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Posts posted by euterpe414

  1. I never expected this one to dry down so sweet on me! On my skin it's really reminiscent of Golden Priapus- I'd swear there was vanilla or something in this. Actually I like this one better than Golden Priapus 'cause it has a much softer edge to the woodsiness. There's really no berry in this for me, strangely enough. This doesn't last that long on my skin, but not too many pine-y blends do. I think this one would work great both as a personal fragrance and as a room scent. Definitely one for the bottle wish list!

  2. Hm, I smelled this one in the imp and though "yum, it smells like a cousin of Smut!". I guess my nose is different from others' cause musky civety scents really do smell good to me. :D


    However I must add that this scent wildly vascillates on my skin. it goes from sweet musky clove to a ver animalistic smell (yes, much like a goat, :D ). Usually the latter happens when I sniff with my nose pressed up to my hand. If it farther away I smell more of the sweetness and less animal. Strange. Anyhow, I definitely smell the sex... :P


    This is a good one but I don't know if I'd need more than an imp since this is incredibly naughty on me and I already have my favorite naughty blend, teh Smut. I wonder how this would smell on a guy, though...maybe I'll attack a random bystander and find out! :)

  3. This is a spring scent in the extreme! On my skin I am getting sweet florals with a hint of peach. It's a very juicy scent, the peach in this is extremely fresh smelling and delectable! This one doesn't last too long on my skin, though, as some of the lighter fruity florals tend to do.


    Overall, if you are a fruity floral lover and like Tamora or Marquise de Merteuil, you will love this scent. It's springy and dreamy and perfect for all occasions. :P

  4. On me this is cinnamon, pathcouli, peach and orange. I'm not getting more of the dark inense or clove notes- actually this is more of a spcy, sparkly fragrance. Unfortunately, something about this reminds me of the dreaded yankee candle store or craft store smell (I like it, but not as personal fragrance). I think this is much better suited or me as a room scent than as a perfume. I also agree- this is very suitable for the holidays.

  5. At first this one scared me immensly- I got musty old lady floral smell! :P However, once it dried completely the copal came out a lot as well as the labdanum and I was left will a floral incense scent- very smoky, with hints of floral rather than the extracts of an old lady's toiletry cabinet. Sheol is, after all, a really gorgeous and mysterious scent. I definitely see this as a good representation of an underworld. Actually, it reminds me a bit of Hades once it has been on my skin for a few hours.


    I really like this one, but not enough to get a bottle- if it behaved from the opening stages I think I could have found a bit more love for it...Actually I wonder if it will skip the old lady stage once it is a scent locket? Time for some experimenting!

  6. The description of this one sounded lovely, the notes seemed good with my track history, but on me this was a complete distaster! In the imp I smelled strawberry incense, but on my skin I got burnt plastic and strawberries! No good, no good! :P


    Usually poppy works on me but in this case I think it is running amok. Ah well, off to find this one a better home.

  7. Ah, the rich smell of almonds! Eclipse is mainly almond on my skin with a hint of cinnamon and a sweetness that I'm thinking is the heliotrope (it smells similar to the sweet floral note in Hollywood Babylon, which is also heliotrope so...). This reminds me of a frangipane in the best way (a marzipan filled pastry that French people make primarily around the holidays), and I will definitely get a bottle of this at some point. For some reason this has fared better on me than Queen of Sheba, which only lasted minutes on my skin.


    All in all, if you like the smell of marzipan you will love this scent.

  8. Intoxicating!! I am totally loving this scent! :P


    I have never tried Voodoo Queen, so I can't say for the similarity between those two, but I feel like this is in the same deep, dark, and sexy vein as Mum Moon or Hades. (although this is much darker) I am getting spicy florals (mums, for sure, carnations maybe? can't say for sure) and nutmeg/cardamom/ possibly saffron. So goood. I am glad this is a GC scent, and I hope it never ever goes away! it's definitely going to go in my top 10. This lasts a long time and has great throw. I can't imagine a better spicy floral than this. :D

  9. This is exactly what I wanted Hurricane to smell like! (or at least what I imagined it smelling like)- damp, marshy/foresty, with a hint of bitter neroli and resin. It does go through a bit of a cologny phase, but that doesn't last too long.


    My only complaint about Oborot is its lasting power, which is not too good. This guy is gone within 2 hours- completely gone! :P I still think I'll keep this around to see how long it lasts in the locket. Overall a great scent, a very unique forest blend.

  10. This scent is simply yet lovely. There is a strong sweetness from the DB (it sort of resembles a very sweet sandalwood) backed by teh muskiness. A somewhat simple combination that is sexy, incensy and somehow still a "skin scent" also. This blend doesn't have a lot of throw, and reminds me a bit of Morocco in feel and character. I think everyone should give this one a try- even if you don't think you like dragon's blood blends, thins one may surprise you!

  11. EGM smells nothing like I thought it would! (hey, I like surprises). It's foody + musk, that is for sure, but some of the notes are for sure misisng on my skin! I primarily get cassia, cardamom and musk with a touch of cherry- very little else. Granted, the combintation is lovely, but I was hoping for more of a smorgasboard (sp?? lol) of foodiness.


    The general smell that I get when it has dried is a rich spicy scent- heavy on the cardamom, with a bit of rich muskiness behind it. It smells like an exotic desert, basically, which is good in my book.


    I am really enjoying the notes I do get, though, and will definitely keep my bottles of this one. it has great lasting power and throw as well :P

  12. This scent really vascillates on my skin. One minute it is an herby, somewhat creamy scent, and the next minute a sharp floral. It keeps changing between these two and won't settle down! :P This also has a lot of throw on me, to my dismay, because as I type this I keep getting whiffs of something sharp and off-putting.


    I suspect that the jasmine is what is toying with my nose this way. It has done it before, and no doubt will do it again. Although, the herbal scent that I get sometimes is really quite gorgeous- very light golden in feel and somewhat incensy. Perhaps if this were in a scent locket it might fare better on my skin and become the scent that I like all of the time.



    Oh jasmine, why must you toy with me?

  13. On me this is a sweet earth scent. It almost has a nutty quality to it. I definitely smell the mushroom like resemblance- a light moist earth rather than the sharper earth in, say, Penny Dreadful or Burial. I am really enjoying this one, and it lasts quite a while on my skin, too. Yup, this one goes on the bottle wishlist! :P

  14. Oh, dear sweet Anaconda, why must you only come in imp form?? :P


    This is one seriosuly yummy scent. I can best pick out Snake Oil, tobacco and burnt/brown sugar (a la Sugar Skull). I am normally not a huge tobacco fan but this is absolutely divine. It's like rolling around in an amazing rich desert. :D It stays pretty true throughout the drydown- true to perfection!


    If this ever makes it to a bottle I would have to buy 8908098 of them. For now I will just inhale my imp, since I am a slatherer and would probably use it up in two applications.

  15. This is a prett straight forward scent, and an incredibly delicious one at that! On me I am getting mint + green tea+ Snake Oil. Mint ususally pulls a disappearing act on my skin, but here it is staying put :D . This is so fabulous, and to think, I thought I wouldn't like this one very much! I do agree with the green tea ice cream comparison. It does smell a bit of that after it has been on for over an hour. Love this one, and I definitely will wear it often.



  16. Habu is mainly bamboo and Snake Oil for me. I am not getting a lot of the musk or other wooden notes. It's a very green scent, and a bit clean smelling as well. This one doesn't change to much as I wear it; it only softens a bit over time (i.e. the bamboo calms down a little). This is very lovely and I will enjoy this on days when I want to feel fresh and clean.

  17. Hm. At first this one smelled VERY acrid and musty on my skin; to be more specific it smelled like what happens when jasmine goes awry for me in a blend. However, there is no jasmine in this...so, confused, I decided to wait it out to see what happened in the dry down.


    Thankfully, after a while the Snake Oil came out, the acrid BO smell went away and I was left with a truly beautiful scent! Out of all the flowers, the linden seemed to poke out the most. The Snake Oil also became very evident- this is definitely the light floral SO blend. It's very crisp and fresh, while still containing the spice of Snake Oil. Strange, but true, I suppose!


    I am not sure if I want to put up with the really gross initial stage of Cottonmouth, but I must admit that the final outcome of it was quite fantastic. Perhaps it may fare better in a scent locket for me.

  18. This is a lot more "tropical" smelling than I thought it would be. All of the added notes blend together quite nicely to create a light, sweet tropical fruity floral that wafts on top of the Snake Oil spiciness. Although in the bottle it smells "cider-y" it is not really that way on my skin at all. The Snake Oil aspect of this scent gets stronger as time passes, although it never quite takes over the blend. Coral Snake also has quite a bit of throw at first, but it diminshes considerably over time (either that or my nose has become desensitized!)


    This is a perfect summer scent for me, very refreshing!

  19. I, too, am smelling mainly the same leather note that was in Quincey Morris (aka the good leather smell). This blend does not have much Snake Oil in it to me, in fact I can't even smell it at all. I do smell the other notes, but they are really well blended and support the smell of the rich leather. This is absolutely heavenly, rich and sexy in that raw kind of way :P . I am really looking forward to how this ages, and perhaps will invest in another bottle of this. Good stuff!

  20. I never expected to like this one as much as I do! I am getting a lot of Snake Oil with olive leaf and bit of oakmoss (it's oddly lending a bit of a cologny feel to the blend, but not too much, thankfully!). This really isn't aquatic on me in the least. Instead, it is a sweet scent with hints of greenery. All in all very unique and lovely, yet still an all purpose can-be-worn-anywhere scent. I think I may need to hoard this one :P - aside from Boomslang this is definitely my favorite of the snakes!

  21. My there have been a lot of lovely chamapca blends as of late, and this is no exception! Initially with this one I get a lot of champaca and frankincense. It is smoky yet understated- not a low of throw. I never end up smelling much Snake Oil in this one, I think it just adds to the smoky incense feel that is behind the champaca.


    I really am liking this one, but my only complaint is that it is not very strong or long lasting. It really fades out to a whisper after an hour or two. Perhaps that will change with time. Either way, I'll still keep my bottle cause it is a lovely scent!

  22. This is rich, heady and sensual! I am not one to like the ylang ylang very much, but it isn't very prominent for me in this blend. This is mostly honey iwth some very strong fruit undertones. It reminds me a lot of Athens, actually. There is definitely something comforting about this blend; it exudes warmth. Not sure if this one screams 'bottle' to me, but it is lovely for sure.

  23. OK, I don't even know why I tested this one. It has the evil combination of doom for me- jasmine and rose. PLUS other flowers added in (well, okay, I do love orchid, though). Of course when this one hit my skin it was like the apocalypse...sharp rose, musty cloying jasmine and some other floraliness mixed in for good measure.


    Ultimately jasmine is giving this one a musty BO edge. Maybe it's the jasmine and magnolia combo. I don't know for sure, but I do know that this is not working for me. bleh. :P
