like walking outside on a cool breezy night under the full moon. It also has a bit of a "clean"vibe to it, but definitely not in a soapy way. This one lasts for a while as well, yet remains subtle and quiet- very much a "skin" scent for me.


    I really like this one- it's perfect for when I want to smell fresh and light, but not soapy- and really...that painting can't be beat :P I am definitely going to throw a bottle of this one in my next order!

  20. Annnd...another lovely Salon III scent! :P (why must I love them all??!)


    Kiyohime is a really well blended ocean scent. I definitely can smell the sea spray and mossiness, but it is intertwined delicately with the fruit and flowers. I am not sure what green musk smells like but I assume it is contributing to some of the depth that this scent has. This never smells like dryer sheets (that's what a lot of aquatics end up on me, unfortunately) or soap. I am very very pleased. There is a vague similarity in this to Fire Pig, although this is considerably lighter an airier on me. I don't get a lot of morphing like others have, my chemistry apparently feels like being boring, lol.


    My only complaint about this one is that it doesn't last over 2 hours on my skin, which is sad because it is expensive so I feel odd about slathering it (maybe I'll use it in the locket or make a spray out of it...)


    For anyone who wants an aquatic scent but usually can't find one that doesn'to go soapy, I highly suggest this one.

  21. This is a very strong carnation on my skin, with a faint background green and peony. Like someone else mentioned, I really like the juxtaposition of the floral with the green (green meaning cypress, juniper, etc.)- it gives a certain vibrance to the florals.


    I somewhat wish that carnation was not so dominant and let the other notes shine through more on my skin, but I love carnation so I can deal with it :P All in all this is a great blend, and carnation lovers simply must give it a try. I will definitely buy a bottle when I have used up my imp.

  22. I just wanted to chime in that this smells fabulous!! (thank you thank you :P ). I have never tried POTL but I had these blends around and an empty pretty bottle so I decided to try it. It's lovely and lasts forever on my skin. I will definitely have to whip up some more when I run out (if I can find more Midnight Mass, lol, I'm running low...)

  23. I get a lot of tangerine, saffron and vetiver in this one. It's very earthy yet bright. A bit on the masculine/cologne-y side, but not toppling over the edge, so it's still appropriate for me to wear. This is a very complicated scent- I know I like it, but I'm not sure I love it enough to want to buy a bottle. I'm going to have to wear it a few more times to decide. I do love vetiver, though, and this is an interesting and creative twist on an earthy vetiver scent. If this were a color, it would be burnt orange :P

  24. This is, as I expected, a very watery cool floral. I can really smell aloe and cucumber in this mixed with the floral notes. This is definitely in a similar family to Black Moon, but is much less sweet and a bit more herbal. I do not get any soapiness from the florals- everything stays true from wet to dry on my skin. This is definitely an ethereal scent that is very appropriate for the occasion. I love it and will cherish my bottle. :P
