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Everything posted by euterpe414

  1. euterpe414


    On my this is CHERRY BLOSSOM with a hint of wisteria and plum blossom. This one has tons of throw on me- it's almost overwhelming at first, actually, but calms down as it dries. The scent does not morph at all on me, but stays a vivid, fresh cherry blossom throughout. I do think this is one of the more "commercial" BPAL scents I have smelled- it smells a lot like what other women my age (20's) are wearing right now where I live., but without the 'fake' or overly full of perfumer's alcohol smell. This is certainly not my normal perfume fare, but I really, really, like it, and for some reason my nose is glued to my wrist. This scent is the epitome of spring-like femininity- light, fresh, a bit sweet and a bit tart as well. It's very pink to me, which is great b/c I don't have really any scents of that type in my scent wardrobe (well, aside from Pink Moon but that is something entirely different!). It's a lovely scent and I'm glad I took a gamble in ordering it.
  2. euterpe414

    Ebisu Making Love As Two Octopuses Look On

    I was very surprised by this scent- it was not as bright and fruity as I thought it would be. The nectarine is very subdued and only slightly sweet, and blends beautifully with the oakmoss and musk. This scent feels very clean and watery to me without being aquatic, which is great b/c I love the feel of aquatic scents but they mostly go soapy on me. It does not have a lot of throw but lasts for a while on my skin. I also suspect it would be perfect for a scent locket in the summer months. it makes me feel very fresh and pretty but not overly girly, which is perfect.
  3. euterpe414

    Sugar Moon 2008

    This is sooooo sexy! On me this is a very smoky black currant with hints of sugar cane and strawberry. To sum it up- smoky berries with a sexy bite. It lasts forever on my skin and has great throw. All day yesterday I was saying "what is that lovely smell wafting...oh, it's me!"- it really creates a lovely scent cloud around you without having to use a lot of oil (I was testing it so there was only a tiny drop on my skin). This is probably my favorite lunacy blend since Singing Moon, it's definitely not to be missed!
  4. euterpe414

    Men Ringing Bell with Penises

    On me this scent is a very fresh, vibrant green tea (funny, b/c black tea is what is listed, I guess my nose is trying to fool me!). There is a hint of fruitiness but the blend never gets overwhelmingly sweet. I can detect the moss but it is not overpowering, it just contributes to the freshness of the tea. This blend is definitely similar to Beth's other Asian inspired blends like Neo-Tokyo, Hungry Ghost Moon and Tamamo No Mae. The green sandalwood also makes me think a bit of Faiza, too. It's the perfect summertime tea scent for me, in fact- not too astringent, not too sweet, just right! It lasts for a very long time on me and has a fair amount of throw. This is definitely a multiple bottle blend for me, I lovvve it!
  5. euterpe414


    I, too, must agree with the people stating that this is the Japanese version of O. This is a very sweet floral honey on my skin with a faint whiff of ginger. I don't get that much musk in it, but that might change once the blend ages a little. I see this scent as very golden and warm, kind of like there is a lovely fragrant halo all around me when I wear it. This is definitely a 'skin' scent, but it lasts on me for a long time even though the throw is faint. It's a really, really beautiful scent for honey lovers - those that love O and Hony Mone should definitely try it. Gorgeous! I may even need to get more than one bottle of this... :D
  6. euterpe414


    At first when I tested this it was cloyingly sweet and gave me a headache! Then I let the bottle sit for a week and tried it again- seems like it just needed a while to mellow out. Trying it now, I get an even mixture of pretty much all of the notes- the sweetness of the champaca, honey and vanilla really tempers the jasmine's sharp tendencies on my skin, making it one of the few wearable jasmine scents for me There is also a very faint spicy edge to this scent, the cinnamon I suspect, but it's almost hard to detect but I really enjoy it when I do smell it. I do not get any cloying aspect to this now, I suspect perhaps it was the jasmine hone haywire in transit, who knows... This scent also reminds me a little bit of Vasakasajja, but with way more attitude.
  7. euterpe414

    Her Voice

    I am so sad, reading everyone else's lovely reviews I can only wish that I got the smell of fresh flowers and beeswax, like it smells to me in the bottle. As soon as Her Voice hits my skin it turns into a soapy, grassy scent and when it is completely dry it is soap + grass + sharp rose. So sad, I was really hoping this would work on me since I love the scent of fresh flowers. I suspect it was one of the lilies, since Tiger Lily, a blend I really wanted to work on me also turned to soap. Ah well, it will undoubtedly find a better home soon.
  8. euterpe414

    The Oval Portrait

    Evil was the hour that she saw, and loved, the painter. Gentle beauty and innocent devotion: honeysuckle, carnation, stargazer lily, bluebonnet, vanilla musk, and rice flower. I'm really loving the Oval Portrait- it is so dainty and feminine, something which I don't identify with personally but on occasion love in a fragrance. It reminds me very much of some other creamy light floral blends- Pink Moon, Antique Lace, Haloes, Victoria and The Atrocious Attic, yet manages to hold its own. The presence of the light musk and the almost green, crisp lily really stand out to me and make this fragrance unique. The other floral notes tend to stay very well blended, and the drydown does not change this scent very much. It lasts quite a long time on my skin but has a medium amount of throw. I'm glad I got a chance to snag a bottle of this since I missed it when it was up on DD, it's wonderful!
  9. euterpe414

    Pisces 2008

    The opium in this one really reminds me of the opium in Chrysanthemum Moon. As soon as I put it on my skin it was the first thing that popped into my head. I found Pisces to be really well blended- it gives me a very warm, herbal feel with a floral undertone. I wonder where the sarsparilla is b/c I can't really smell it... It's funny because another one of the words that popped into my head was 'earthy' and I'm trying to describe Pisces...ha. Anyhow, this scent has a very large amount of throw on me and lasts for a long time. Quite an interesting blend and I'm sorry that the astrological blends are coming to a close b/c I have really enjoying trying every one of them.
  10. euterpe414


    WOW. This is a nose-glued-to-wrist kinda scent for me! I got it as a frimp today in a forum sale and I think I have to order a bottle ASAP, I can't live without this scent! At first it's all juicy, ripe melon with a kick of chili- reminds me of those dried fruits with chili on them that I would always buy at the grocery store when I lived in LA (yum! I miss them!) Then as it dries it becomes more complex and the honey and tobacco give a darker, richer feeling. The melon and chili are still there but blend very well into the dark sweetness. I can't really describe anymore what it smells like since it truly is an odd combination, but it is so addictive and delicious. This is one of the more unique GC BPAL blends I have tried, if not the most unique, and I think everyone should give it a go at least once
  11. euterpe414

    Parlement of Foules

    this is the 2008 version My skin chemistry has been going through some changes, I think, and rose blends have been faring much better with me in the past year (thank goodness b/c I love the smell of roses!). I had been hesitant to try this in years past, but this time around I went ahead and ordered a bottle. This is what I wanted Rose Cross to be on me (that sadly turned sour and powdery)- dark, deep resins with sweet rose wafting over it. This blend is just gorgeous, and indeed very 'classical' in feel. I picture a very ornate rose carved into wood in a church, with the smell of incense wafting around me. Love, love, love this one, and I'm glad I got a chance to try it this year!
  12. euterpe414


    On my skin, Anactoria is musky, earthy and very animalistic. At first when it's wet it is completely musk, amber and honey. After a while the sweetness from the currant and the sharper herbal quality of the kush appear and make it even sexier than it was before- I love the touch of currant with the honey- it keeps the blend form getting too heavy on my skin. This lasts for a quite a long while and just seems to glow on my skin, I love it!
  13. euterpe414

    I Married a Vampire from Planet X

    Mmmmm...this was the first bottle I tried out of the scents I got today (all my awaited packages came at once- scent party!!) and it is just incredible!! In the bottle it smelled very herbal with darker undertones, but once it hit my skin it became predominantly a musky, spicy, herbal wine smell. Yum. I can't seem to take my nose away from my wrist... Everything is very well blended in this one, like others have said, and at points I can detect pretty much all of the notes, although the most dominant of them all is the musk. One the other side, the leather and citrus are probably the most understated for me, they just peek out from time to time and make this blend all the more intriguing- so those afraid of leather should not be in this blend (some leather gives me headaches but this one is just fabulous and behaves itself). The tone of this blend is really sexy and mysterious- one that I could see myself wearing often . It is pretty unique in the world of BPAL blends- I can't find much to compare it with since it is made up of so many things! I am very happy to own a bottle. (in fact, just now I went ahead and ordered a second )
  14. euterpe414


    If you can, definitely try to get ahold of a bottle or imp of Wezwanie/Hold. It's got this honey/nut sweetness to it and reminds me very much of baklava or a similar pastry. It's delicious!
  15. euterpe414


    Tanuki is definitely a shape shifting scent for me. From one minute to the next, I smell an array of tart fruits, pine, and bamboo. The notes are always swirling around, confusing and delighting me at the same time. Sometimes when I sniff my wrist it seems to smell a bit soapy, but then I sniff again and I smell fruit. I also noticed that the throw on this one is a lot sweeter than if I sniff it up close. I know many people are comparing this to Fire Pig, but I do not find them to be that similar. Fire Pig is much sweeter and more of a lychee based scent for me. This one seems to be more bamboo based. Anyhow, I am not sure if I completely like Tanuki since the occasional soapiness can be off putting. I'm going to at least keep it around until spring when I can give it several tries to see if it has settled down any.
  16. euterpe414

    Noche Buena

    Noche Buena brings to mind a gorgeous bouquet of tropical, bright flowers. At some points on my skin it brings to mind more generic 'designer floral' perfumes, which I think is the fault of plumeria, but when it dries fully the 'generic' girl smell seems to go away. Once it is dry it really reminds me strongly of the floral component in Dia de los Muertos, which is a good thing since I love that blend. It is not incredibly strong, but seems to last for quite a while. If you like blends such as Hi'iaka, Pele and Dia de los Muertos, I definitely recommend this blend!
  17. euterpe414


    I was very surprised when I read the notes after testing this scent and saw that there was ylang ylang in it. Usually the evil ylang ylang takes over on my skin and turns everything into a cloying disaster. However, Eve continually stays light, feminine and innocent on my skin. It did not morph very much on me, and smelled mainly of honey, apple and rose. Although this is a light, breezy scnet, it is a very juicy scent on me, like biting into a ripe, sweet gala apple. This is definitely going to be a winner for me in the springtime, and I am very grateful to the lab for sending this to me as a frimp- the mention of ylang ylang would have scared me off otherwise!
  18. euterpe414

    Love's Philosophy

    This is seriously the ultimate comfort scent I get the 'wintergreen' phase at first, but it lasts for less than 5 minutes; I'm then left with an amazing, creamy, true vanilla that lasts forever. I don't really detect very much saffron in this- I suspect, though, that the saffron and cream together is what made my nose think 'wintergreen' at first. Anyway, it is a lovely scent, just like a warm, fuzzy hug, and I am very happy to have purchased a bottle!
  19. euterpe414

    The Shivering Boy

    At first I was not going to order this scent, but I changed my mind at the last minute and I'm glad I did! This is one of the more interesting blends that I have smelled this year. All of the elements in this blend are equal to my nose- resin, fruit, forest and snow- they produce an overall smell that is really comforting, a bit spicy but with an underlying chill to it. Almost like sipping hot wine out in the nighttime winter air.... So, I can't really put this scent in any category since it embodies many of them- that's a good thing, I think! Thankfully I don't get any soapiness from this at all, and it lasts quite a while on my skin with a bit of throw. Shivering Boy is a fantastic winter scent and probably the most unique to my nose of all the Yule blends.
  20. euterpe414

    Old Moon

    I really love this blend! I have tried (and love) a lot of juniper/evergreen type blends, and I must admit sometimes they begin to all smell a bit similar, but the lunar oils and faint hint of flowers in this blend really set it apart from the others. All the notes blend very well together, and really give me a clear picture of a snowy forest at night time. I find it's very relaxing to wear this, since the mental image it gives me is one that puts me in a nice, calm place My only complaint about this blend is that I wish it lasted longer on my skin, but I will try wearing it in a scent locket in the future to see if that helps extend its wear and throw. Overall, this is a beautiful winter blend that I will enjoy very much.
  21. euterpe414

    Scent for Halloween?

    I wore Winter of Our Discontent on Christmas, just like last year. I think it's becoming a holiday tradition for me This New Year's Eve I wore Green Tree Viper. I have no idea why, I just felt like it went with my outfit (yes, perfume must match what I'm wearing).
  22. euterpe414

    Capricorn 2007

    Lovely, lovely pine! This is a very true, green pine scent on my skin, with a clear, almost watery background to it after it's dried a bit (I think that is the cypress, which gives hints of aquatic on my skin). This would be great on anyone, and is absolutely perfect for the holiday season imho. It lasts for a long time on my skin and has a medium amount of throw.
  23. euterpe414


    This is so gorgeous, soft and sensual. At first it is very faint on my skin, but the longer it is on the more the plum, carnation and musk mingle together and amplify themselves (it never gets overwhelming, but stays at just the right amount of 'come hither' throw). I do agree that this is similar to Frumious Bandersnatch, yet much, much softer and more round, if that makes sense. It makes me feel really elegant and beautiful, and just a bit dark and daring. A perfect combination of notes
  24. euterpe414


    This is a very bright, buoyant scent. The plum, orchid and jasmine work really well together, I think that the plum and orchid help keep the jasmine from going bad on me, somehow It stays the same throughout the drydown and has a decent amount of throw. I don't detect a lot of musk, I suspect it's helping to ground the scent but it isn't overpowering the flowers or fruit at all. I think this is perfect for spring and summer, although I would apply it with a light hand as too much fruity sweetness might give me a headache. Overall a lovely blend- if you like some of the older Asian themed lunacy blends I highly recommend trying this one.
  25. euterpe414

    Judith and Holofernes

    What a magnificent, womanly scent!! Judith... starts out with skin musk, honey, magnolia and carnation, very sweet and a bit heady, but in a good way It really calls to mind the scent of a rich, powerful and classic beauty, someone very much like Judith in this painting. Then after a while the darker, earthier notes come into the blend and really darken it up, making it very sultry and sexy. This is definitely a blend that would get you some positive attention! The blend pretty much stays in the 'earthier' stage on my skin for a long while, before it fades and I am with whisps of a sweet honey floral.