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Posts posted by euterpe414

  1. Our springtime celebratory perfume is crafted with orris root, bergamot, frankincense, daffodil, orange pulp, attar of rose, jonquil, strawberry leaf, benzoin, violet leaf, copal, honey cakes, sweet cream, and the blossoms of springtime.

    I had no idea what this would smell like since there are a gazillion notes in it...but it's flippin' great!
    I'm getting a lot of copal and frankincense in particular (yay!!!), a bit of the honeycakes- similar to All Souls I suppose in that they aren't really sweet- and herbs/flowers (I can't distinguish these notes separately, they blend together really well). All of these lovely elements produce quite a unique scent, one that is indeed quite cheery and springy despite having a lot of resin in it. I haven't done well with sunny or cheery scents like Sol Invictus and Et Lux Fuit, so I am glad I have this to cheer me up when I need it. This is the most impressive blend to me out of my latest order, for sure.

    :P :D :D

  2. Pink Moon goes through a SERIOUS musty stage on me in the beginning but then settles down to be a nice slightly sweetened carnation scent. I am not sure if I want to put up with the musty stage to get to this lovely scent at the end...Actually I am confued about what is causing the mustiness since I can wear blends like Morocco and Alice without any funky stage at all. Perhaps it's the phlox. I don't really get the Antique Lace comparison. This is not nearly as sweet on my skin as that. Also, for a floral, this has a LOT of throw! Be careful not to apply too much or you could get a headache! All in all this is a great floral blend which I am sure will please a great many people. It's definitely not too cloying or old ladyish, however I wish that my chemistry wouldn't mess with it so!

  3. I agree that this one feels very much like a Mad Tea Party scent. What exactly that means, I don't know. :D


    All of the notes in this are very blended to together to create a fruity-citrus melange when wet on th skin. However, like the previous reviewer, it goes soapy on me after a while. Bah. I have no idea what could be doing this- maybe sage, but usually sage works on me. Anyhow- it turns soapy and fades quickly. :P


    I really like the way Croquet smells in the bottle, though, so I am going to keep this for use in my scent locket, where hopefully it won't resemble a dryer sheet!


    ETA- Today (one day later...) I decided to try Croquet in the locket as a last effort and it is fabulous! It doesn't go soapy at all and retains it's lovely tart-fruit-salad-ness. The sage also adds a great 'edge' to it and I can definitely smell it better in the locket. Definite keeper :D If this blend goes awry on you, try it in a scent locket because it most likely will work much better there.

  4. I usually like lily scents (so far the only one that doesn't work is Tiger Lily) and this is no exception. It's, like others have said, a very complex scent. I can't pick out individual notes (other than lily, haha) but it seems like there may be a bit of juicy orange in here- it has a very ripe, sweet feel similar to Lucy Westenra. There is also a bit of spice in here all well, most likely clove. As it dries it gets spicier and loses some of its 'juicyness'.


    This is a gorgeous scent and a great addition to the GC. I will definitely wear this one in the spring and summer.



  5. Nefertiti is a very lovely, exotic resin blend. It really morphs on me from minute to minute- sometimes it is predominantly iris (which is a soft iris, not like that in Morella or Florence) with some sandalwood, the next it is more golden and resinous. I am really enjoying this blend. While it is not my favorite iris blend (iris is one of my favorite florals, though...), I do like it a lot and will consider buying a bottle of this. It seems perfect for quiet, warm days, where there is not much to do except read and drink tea :P

  6. At first this one goes on smelling like an aquatic (?) - very watery and clean. Then the woodsiness and herbalness begin to blossom once it has been on my skin for a while. I am not getting any of the 'coconut' or 'buttery' thing that other people have been smelling, which is neither here nor ther for me. This scent, to me, doesn't need that element to be good. Once it has been on my skin for a while it smells kind of like the park near my house after it has rained for a few days. :P


    Crow Moon rests on my skin as a light herbal/minty scent with a faint backdrop of woods. It is very lovely and I am sorry I didn't order a bottle of it when it was available. I think I may hunt down a bottle on the forums, though...

  7. This is lovely! On me a get a very dry resinous, peppery backdrop with tangerine in the forefront. This is, as others have said, a unique resinous scent in the BPAL catalogue. It is bright and smoky at the same time, and absolutely captivating. I can't stop sniffing myself! This one does not have a lot of throw, but stays for a long while on the skin. I can see this scent being perfect for all seasons, since it is not too heavy due to the citrus yet also contains resin so it works well for winter. Lovely, and as soon as my imp runs out I am ordering a bottle.

  8. Hibiscus syriacus, white sandalwood, lily of the valley, apple blossom, and green fig.

    On me this is a very green lily scent. The two most prominent notes are lily and fig. However, this is not a winning combination for me. While I like all of the notes in this blend individually or in other combinations, this blend in particular smells a lot like aqua net on me (no joke!). I am quite sad, because I thought this one would work very well but it just doesn't. :P I guess Lilium Inter Spinas is one of those 'exceptions to the rule'.

  9. At first this a sweet fruity scent, but the musk or combination of light fruit and musk (I think this is it...) in it makes it go very acrid on my skin. It's a shame because I thought this would be a nice, light scent for me. The fae are now off to find a better resting place...

  10. On me this a light gentle musk with a bare hint of sandalwood. It's very comforting and soft- until it hits some weird point in the drydown and goes very sharp (someone else compared this to Destroying Angel and I completely agree- that one was fabulous on me too until it went sharp in the drydown :P ). Anyhow, I think I will still keep my bottle for use in my wonderful scent locket, where my skin can't ruin it!

  11. yep, like everyone has said, this is men's cologne to the extreme. If you want a citrus-y crisp men's cologne but don't want to smell the alcohol found in the department store types, this is your blend. I suppose this could be worn by women, just not me, as I am not a cologne-y kinda gal. One last thing- the jasmine is absolutely not a problem in this blend, and I have major issues with jasmine. So no fretting! :P

  12. This is a very nice twist on a traditional masculine leather scent- at first (wet on my skin) it smells resinous in a way that is similar to Mr. Jaquel. Then it dries down to leather + incense/resins + a hint of cologne. I like the way this smells, but this is the same leather that is in Loviatar- I am quite sure of this because I get headaches from that type of leather (it's a dark leather smell as opposed to that in, say, Quincey Morris) and sure enough, I have a headache from this one, too.


    Anyhow, if you like leather scents and they don't give you nasty headaches, then you should definitely try this one.

  13. I definitely think that he should try Dee. The description of notes is:


    His scent is soft English leather, rosewood and tonka with a hint of incense, parchment and soft woods.


    It's quite an amazing scent- very earthy with an great parchment note. It did not smell primarily of leather either (at least to me)- it's much more in the woodsy category in my opinion. Anyhow, I think it's one of your best bets for this type of scent in the GC blends.

  14. Tiresias is an amaing woodsy caramel on me. There are definitely other notes blending with the caramel, but the nd result is so amazing. I love it! :P


    Arrival of the Sabbath is very good as well, but on me the florals and sandalwood are very present alongside the caramel.

  15. :P :D :D


    Yes, that's right. Love. Have you ever wondered what Bow and Crown of Conquest would smell like if you took out the leather and added cocoa? Or what 13 (the new one) would smell like if it romped around in the forest for a while? This is sort of how this blend feels to me- powerful yet comforting at the same time. This is in no way to me a gourmand scent. It is more on the earthy, herbal side. The cocoa in this behaves a lot like it does in Tezcatlipoca (i.e. adds a round richness to the scent), although it does not disappear in this blend after 15 minutes, thank goodness! The notes in this one are incredibly well blended. I know they are all present (except cistus, since I don't particularly know what that smells like on its own) but they have formed their own unique concoction like they are supposed to :) Wulric, is rich, earthy, a touch sweet; it's a very powerful scent, yet also appropriate for quieter moments as well (sounds weird, I know, but trust me)


    Many people have been mentioning that this blend feels masculine to them. However, to me, this is a truly unisex blend. I don't see this one as having any particular gender. (but perhaps that is me, and sometimes I do go for the more traditionally masculine scent, and I'm a vetiver lover..hehe) I think this would be great on a man but I sure am going to wear it a lot, too.


    This is yet another big big hit for me from CD Act 3, so much so that I just ordered a bottle after testing my imp. Fans of the newer 13 and Bow & Crown should definitely try this one out.


    eta: FWIW I noticed that the cocoa note must be the same one that is in Boomslang- because there was that similar residue on the inside of my imp...yummy.

  16. This one does smell like orchids on me (thankfully my skin is behaving! :D ) At first it goes on as a very light orchid, but gains a bit of depth as time goes on- it gets richer and a bit sweeter.


    SWO is a very tropical scent to me; it's in the same category of florals for me as Pele or Black Lily, but not in terms of the exact scent, just feel. Anyhow, it's exotic, feminine, and vibrant.. I feel this scent definitely embodies the flower in question.


    I'm happy I bought a bottle of this, for it's a sexy and unique floral blend. :P

  17. This is a big melange of tropical/exotic fruits and peony. Very light, fruity and appropriate for summer (or when you want to feel like it's summer, like today, perhaps!). I wore this today and was pleasantly surprised by this scent. It did not go sharp at all or become to heady (peony sometimes does that to me, like in Peony Moon). I smelled like a wonderful fruit salad :P My only complaint is that it did not last very long- after three hours it was all but gone. All in all this is a very unique blend for my BPAL collection and I will definitely wear it in the warmer weather. I bet it will smell fantastic in a scent locket, too!

  18. This is such a smooth, rich scent. Very much a spicy amber, but not as strong of a spice like that which is in The Lion. At times this almost feels like a foody scent- I am detecting this hint of vanilla. Yum. This scent definitely transports me to an exotic oasis in the desert- this is a very, very good thing, of course!


    I love amber scents, and am very happy to add Mr. Jaquel to my menagerie of amber-goodness. :P Fans of Jacob's Ladder and The Lion definitely should pick this one up!

  19. Dark, moody, and bittersweet: black currant, patchouli, tobacco, cinnamon leaf, caramel, muguet, and red sandalwood.

    Tobacco is such an iffy note for me, but when it works it WORKS. That being said, Tiresias is simply a dream blend for me- a woodsy caramel that is not in any way buttery- just sugary, rich, sexy..MM. :P Actually, the drydown reminds me a lot fo Anaconda, but without the Snake Oil.
    As Tiresias wears on the caramel fades some and it becomes a much more woodsy blend. Very gorgeous, and indeed a tad similar to Luperci as mentioned before. I am glad this blend exists because I really wanted to love Red Lantern which ahs similar notes, but it sadly didn't work for me at all.

    This blend is one for hoarding. I didn't expect to like this as much as I do...but I really can't get enough. I foresee some stockpiling in the future!

  20. In the bottle this is very reminiscent of the churchy incense blends (Midnight Mass, Penitence, etc.), but on my skin it becomes way more complex. Ther orris and grassy notes give it a sweeter, more green edge. This is still primarily a resin blend, though, but one unique it enough that it will most likely find its way into my bottle collection :P Fans of Midnight Mass and the like should give this a try.

  21. I initially tested this one during my 'time o' the month', and something went horribly awry (akin to that lovely 'pickle' smell that some people get from frankincense mixed with the smell of something rotting), lol. So, I waited and tried again. I am quite glad that I did! King Cobra, when my skin is behaving correctly, is an amazing blend of wood, resin and vanilla. I agree with a previous reviewer in that the resins smell incredibly fresh- like rubbing fresh copal on my skin. I wore this all day yesterday and felt so calm, collected and happy. Something about this blend just does wonders for my spirits! It's too bad that I can't wear this one at certain times...


    Verdict- this one is a keeper, with possibly a second bottle looming on the horizon. :P

  22. Wow, this may be the only aquatic blend besides Caliban that did not go pure soap or detergent on me! (well, if you wanna count Banded Sea Snake then this is the third blend, but whateva) This is just a pure marine scent- like standing on a pier and having sea spray splash in your face. It reminds me of my childhood growing up near the sea :P . Very soft, natural yet surprisingly long lasting on my skin. I'm not sure whether or not this is a bottle purchase since I don't often crave aquatics but I am definitely keeping my imp. I can only imagine that this would be a most perfect room scent as well!
