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BPAL Madness!


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Blog Comments posted by euterpe414

  1. ugh, I know how you feel! A friend of mine keeps tagging photos of me that are just incredibly unflattering (not in a fat way, well sometimes, but usually in an 'I'm making the most unattractive face ever' way) and I don't know how to tell her not to...and if I untag it it will look weird. Bleh. The whole 'tagging' thing completely sucks!

  2. thanks! Yeah, I feel pretty fortunate that the gyms are not pricey, well at least not this one. France is pretty nice to students as far as discounts go :joy: I don't get why gymns have to be so expensive in the US, though...the one by my old neighborhood was $70 a month, I think. Needless to say, I did not join!

  3. :joy: Well, you an feel better because I don't have a live journal or myspace. One night a few months ago I was drunk and my friends convinced me to get a facebook account, but I never use it. I just feel weird about people I see every day reading my journal/blog, what have you. Here it's a lot safer and I feel quite comfortable, but even then I forget to post often...I always get tons of crap from people about not having myspace though. Ha.