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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by euterpe414

  1. euterpe414


    This starts off very sharply on my skin- I am getting a lot of lavendar and neroli. As it dries, it slightly mellows, which is nice as well. There is a bit more of the musk in the mix as time goes on. I don't really detect all the notes listed, perhaps my skin is amping the lavendar (I don't mind this, though). This is very masculine on me, but I will wear it anyway .
  2. euterpe414

    The Death Of Sardanapal

    I was really scared of this one as I sniffed it from the bottle. It was so loud and intimidating (guessing that this is the cassia that makes me feel this way). But on my skin, it became a beautiful wine scent, cassia & wine with a touch of honey. The only problem is that my skin sort of burns a little bit....but I am kind of ignoring that because it is such a gorgeous scent. (if it keeps up the burning I will just put this in a scent locket). I am so happy I took a chance and ordered this bottle. It really fits the painting to a T, also.
  3. euterpe414


    ... Holy frankincense and hyssop in union with earthy fig, defiled by black patchouli and vetiver, with a chaotic infusion of lavender, cardamom, tamarind, rosemary, oakmoss and cypress. Woah nelly! This is an incredibly strong scent. It is all lavendar and pine in the vial, and on my skin. As it dries, the frankincense comes out....but where is the fig??? I love fig....drat! I think this would make a good room scent for me, since I love piney and woodsy smelling rooms, but this is not cutting it as a fragrance for me to wear. ah well.
  4. euterpe414


    Wow. I got the strongest whiff of wintergreen when I smelled this! Then, eventually, on second sniff, I detected the cedar. On my skin it is pretty much the same. Starts out "wintergreen", ends up cedar & incense. Not sure if I'd like a bottle of this,but the imp is nice.
  5. euterpe414


    I don't know about this one... in the vial it smelled like dandelion and grass. I was very excited. But then on my skin it turned into the scent of Halls cherry cough drops. Odd. Now as it dries i am getting sharp greens with cough drops. Definetely not working out for me. Too, bad, I had some hope for this one.
  6. euterpe414


    This scent smells excatly like I thought it would. Very marine-like. It smells a lot like the estuaries that are near the house where I grew up (not salty enough to smell like ocean, which is good!). I really like this, but I don't think I'll ever get a bottle since I don't go for ozone scents regularly. If you do love ozones, though, this is a must try, in my opinion. This scent smells excatly like I thought it would. Very marine-like. It smells a lot like the estuaries that are near the house where I grew up (not salty enough to smell like ocean, which is good!). I really like this, but I don't think I'll ever get a bottle since I don't go for ozone scents regularly. If you do love ozones, though, this is a must try, in my opinion.
  7. euterpe414

    The Dormouse

    This is one of the first bottle of BPAL that I ever got, and because I wasn't too smart back then, I ordered it unsniffed. Fortunately, I totally loved it, and still do. This blend is predominately tea on me, mixed with a bit of Peony. Surprisingly enough, this peony does not give me a headache (Peony Moon gave me a severe headache!), and the fragrance lasts for a few hours before disappearing. That is not bad for a tea blend, since my skin tends to like ot soak them up.
  8. euterpe414


    This is definitely what I would imagine the ultimate innocent feminine scent to be. Light, sweet with a touch of fruit and vanilla. Very much a feminine version of The Lion, as others have said. I like this, but I am not really the overly sweet and frilly type, so I'm not sure that this scent suits me, although there is absolutely nothing wrong with it on my skin. Ahh! I guess you could say that I really like this, I just don't know if it will turn into a bottle for me. I'm definitely going to keep the imp just in case I am feeling sweet and gentle one day .
  9. euterpe414


    In the vial, all I could smell was green- fig and ylang ylang. Strange. On my skin, it turned into pure honey from the get go, and then mellowed out to where I can now pick out all of the notes (even though they are well blended). This is a very gorgeous blend. I love fig, and I am happy to have finally tried this one. I am not sure when, but sometime I will defientely get a bottle of this. This blend also has great lasting power on me as well. Yipee!
  10. euterpe414

    Chaos Theory III: Strange Attractors

    OK, I am not the best at note detection, but I shall try: CDLXXIV: FIRST SNIFF: strangely similar to Eat Me (ooo yay!) WET: Eat Me, but with more sweet fruit than cake DRY: Fruity (berry and sweet orange, possibly) with a hint of vanilla. This is one is a keeper, for sure!! DCXXII: FIRST SNIFF: dark berries, similar to the berry in Montresor ( hopefully this won't be cough syrup!!) WET: dark berry/wine and dryer sheets???? hm. Wait a minute...there may be some jasmine in here too! DRY: OK, I have really no idea what is in this, but it isn't working for me. I am pretty sure there may be jasmine in here, because jasmine tends to ruin things for me. Actually, it is now smelling a bit like New Orleans. Go figure!
  11. euterpe414

    Rose Red

    Thank goodness this did not go sharp or soapy on me- most rose blends to do this. This is so amazingly gorgeous, and everything I could ever want out of a rose scent. I am so glad that I finally snagged a bottle of this! It smells so dewy, green and fresh.
  12. euterpe414


    Got this as a frimp, and once again, I am glad I did. This smells like grasses, dirt, and the air where I walk with my dog a lot of times in the hills (we always see coyotes, too ). This is not a "me" scent, but I certainly like it enough to keep the imp.
  13. euterpe414

    Et Lux Fuit

    At last, the light at the end of our three-month tunnel of misfortune. To commemorate this momentous occasion, we present a big ol’ bottle of sunny, happy, bounciness -- a golden blend with a celebratory feel, promoting joy, peace, and a sense of comfort and well-being: golden amber, heliotrope, vanilla musk, carnation, daisy and sunflower bouquet, neroli, lemon peel, ylang ylang and honeycomb. This is, as others have said, a very well blended scent. I am also having a hard time picking anything out of this except for the honey (seems similar to the honey in Litha to me, actually) and vanilla/citrus. Very, very sunshiney and warm. I really love this is in the bottle and on my skin, sxcept when it has been there for a while (over a few hours)it begins to smell like hairspray . I am still giving this a good try all day, and if it keeps up with this hairspray business, it may need to find a new home. Although, i am guessing since it is 110 degrees out that maybe my sweat may be tweaking this a bit since it only started to smell strange when I got a little sweaty.
  14. euterpe414

    And There Was A Great Cry In Egypt

    I am totally in love with scent, as I suspected! It smelled, like others have said, very strong, woodsy and masculine in the bottle. However on my skin after it dries I smell cardamom, saffron sandalwood with an ambery background. I wore this yesterday, but I think I am going to set the rest aside to age, because I am betting it will be beyond gorgeous that way! The only not so nice part of this scent is that is does not last as long as other resinous scents usually do on my skin. Oh well, I will just keep reapplying! eta: I am wearing today this after I have aged it for 6 months it has really improved! The resins have gained a lot more depth and really meld much better with the cardmom and saffron instead of going sharp. Also, the lasting power is much, much better. I find that this is usually the case with BPAl resins (amber and sandalwood esp.)- a little ageing helps them gain a better, stronger presence. I am glad I did not swap this one away because it is gorgeous and I will be wearing it more often!
  15. euterpe414

    La Bella Donna Della Mia Mente

    I just got this as a frimp in my HGM order. I would have never tried this had it not been for the labbies ( ), since it has rose in it and I am super wary of rose with other florals. However, this is an amazingly gorgeous scent. On my skin it smells like light juicy fruits, especially white peaches and pomegranite, with a hint of aquatic. No soap, no sharpness. I just might have to get a bottle of this sometime...
  16. euterpe414

    The Sleeper

    I sort of impulsively bought this off ebay a while ago way after DiMV was discontinued. It was never on my wishlist because of the evil jasmine, but I figured I'd give it a go anyway. In the bottle I smell rosemary, almost singularly. Very lovely and herbal. Once it hit my skin, opium definetely became present. Actually, I can't pick out the jasmine in the mix, but I am sure it is there because there is a definete floral edge to this blend. As it dries, it actually reminds me of one of my favorite "regular" perfumes- Je Reviens. Go figure! I am very excited to have this blend, and will save it for special occasions, since I only have one. It is going to be great since I loved Je Reviens but could hardly wear it anymore because I can't handle the alcohol in regular perfumes after wearing BPAL. In short, very glad I took a chance and bought this.
  17. euterpe414


    I just got this as a frimp and was very excited to try it, but... on my skin this was sickengly sweet peach mixed with patchouli. While I love Ravenous, which is a sweet fruit and patchouli blend, Imp was wayyyy too much for me. If I hadn't washed it off soon I'm afraid I would have had a raging headache. Alas! Since I also tried another peachy scent today and didn't like it (Aglaea), I am beginning to think that maybe peach and I do not agree.
  18. euterpe414


    I wish I had gotten an imp of this sooner so I could have ordered a bottle for the summer! It is one of the most refreshing scents that I have tried in a long time. In the imp, it's hard to smell much of anything except an aloe smellperhaps that is because I have been testing a lot of scents lately), however, once it hits my skin, it becomes a lightly spicy scent, mostly pear and sage. I will definetely get a bottle of this at some point, it is so reminiscent of the southwest and will be perfect for when I miss being there!
  19. euterpe414


    This is a bright, bubbly peach on me. It almost smells like a peach single note. Odd. I like it, but not enough to buy a bigger bottle as overly fruity scents that aren't citrus are not my thing.
  20. euterpe414


    I just got this as a frimp in my order (even though I actually just ordered an imp of it, ah well! now I will have two). This is a fantastic scent, just as I had imagined! The rose in this blend is really similar on my skin to the rose in Rakshasa, which is good, becaust most rose blends go extremely sharp (i.e. smell like acetone) on my skin. So, if rose doesn't work on you, don't be deterred from at least trying this blend. Also, though, my skin amps up the rose and saffron, which is very very nice. I am not sure I will buy a full bottle, since I have so many bottles at the moment, but this is quite fantastic, nonetheless.
  21. euterpe414

    New Orleans

    I got this as a frimp with my latest order, and was pretty excited to try it. It smelled like a humid floral blend in the vial, the citrus was definetely present. Surprisingly enough, all of the notes when it hit my skin were there. It was almost like I could pick them out individually. BUT...even though the notes were balanced, the jasmine made this entirely too cloying for my taste. Jasmine has done this in the past, I should have known! Ah well, at least I tried it!
  22. euterpe414

    Hippiesh, spicy, musky scents - without patchouli

    yet another vote for Morocco....
  23. euterpe414


    So, I bought I bottle of this early on in the Maelstrom, and it smelled like cough syrup on my skin and stayed there past the drydown. I thought maybe if i aged it a few months that it would make a difference, maybe the notes would blend and mellow... Nope. Still all cough syrup. Damn. This, besides the Pit and the Pendulum, was the blend I had the most hope for. Funny though, Red Queen, which seems to be a similar blend, does not do this to me at all. I must figure out what note is was in Montresor that killed it for me...
  24. euterpe414

    Litha 2006

    I have not tried Roadhouse, but on me Litha reminds me a lot of Athens, but a bit more complex and a tad less sweet as well. It seems like my skin is really amping up the mead in this blend. That being said, I really love this! It is a wonderful late summer, early fall blend. I will be wearing this a lot! The lasting power and throw is also very very good. EDIT: Strangely, Litha goes VERY VERY sharp and soapy on me during my "time of the month". Odd. Guess I can only wear this one three weeks out of the month!
  25. euterpe414


    Hail unto thee who art Khephra in Thy hiding, even unto Thee who art Khephra in Thy silence, who travellest over the heavens in Thy bark at the Midnight Hour of the Sun. Tahuti standeth in His splendour at the prow, and Ra-Hoor abideth at the helm. Hail unto Thee from the Abodes of Evening. I just got this scent as a frimp with my Lotus Moon order. It was definetely not something that I would order on my own, and I totally am in love! Wet, it is a very green, sweet smell. I suppose this is the cinammon and lavender (although I never smelled a 'definite' lavender smell) Once this scent dries on my skin, though, it becomes an amazing, warm and enveloping scent. Extremely comforting. It smells to me the way dried brushes in a forest smell in late summer around the early evening (I know, very specific, but seriously, it does!). The lasting power is great on me as well. I am so happy I got this, and at some point I will totally get a 5ml of this!