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Posts posted by euterpe414

  1. On me, this is a very dry, herbal citrus. There is a hint of a foresty scent in this one, but it is nowhere near the forefront. I really am enjoying this one a lot, it is very different from the scents that I usually prefer, but it's so cool and refreshing and I find myself drawn to it. I also agree that it is similar to HGM, but less sweet.


    I can definitely see myself wearing this one in the spring and summer months, especially.

  2. This one turned out to be very foresty on me- foresty in a way similar to Nocnitsa. There is a certain sharpness which I am guessing is the "snow" notes on me that lingers for a while and then mellows out to let the pine and flowers come through (phew! it was a bit scary). Thankfully the flowers are behaving themselves! I was worried about the dandelion b/c it is in Roadhouse and that was a disaster on my skin and also ylang ylang which has ruined many blends for me (Lust and La Petit Mort, I'm looking at you!), but here it is just gentle- a mere suggestion of flora lying beneath the snow. The berry is also somewhat of a suggestion as well- it is deeply covered in the ice.


    This is a nice blend and I am glad that I snuck in an order of a bottle at the last minute. I can see this working well as a room scent, too.

  3. First off, thanks so much to eviltemptressdq for the sniffie of this one!


    This is a gorgeous, feminine, perfumey scent. Not for the faint of heart, for sure. I don't get so much of a dirt note as I do a dark incensey note settled just beneath the orchid. There is not a lot of throw for me, I definitely have to press my nose up to my wrist to smell this one (however I did not get to slather since it was only a sniffie, so maybe if I applied more there would be throw). Basically this reminds me exactly of Black Rose but with orchid (trite, I know, but it's the only way for me to describe the "black" part of this fragrance).


    I am not sure that I like this one personally, although I can't deny that this is a great sent. It seems that if I wore this one for too long or put too much on, I might get a really bad headache. Still, I am really glad that I got to try it to satiate my curiosity!

  4. This one smells a lot more foody on my skin that I expected it to! I am getting a lot of mandarin with hints of nuttiness and something sugary (now what is creating that illusion to my nose, I don't know...). As it dries, the muskiness comes out bit more and the sugariness fades a bit. It is more a nutty, musky mandarin scent now. There's a hint of floral, but it is no overwhelming.


    I have to agree with previous reviewers in saying that this blend really invokes the colors and feel of the painting. The rich orange and burgundy hues can really be detected in this blend.


    I definitely like this one a lot. I think eventually I will get around to buying a bottle of this one, it's good stuff :P

  5. Add me to the list of people whom all they can think when they smell this is: YUMMMM. This scent is totally delectable- caramel with sandalwood and slight hint of flowers. I smell the iris in the mix particularly when it is still wet on my skin. However once this dries it is pure rich sandalwood and caramel. gorgous. Another great thing about Arrival of the Sabbath is that is has incredible staying power on my skin. I think I only had to slather once the day I wore it and it lasted from 10am til 2am (good since this one is expensive!).

  6. This smelled incredibly of lime in the vial, and on my skin wet is was LIME. Fun, I thought. UNTIL, the lilac decided to ruin it all. Now, I don't dislike lilac, but the combination of lilac and lime tunred positively nauseating on my skin within about 10 minutes. The lilac grew stronger until it almost ate the lime- making it a weird floral/musk with a tinge of sharp citrus. Ick. Honestly, the smell reminded me of bile which is not good because I was recently smitten with the stomach flu and don't want to be reminded of it!! Needless to say I ran to wash this one off. I guess lilac only works with other florals, I suppose.


    I wanted to like this one since I had heard so many good things about it, but sadly we were ot meant to be together. :P

  7. Like others have said, this is a gorgeous honeyed apple grounded by a slight bit of fig and thyme. I don't really detect the peach as much, maybe it just sweetens the apple on my skin. This scent really seems to embody the painting, to me. The colors used in the painting are very much the colors i associate with this scent (i.e. if I hadn't seen the painting I would have thought of those colors). Yes, there is a similarity to Les Bijoux, but this scent is a bit more earthy to my nose, and also lasts longer on my skin.


    To sum it up, this is a light, sweet fragrance that is perfect for spring wear, or even this unusually warm winter :P I suppose. I am glad I trusted my instincts and ordered a bottle of this one straight away. It's lovely.

  8. When the new salon scents went live, part of me just wanted to buy a bottle of this unsniffed because of the nasturtium in it (and how often do you see that in perfume?? I usually eat it in salads in the summer...). To make a long story short, I should have just ordered a bottle unsniffed, cause it is THE perfect grassy spring scent!


    I don't get any soapiness, any headachey floral, just the perfect scent of a garden in April or May. Slightly dewy, very green and calm. And sometimes, I can actually get a little whiff of nasturtium, and that makes me one happy girl. (it also makes me happy that rose isn't taking over and going out of control as well!) This is giving me strong memories of my aunt's garden in the country of New England, and those weekends where I would come up to visit from the icky suburbs to help her tend to it and go on walks. Yay for happy scent memories!! :P


    So, if you have been looking for a great grassy, green BPAL, this is it! :D


    I MUST order a bottle of this before spring and summer arrive.

  9. This is quite a unique scent. I am not sure I have smelled anything similar to it before. There are definitely multiple "ideas" occuring at the same time in this one. On one hand there is super-floralness- sweet pea and orchid have a great presence on my skin, and actually don't go soapy! But then I also smell a deeply grounded woodiness, which must be the DBR, copal, wood, etc. They really don't mix with one another; the floral sort of sits on top of the wood.


    This one definitely is an accurate representation of the painting to me, although I am not sure that I would wear it often. It seems a bit of a novelty to me, and not at all my personality. Still, it was a neat experience to smell something like this and try to decipher it!! I think though, that a real sweet pea lover would enjoy this one a lot.

  10. OK. Aine's review is really spot on. This DOES smell like a really upscale hair salon! Or at least it smells like the pricey one I went to once to correct a really bad at home coloring snafu. *ahem* Anyway, this is a really classy blend. I do see this leaning a bit towards the masculine end, but a girl (evn girly girl) can definitely wear it and not feel odd.


    The tobacco is really present on my skin, but it is rather smooth and blends at the edges with the other notes, mainly the moss and the orris. The leather coes out more as the blend dries on my skin. Unfortunately for me as it dries it loses a bit of its initial pleasant classiness and becomes rather sharp and perfumy. I don't know what note is doing this...although I suspect it could be moss as we have been having some bad run-ins as of late. Hmph. There is no saving this one- it just gets sharp and astringent. Drat!!


    Ah well, if moss or any of the other notes don't mess with your chemistry, than go ahead and give it a go (esp. if you love tobacco blends!).

  11. OK, I must have different chemistry than all the other reviewers, cause from the moment I put this one on it was vetiver (a la Malediction) and pomegranite. The other notes were present, but these were the two that really popped out to my nose.


    There was a short while during the wet stage where the notes were duking it out and I got a VERY strange waft- I can't describe it well, but it smelled like um...rotting or spoiled vetiver? it was not good. However this only lasted maybe five minutes and then i was left with a gorgeous smoky, earthy vetiver/pomegranite scent! Actaully, about an hour into wear this smelled a bit like Mme Moriarity, but less sweet and definitely darker. This one has lots of throw and long wear length, too.


    All in all this is a winner, and will make its home among my other beloved vetiver scents!

  12. Wolf Moon is a forest in winter encapsulated into a bottle. I don't know how exactly it manages to convey that snowy pine and wind feeling, but it does. It is so very comforting to me because I really (scarily enough) miss winter and snow and the walks I used to take through snowy woods when I was living in Michigan.


    This scent stays true on me from the bottle to my skin, as most foresty scents tend to do. It has lots and lots of throw, and does not go the least pit pine-sol-y. Phew!


    What a gorgeous lunacy, and a great forest scent. Not to be missed!

  13. This is simply a perfect scent for me! It is dark, resinous, slightly sweet yet also subtle and mysterious (well I am not very mysterious as a person but i do love mysterious scents!). I do see very much the comparisons to Haloa and Schwarzer Mond, and in my opinion this scent embodies the best qualities of both of them. It has the deep, dark resinous feel of SM, but lightened slightly by the olive and spice the was charactaristic to Haloa.


    Lycaon is a very warming scent, and sticks very close to the skin, there is not a lot of throw; however, it does have good lasting power. No doubt, I will be wearing this one often, on days when I crave a deep and dark scent rather than a sweet one. Absolutely fantastic!!!


    :P :D :D



    eta: I think this would also layer incredibly with Wolf Moon....I can't wait to try it.

  14. Woah nelly! This is some gingery goodness! I think that I just was nearly bowled over by a strong waft of fresh ginger. I didn't really get gingerbread a la gingerbread poppet, but a pure fresh smell with that hint f lemon that other people have been mentioning.


    Once it hit on my skin, I got a few minutes of lemon pledge. this really freaked me out, but I was willing to sit through it. (one of my other faves Mouse's LST went through an intense soapy phase at first and then was good, so I have learned to be patient). Like I suspected, the ginger phase subsided and I was left with a ginger/lemon spice that's nothing short of amazing.


    This is a great scent, and I do see what all the hype was about. I am glad I finally have the chance to own a bottle.




    ETA: after aging this one for about four months, the 'lemon' scent has virtually gone away. It has become much richer and 'full-bodied'- although not foodier. I guess the resins and ginger ahve melded together in a more perfect harmony. I am now completely crazy about this one and highly recomment aging it if you have a problem with the 'lemon' phase.

  15. At first this starts out all lemon tea on me, with a barest hint of ginger. As it dries, the ginger comes out a bit more, balancing itself equally with the lemony tea. I wish I had discovered this one last summer, as it would have been absolutely perfect for hot summers in southern California. I am not usually a "light" or citrus scent person but I will add this to my small list of refreshing scents that I love, and will buy a bottle at some point for the coming summer.


    I have not had a problem with lasting power on this one, thankfully. tea usually likes to stick to my skin :P

  16. Three Brides is a stunning, elegant scent, for sure! I was thrilled to see another Moroccan rose scent, since that is one of the few types of rose oils that actually work with my chemistry (no sharpness, no soapiness, just the rose that I love).


    This scent really does unfold over time. It changes from an inital citrus and rose to a deep , heady scent with the tonka sandalwood and amber coming into play. The scent seems to grow more exotic with wear. After a while this reminds me of a rosier cousin to Morocco.


    Like Lucretia, this one has a very sophisticated vibe, and seems best suited to a gorgeous dress and such. However, I am wearing this anyway today with jeans and a t shirt and it is making me feel very ladylike, which is exactly what I need today!


    Overall an excellent Salon blend, perhaps even my favorite so far! If you liked Lucy Westenra, Morocco and the Haunted Palace then you have to give this one a go!

  17. Oya

    Oya has some major throw on my skin. Out of the four scents I am testing right now in various places on my arm, I disctinctly smell Oya wafting up to me, and I only put a tiny bit on! the waft smells mostly like almond with a hint of plum, and possbly some other fruit (cherry? but not a heavy cherry- maybe cherry blossom)


    This blend also reminds me a bit of a turkish dried fruit desert that I made once. This is a good thing. sweet fruit with a hint of floral (rose water-ish). I am reminded in this scent way mopre of love than war- Oya is not in the least an agressive or domineering scent, despite its throw.


    Oya is a nice plum scent, and I will keep my imp but I am unsure that it really needs bottle status.

  18. This one smelled really sharp in the vial. eep! :P


    Thankfully, on my skin it softened a bit and turned into a nice herbal tea smell. As it wafted up I felt as if I was sitting in bed sipping some nice herbal tea and reading a book...kind of weird since the description of this led me to think that this would be an energetic blend. I find it pretty calming and clean feeling.


    The rose isn't too prominent, but it makes the blend have a certain slight sharpness on my skin. hm.


    Personally, this is not a blend that I see myself wearing often. It seems that my imp would best be put to use in an oil burner though, on some lazy afternoon.

  19. I could kick myself, really, for not ordering The Castle when it was up. I don't know why I didn't think i would like it...


    finally, I scored a decant of this and I have to say, it is a very nice Dragon's Blood blend. My skin doesn't amp DB to the 9nth degree, which is good. I can definitely smell a variation in this from other Ars Draconis. It is very peppery, incensy and a tad dusty- very reminiscent of a castle, in my opinion.


    This lasts for a good long time, like most DB blends do for me. This is a really evocative scent, after a while there is a vast, empty feeling that I get when I sniff my wrists- hard to explain but the Castle gives off a very vast and dusty vibe (but not dusty like Krampus, thankfully! maybe dusty more like Dee is dusty on me). It doesn't freak me out at all, but it is certainly interesting to note.


    Well, in short, I am off to hunt down a bottle of this. It is some good stuff!

  20. I thought that I reveiwed this already, but guess not! :P


    This scent took a while to grow on me, mainly because when I got an imp of this months ago and i sniffed it I smelled that "craft store" smell- not a good thing. But, being the plum and spice lover that I am, I simply had to give it a go anyway.


    This one really becomes more complex on the skin (so don't be afraid of that initial craft store blast!). The carnation and plum are dominating, with some very slight muskiness and something that smells gingery in the background (chrysanthemum?). This is a glorious scent, indeed! I also agree with other reviewers that it is a bit Christmas-y, or wintery- I can't see wearing this one in the heat of summer.


    My only complaint about this one is that it doesn't last very long and I have to reapply often. If you like Bathsheeba, 'Mum moon or Nahemoth, this is right up your alley. Very nice!
