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Posts posted by euterpe414

  1. Created in honor of the fiery, vicious Princess of Hell and bloodthirsty general who governs thirty-six legions of infernal warriors. Her lust for bloodshed and manslaughter is matched only by her love of the classical arts and sciences - definitely a woman that we respect. A seething, fiery blend of dragon's blood, deep myrrh, red and black musks, civet and thick red patchouli, glistening with drops of rose and ylang ylang.

    Now I finally have time to review this, although i have had it in my posession for a while. This scent was a must buy for me during the resurrecteds since it contains so many beloved notes: dragon's blood, myrrh, patchouli, musk...

    However, of course by murphy's law, when I put this on my skin, sharp rose began to take over. I can't see how rose would dominate such strong scents, but it did, to the point where I was beginning to get a headache (after 1/2 hour of wear). Oh bother. This is definitely going to a new home.

    Pity that the rose in this is of the variety that hates my skin! :P

  2. This is such a stunning fragrance, so much so that a day after testing I ordered a bottle (usually I deliberate about these things for at least a week or two...). Iris is one of the few flowers that i enjoy in perfume, it was especially good to me in 13 and Lucretia, and again is good to me in this blend. The iris is at the forefront of this scent on my skin, and the other notes blend together wonderfully to create a gilded background for the flower to rest on.


    This is not an overly amber scent on my skin, as I thought it might be when I read the description. It maintains a much lighter feel with the berries. i love amber scents and was a little sad about this, but honestly this blend is so well, um, blended (yeah I need a bigger vocabulary) that i don't ever find myself smelling it and wishing there was a bit of something else added in. Florence also has great lasting power, yay!


    So yes, this is a fabulous blend. Not my typical spicy or rich fare, but regal in its own right, and definitely worth checking out!

  3. Grapey, grapey!


    and then...soapy grapey. and then violety grapey.


    This is an indecisive blend on my skin. It maintains the grape throughout, but the other notes constantly change their strength on my skin. I am glad though that this blend finally settles doan to something remeniscent of Lady Macbeth but with a bit less greenery. that soapy grape stage was not so good, but thank god it is brief!


    All in all this blend can be scary at first but it is worth waiting a bit for it to settle down into a nice regal grape scent. :P

  4. The Evil Woman.

    Avarice, inertia, materialism, animal consciousness, despair and cruelty.

    Governed by Na’amah, Daughter of Lamech, and thereby a Daughter of Cain. Na’amah is the Angel of Prostitution, and also one of Samael’s succubus concubines, and her name is Beauty and Pleasure.


    Ahh, glad I took a chance on this one! This is a great spicy plum scent, to my nose. It is similar to Snake Charmer and also to Bathsheeba, but definitely unique in its own right. I don't get too much musk in this scent, actually, well, at least not the heavy musk that is in Smut. Perhaps a lighter skin musk?


    This is a fabulous scent that deserves more recognition, in my opinion. if you like Snake Charmer, Bathsheeba and Bordello, get yourself a big bottle of this ASAP!

  5. I stayed away from this one previously because I was scared of the bubblegum smell. Now, though; that I am older and wiser, I decided to test the new frimp that I got...


    Yes, the bubblegum smell is overwhelming (and I wonder, how did Beth get it to smell EXACTLY like Bazooka??), but it only lasts for about 20 minutes on my skin and then morphs into this sweet, spicy scent which, surprisingly, I actually like. a lot.


    I don't know if this is bottle worthy as it is a bit of a novelty scent for me, but I am definitely keeping the imp. Moral of the story: don't be afraid of bubblegum!

  6. Gotta add my two cents on thsi one, as well. Let me just say that I am never going to play another concert without this blend! It gave me such confidence and helped me convey all the various emotions and etc. that I wanted to in my performance. I felt very dynamic and energetic on stage, and also alert. I got a lot of positive feedback after the concert, and was in a great mood to be chatty with people as well (and sometimes being chatty with random people is nto so easy for me).


    I haven't tried this with romantic intentions, but I am sure that it will be equally effective. This is a FANTASTIC blend!


    The smell is very resinous, to me, and blended well with Euterpe, the scent I always wear for playing concerts.


    I would highly recommend this blendf to anyone who needs a boost of confidence and wants their personality to shine through at all times. Love it! :P

  7. ahh, vetiver! This is definitely the same vetiver that's in Malediction, although it has less of a presence in this blend. Typhon reminds me of cold earth and smoke, very wintery, actually. It smells like the cold earth outside my apartment in the mioddle fo night mixing with the wafting woodstove smells. Lovely, just lovely. I am so happy that there has been a slight influx of vetiver scents lately, and this one definitely does nto disappoint. However, I don't need more than one bottle since I definitely prefer Malediction to this...

  8. I just got this one as a frimp in my order. It is a very masculine scent, but one that I wouldn't be afraid to wear myself. The cedar and sage mesh very well together, and like the others have said, I don't know where the bay leaf is... This scent makes me feel very strong and secure, which is a good thing.


    I do enjoy woodsy and strong scents, so perhaps my frimp will be promoted to a bottle soon if I can stop buying LE's at the moment!

  9. This is definitely a unique lunacy scent! It smells on my skin of tart blackberries with a hint of smokiness (opium, I presume) and sage. I love opium blends, so this one makes me quite happy. This one doesn't morph too much on my skin, it pretty much stays this tart, smoky berry scent. :P It lasts for a reasonably long time, which is odd for berry-ish scents, but hey, I'm not complaining!


    Glad I got two bottles, this is gorgeous!

  10. oh yes yes yes yes YES!


    er, excuse me. I am a little more than overjoyed with this scent.


    Being the vetiver fan that I am, I find this to be a very unique vetiver scent. I attribute this to the presence of the tamarind, which i can very much detect (it's all those tamarind drinks that I consumed at taco stands in LA, I think). The combionation of the two along with the other resins gives this scent a sweet and sour sort of 'tang'. Don't worry, though; to me it is not a sour like sour milk, it's more of just a slight bite, or something.


    Overall, the Music of Erich Zahn is a golden, luminous earthy blend. Unique and compelling, and one I will treasure. I am so glad I snagged a bottle unsniffed!


    Thank you Beth, for such a great blend!!! :P

  11. Ah, this is a gorgeous, spicy, wintery blend. It smells overall of spicy wood with a tiny hint of floral. I definitely detect the balsam and clove, while the other notes are sort of blended together, supporting these two notes. I agree with the rpevious reviewer that this is indeed very wintery wirthout being a forest or snow scent. I don't really find this scent to embody any sort of villainy, though, just a comforting winter spice, perhaps of incense and spices wafting through the air while sitting in front of a wood fire. Lovely, and I will definitely wear this a lot during this coming winter.

  12. Oh no! I am so sad that this did not work on me. From the bottle it smelled like a masculine leather blend with a bit of dry wood, somewhat like an Anne Bonny 'lite', perhaps. On my skin it was a total disaster, I just got a dusty, musty leather scent. Ick. It made me sneeze a little bit, also. I geuss I am amping the 'dusty rags'? :P


    Ah well, there have been enough blends that I love lately that I am not too sad about the loss of dear Krampus. I ma sure that he will go to a loving home that can appreciate his evil nature just a bit more than I can.

  13. Wow this one smells exactly like a minty canycane on me. The peppermint really clears my sinuses, too! :P


    Sadly, this one does not last long. the peppermint is gone within 20 minutes or so. I am left with a slightly sweet, creamy scent which I like but am not sure if it is worth keeping. I will have to think about this one, since it is so lovely to start out with. Perhaps it will work better in a lotion or some other bath item...

  14. I am so happy that i bought a bottle of this one unsniffed. I love Dragon's Blood (still need to order a bottle...) and Dragon's Milk, and thought I should go for this one. I was right.


    The currant definitely makes this one very sweet and almost candy like, although it takes a while to come out on my skin. (At first it is all dragon's blood and nothing else.) The musks add a nice background, but are not overly dominant. This does remind me of Wolf's Heart, but much, much sweeter. This lasts and lasts as well, which is a great plus.


    Fabulous! It defintiely pays to go out on a limb sometimes!! :P

  15. OK, other people seem to be getting heavy sandalwood or woods...but I am getting heady, heavy florals and a bit of smoke/woodiness.There must be jasmine in this, right? I think I smell it...Argh. This is one of the few blends that I had an "I need to wash this off NOW" reaction to. more than five minutes on my skin and I would have gotten a raging headache. Strange, because I thought that this would actually be a nice blend from sniffing it in the imp.

  16. Bess is a very dignified blend, indeed. On my skin, this is definitely an herbal blend, but all of the notes are very well blended and equally represented. The rose actually does not go sharp OR soapy on me, which is fantastic. I hate to always compare blends, but this reminds me of a sweeter, more complex version of Catherine. This is a womanly blend, and I can't really picture anyone young (re: teenager or even me in my early twenties) wearing this. I like it, but it is so mature that I feel out of place wearing it (I don't want to grow up, haha!) Anyway, this is an extremely well done blend, but I do not see myself wearing it often, at least not anytime soon! :P

  17. A big big second on the Ravenous suggestion!! Ravenous is such a great combination of citrus and the spicy richess that you already love. I am not a huge huge citrus fan but I am crazy about this one. Also, perhaps Masquerade, again, it has patchouli so it can satisfy both of you! :D


    It totally sucks that he does not like the scents you like. I am in the same boat with my bf (but now we are somewhat long distance so I wear what I want, mawahaha!), although he hates ALL perfume, and says that BPAL (in general) smells like cleaning products and air freshener. Honestly, I just ignore the comments and wear it anyway because it makes me happy. He said he couldn't tell the difference between the scents, except that they smell like cleaning products! Boys are so stupid sometimes.... At least I know I don't totally reek or something since most people I run into daily compliment my perfume. Hmph! :P

  18. This scent was very evocative to me, and triggered, of all the things, the scent memory of my grandmother's basement. Cold, a little musty, but filled with all kinds of gardening tools, some old dirt, old books, you get the picture! Most people would think that is a bad thing to smell, but I rather like it, perhaps I am a bit demented...


    To sum it up in non scent memory terms: Wolfsbane does not change much between wet and the drydown. it remains a very "old" earthy scent. It has moderate staying power but not a lot of throw, which is probably a good thing because I don't think most people would find this an "attractive" smell. I really like this one a lot, and will add it to my bottle wishlist. I would definitely use this as a room scent, if not as a perfume on days when I'm puttering around the house by myself, feeling nostalgic. I think this is unique among the dirt and earth scents, and definitely worth trying at least once.

  19. So strange...why am I smelling something extremely similar to Asphodel??? On my skin this is a very light, sweet floral. I can really detect the honeysuckle, it is quite domineering.


    When it's dry, the vetivert comes out a bit to ground the blend, but it is in no way a scent heavy on the vetivert. I can only compare it to when you sniff fresh flowers and get a little whiff of the dirt as well.


    Ok, when it is settled it reminds me of Asphodel with a drop of Darkness mixed in. Very interesting mix of light and heavy. This is not something I would wear often, though, as I prefer opium blends (like Darkness :P ) that are a bit more on the heavy side of things. Glad I finally got to try this, though, since I had been wanting to for some months...

  20. Mme Moriarity has major throw and lasting power on me. Whenever I wear it I get comments (good comments, mind you :P ) from people who can smell it from at least a few feet away, if not from across the room. It also lasts at least a good 6 hours or so on me, which is a long time on my skin! I usually slather with abandon, but with this blend I am a little cautious since I don't want to bowl people over!

  21. Hm, this is an interesting blend. On my skin it is very incensy, reminiscent of Midnight Mass, Pit & The Pendulum and possibly a little of Cathedral. I do not know why, because none of these notes are quite the same as in those blends. Most likely it is the juniper...anyway...


    After a while this settles down to an incense + bergamot and lilac. It is an interesting smell, and while I go for some masculine scents (St Germain, Doc Constantine, etc...), this one seems decidedly uber masculine on my skin. It's like a guy's version of Cathedral or something...


    A very nice scent overall, just not for me. Glad I tried it, though!
